Where there is an apple tree, a unicorn is never far. For this wish granting spell, visit an apple tree with a bottle of cold champagne and a moonstone.
Take a moment to relax and connect with the spirit of the tree, as well as its unicorn ally who is likely dwelling nearby, just beyond the veil. When you feel grounded and connected to the magical realm, safely open the champagne and pour it around the roots of the tree.
Then, speak from your heart. Explain that you have come in the hopes of enlisting the unicorn’s help in granting your wish. If you feel a rush of positivity and love, that is an affirmative: the unicorn desires to grant your wish. So speak your wish aloud. Then feel and express gratitude, and place the moonstone by the base of the tree.
Source: Tess Whitehurst
Gather certain fallen twigs;
One of hazel, one of oak,
One of elm, and one of willow;
Hold them to the fire’s smoke,
Say this softly, seven times all:
Turner be turned,
Burner be burned:
Let only good
Come out of this wood.
Spit on each and break it small
Cast them in the fire’s mouth –
The curse will die with the fire’s death.
This is a spell that can be used to help you get whatever it is that you want: healing, guidance, courage, peace, harmony, love, success, money, energy, insight, power… anything. What is required is a clear idea of what you want and/or need, a tree receptive to your need, a leaf from that tree, a charcoal tipped stick, piece of flexible vine, and a dime.
When you have found the tree you are going to be working with, spend a few minutes getting centered and soaking in the energy of the place and developing a sense of connection with the tree. Then, sitting beneath your chosen tree, write or draw a symbol of your need onto the leaf with your charcoal tipped stick.
Rise and walk nine times around the tree clockwise, saying the following or similar words:
Ancient one of the ancient Earth,
Older than time can tell,
Grant me the power at your command
To charge my magic spell.
Repeat as often as necessary until you have walked nine times around the tree.
When finished, tie the leaf around the trunk as tightly as you can with the vine. If this isn’t possible, find a branch and tie it on there. When you are sure that the leaf is secure, take the dime and bury it at the foot of the tree in the Earth in payment for its help. Now leave the area and let the tree do its work.
If, when you return to the tree, the leaf is gone – don’t worry. The forces have been set in motion.
From: Earth Power
On a small leaf make an image of yourself. This can be something as simple as a stick figure and your name. On another make an image of the type of person you wish to meet. Again, a stick figure with words detailing the persons attributes will be fine.
With a green thread, sew the two images together face to face and knot the string tightly.
Go to a tree that emits loving vibrations and find a natural crevice or hole in the tree (don’t make one). If none is available, perhaps the place where a branch is joined to the trunk can be used, as long as it is secure.
Lodge the leaves firmly into the crevice and say as you do:
Tree of Earth, Water, Air and Fire,
Grant me the love that I desire.
Bury seven pennies at its base and it is done.
From: Earth Power
Find a tall sturdy tree that looks healthy and strong. Circle the tree nine times clockwise, asking it to ease your pain, using a chant such as this one:
O great tree, O strong tree,
Absorb my pain so I’ll be free.
Lay back against the tree’s firm, solid trunk; press your back into the bark. Feel the tree absorbing the pain as your back releases it into the tree. After a few minutes, rise and thank the tree by burying something precious at its foot.
From: Earth Power
All trees or boughs
That have been cut
And kept for luck
Within the house
Must not be cast
Away and scorned,
But gravely burned
To dust at last;
Chop them fine,
Give them flame,
Offer this rhyme:
Forgive our fire,
Faithful tree:
Warm us now
Who have warmed thee.
Often, the items we truly need cannot ride home with us in a bag from the mall during the holiday season countdown. The day before Thanksgiving, take a trip to the tree nursery and find a small, potted evergreen. On your way home, purchase a few yards of red, green, and white ribbon.
During the Thanksgiving supper, introduce the tree to the family and the tribe to the tree. Each member of your clan should tie a ribbon on the tree to represent an intangible blessing they would like for the upcoming Yule season. Wishes could be for peace, enough rest, health, etc. Bless the tree and set it where it will have enough light.
When family and friends visit, explain the purpose of the wish tree to them and give them a ribbon to tie on the tree, too. The tree is for everyone. If you plan to use the tree in ritual, have everyone participating make a small ornament, empowered for strengths like self-esteem, goal planning, security, etc. and hang it on the tree while connecting with the divinity of their choice.
On the first day of February, remove all the ornaments and ribbons. Burn the ribbons and cast the ashes to the winds. Pack the ornaments away. Next year, when you open the box, you can de-magick the ornaments and return them to their owners, or hang them on your big tree in memory of last year’s prosperity. Continue to take good care of the tree over the remaining winter months. Don’t forget to give it water and plenty of love. In the spring, you can plant the tree outside on your property or on the property of a friend.
(The above “The Yule Wish Tree” by Silver RavenWolf is quoted directly from Llewellyn’s 1995 Magical Almanac, page 264, Llewellyn Worldwide Publications, 1994.)
This is a very simple magickal procedure that allows you to find a place in nature that you can go to whenever you have a need to feel loved.
Because this is a tree spell, all you need is a place that you can easily go where there are trees and a little privacy. This could be your own back yard, a park in your neighborhood, or any place you know of that seems appropriate. Even a cemetery will do just fine.
First, set in your mind the idea that you are going to find your own “Loving Tree.” Then, begin your search.
Go to each tree, choosing first the ones that appeal to you the most. Touch the tree trunk. You can either stand against it with your back touching the tree, you can hug it if you want to, or you can simply place the palms of your hands on the tree trunk. You will need to actually touch some part of the tree, so if the tree’s trunk isn’t accessible, touch the lower branches.
Then, close your eyes and feel the energy. What does it feel like? If if feels like a surge of power, you have found a “Power Tree. ” Take time to notice whatever feelings you have when you are touching the tree. Some trees are “Laughing Trees,” and you know this right away, because you immediately feel like laughing.
If at first you feel nothing, be patient. It may take a little bit of time for the tree’s energy to reveal itself to you. You’ll know your “Loving Tree” when you find it, because you will feel happiness and peace as well as a feeling of love and being loved.
If no tree seems right, you may need to consider looking in a different place. However, before you give up on your chosen spot, see if there are any large shrubs in the area, try one or two of them. My “Loving Tree” is actually an Autumn Olive, a very small shrub like tree – very beautiful. Birds and butterflies love her too.
Crafted by Sunshine Rose Buletti
The oak tree is lucky for money and health. Try to catch a falling oak leaf in autumn, before it touches the ground. Keep the leaf safely in your purse or wallet to ensure it will never be empty. If an oak leaf accidentally catches you on your person, this is very lucky and you should keep it safe. Likewise, if a bramble catches on your clothes it is considered lucky.
Source: Unknown
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