
This is a very simple magickal procedure that allows you to find a place in nature that you can go to whenever you have a need to feel loved.

Because this is a tree spell, all you need is a place that you can easily go where there are trees and a little privacy. This could be your own back yard, a park in your neighborhood, or any place you know of that seems appropriate. Even a cemetery will do just fine.

First, set in your mind the idea that you are going to find your own “Loving Tree.”  Then, begin your search.

Go to each tree, choosing first the ones that appeal to you the most. Touch the tree trunk. You can either stand against it with your back touching the tree, you can hug it if you want to, or you can simply place the palms of your hands on the tree trunk. You will need to actually touch some part of the tree, so if the tree’s trunk isn’t accessible, touch the lower branches.

Then, close your eyes and feel the energy. What does it feel like? If if feels like a surge of power, you have found a “Power Tree. ” Take time to notice whatever feelings you have when you are touching the tree. Some trees are “Laughing Trees,” and you know this right away, because you immediately feel like laughing.

If at first you feel nothing, be patient. It may take a little bit of time for the tree’s energy to reveal itself to you. You’ll know your “Loving Tree” when you find it, because you will feel happiness and peace as well as a feeling of love and being loved.

If no tree seems right, you may need to consider looking in a different place. However, before you give up on your chosen spot, see if there are any large shrubs in the area, try one or two of them. My “Loving Tree” is actually an Autumn Olive, a very small shrub like tree – very beautiful. Birds and butterflies love her too.

Crafted by Sunshine Rose Buletti

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