
Murmur your desires while threading a brand new needle, which has never been used, with unbleached thread. This must be passed through the clothing of the woman or man you love near the heart three times.

(He/she does not have to be in the clothing at the time, although no doubt that would enhance the strength of the spell.)

From: Encyclopedia of 5,000 Spells

The following spell is for drawing someone into a sexual relationship. Here’s how to do it:

Lay two sewing needles together, with the eye of one beside the point of the other. Wrap them in a mint or basil leaf, wrapping it toward you. Secure with a red thread, knotting in your desire.

Wrap this in a piece of red silk or satin, again rolling or folding toward you. Place this in a red flannel bag and wear it around your neck or waist.

To end the spell: Remove the charm, take it apart and break both needles.

To reinforce the charm: Feed it with three drops of dark rum added to the open bag.

From: Encyclopedia of 5,000 Spells

This is a easy spell for peace, it helps relax and calm your soul.

Items you will need

  • White candle
  • Needle
  • Full moon

Casting Instructions

  1. Take your needle and write peace in the side of the candle.
  2. Take the needle again and prick your finger.
  3. Rub your blood all over the candle.

Absorb energy into your breath and breathe it into the candle.

Then light your candle and stick it in the ground, being sure that the area around the candle is free of anything that may catch fire. Leave the candle overnight allowing it to burn completely down. As you sleep think of the peace coming to you in the night. Then it shall be.

By Darkbarron

This is a very powerful spell to break and remove all the bad energy, negativity, bad luck, hexes, and etc. that others have put on you, or that you have inadvertently collected or allowed.

You will need:

  • 1 white candle
  • 1 smudge stick OR 1 generous handful of dried sage leaves (not the powder)
  • 1 lemon (lemon essential oil – pure lemon juice will also work)
  • 1 paper plate
  • black marker or pen
  • 13 straight pins
  • 1 black cloth – the size of a large handkerchief
  • 1 egg
  • 1 potato

Making the spell:

Gather your supplies. Get centered.

Draw an “eye of protection” on the paper plate with the black marker or pen. Cut the lemon in half and rub it briskly over the candle until the candle is coated with the juice, wipe your hands on the black cloth. Now, light the candle.

Next light the smudge stick, OR if you are using dried sage, place the leaves into a fireproof container and light them so that they begin to smolder and smoke.

Once you have some good smoke, take the potato and submerge it in the smoke using a circular, counterclockwise motion. When the potato seems well fumigated, set it down on the paper plate and cover it with the black cloth.

Insert the 13 stick pins through the cloth into the potato. Crack the egg over the cloth covered pinned potato and let the egg slide off of it and onto the plate.

Blow on each stick pin and into the potato. As you do this, recite the incantation, saying it louder each time, until you feel the negative energy has left you and transferred into the potato.

The Incantation:

Thirteen pins in the poppet,
Hex be broken. Now I stop it.
Curse be over. Curse be done.
I succeed. I have won.
Bad luck stays within the black.
I am not under attack.
Curse be buried and destroyed.
My life it is now filled with joy!

Dispersing the bad energy:

Unwrap the cloth, being careful to keep the pins intact. If a pin does not come out with the cloth, but stays embedded in the potato, you’ll have to re-do the spell.

This is important. The potato and the black cloth with the pins in it must be disposed of separately, far from your home. The paper plate should be burned, along with whatever remains of the sage. It’s also important to dispose of the lemon (if you used one) and the shell from the egg.

Ideally, the black cloth with the pins will be dropped at a crossroads NOT near your home; the paper plate and the sage burned – their ashes scattered to the four winds; and the potato tossed into a river or sent out with the tide.

Alternatively, the items could be buried near a crossroads (just be sure that the potato and the black cloth are buried separately and at a good distance from one another). Do not bury any of the items in your own back yard!

~Madame Fortuna and Sister Moon

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We should educate people that ‘Witch’ is not evil but ancient and positive. The first time I called myself a ‘Witch’ was the most magical moment of my life.

~Margot Adler

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