Monthly Archives: May 2019
Sometimes force, or balance magic has been used to create an item which is very dense in energy and vampire consciousness. Vampire consciousness simply refers to thoughts or ideas about vampires, or thoughts of vampires. When this combination exists in an item, it may be used by a willing creature to invoke vampirism in their own bodies.
There may be a word of power which is uniquely tied into the item and activates it, however generally they are used by concentrating on your desire. Occasionally these items are even powerful enough to be used to turn others into vampires, although this generally requires the use of someone with an extremely powerful or trained will.
There is also a theoretical possibility that a demon or spirit can give part of their power to a creature to allow them to change themselves into a vampire. This is different from regular demon induced vampirism in that the demon does not in whole become a part of the creature, but instead only a little bit of the demons power is used to initiate the reaction.
This speculation has arisen because many demons have offered this power to humans and other creatures, in exchange for the use of the expelled soul. However in every reported case the demon has betrayed the person as soon as they agreed, taking not only their soul but their bodies and minds as well.
In the multi-verse theory of magic, existence is composed of an infinite number of universes, within which every possibility exists. The hallmark of this method is the use of perceptual changes in yourself, to try and enter a universe in which your desired effect is true. The more unlikely an event, the more obscure the universe it exists in, and the harder it is to get there.
Becoming a vampire with this method will require the use of deep meditation and or chanting. This process is necessary to change your own perceptions enough such that you actually begin to shift your physical being towards a universe in which you are a vampire.
In using this method it is important to keep your mind open and to be ready to believe in the possibility of anything. This has to be balanced with your ability to perceive the reality of the dimension you are in at any given time. Just believing you are a vampire is not enough, you actually have to change the way your eyes see things, and the way and your mind understands them.
As usual the methods which will work best are going to have to be individually tailored to your mind and situation. A teacher will help this greatly, because they will be able to evaluate you and make suggestions from a trained position relative to you. However, as you become more proficient at this method it may become difficult to remain in a dimension in which you know the teacher, and as such you may require several teachers over the course of your training.
As far as the drinking of blood, there are many dimensions in which you are a vampire that doesn’t require blood and has found a much easier method of taking in energy. As such you should try and steer yourself towards these specific dimensions. This is for your own safety and ease, as murder is not acceptable in almost any society.
By J.L.N. Lewitin, courtesy of
Natural magic uses the actual reality of the world to create similar effects in dissimilar places. Using these principals to become a vampire requires a shamanistic approach. In this method ritual and concentration are combined to try and commune with the universe in such a way that you gain an understanding of how to affect the change you want. In the case of a vampire you are trying to eject the soul from the body, while finding a new and viable source of energy. This is a difficult thing to accomplish, and can take many months or years to accomplish.
The rejection of ones soul from ones body by choice is theoretically impossible, so this method generally has to be preformed on others. The rituals used are very similar to those used to create a zombie, and often result in a creature with similar intelligence and lack of self will.
The specific actions and thoughts necessary to perform this act are going to be very specific to your culture and particular mind set. As such the best way to learn this procedure is to do it, spending hours in concentration, and using rituals which are meaningful to you to gain a better understanding of the truths of the universe around you.
Some methods you may want to try are rhythmic dancing, transcendental meditation, the use of spiritual journeys or fasts, and most important a dedication to being more aware of the nature of your own soul, in order to gain a better understanding of your relation to the spiritual world. The use of a teacher or shaman will greatly speed this process up, as they will be able to evaluate you from their own more enlightened position, and determine the methods that would work best for you individually.
One thing to note is that when creating a vampire, it is not always necessary to infuse them with a need for blood. This illegal and dangerous habit is also very difficult to develop, as the synthesis of blood and or souls into life energy is very complex. It is often easier to create a vampire which is fueled by chemical or physical energy.
By J.L.N. Lewitin, courtesy of
They say that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Here are a number of simple vampire prevention spells.
- Scatter iron over the suspected grave.
- Scatter garlic cloves over the grave.
- Hammer iron nails into the earth over the grave – as many as possible, and at least a hundred.
- Grow brier roses near the grave to prevent a vampire from rising.
- Do all of the above just to be on the safe side.
Or you could do this:
Spindles are an ancient symbol of life and death. The Fates traditionally wield a spindle with which they spin the thread of life – and a pair of shears to cut that thread. Three days after a burial, stab nine spindles into the grave to prevent a vampire from rising.
From: The Element Encyclopedia of 5000 Spells
This spell to determine whether a cemetery is infested with vampires derives from Transylvania, the cinematic if not necessarily the actual, heart of vampire country.
- Place a young virgin boy onto a young virgin black stallion.
- The boy must ride this horse around the cemetery.
- Should the horse halt at any spot and refuse to go further, suspicions are confirmed.
Wherever the horse stops is a clue to the vampire’s abode and identity, not necessarily the actual home of the vampire. Clues may need to be analyzed for a complete revelation and understanding.
From: Element Encyclopedia of 5000 Spells
Vampires, like genies, may be trapped in bottles. Choose a glass or metal bottle, presumably the vampire can bite through a plastic one. This spell works on the same principle as a fly-trap.
Here’s how it works:
Place some kind of food the vampire likes inside the bottle, but not blood. This spell works on a vampire who is understood to have once been a regular person with predilections for human food. Find something particularly tempting and put it in the bottle.
You will know when the vampire is in the bottle when you observe a bit of straw or fluff within. Seal the bottle up securely.
The bottle and the vampire may be destroyed by throwing the sealed bottle into a fire. If it is a clear glass bottle, it can be left in the sun with the lid off. The sunlight should soon turn the vampire into ash.
From: Element Encyclopedia of 5000 Spells
May 26 is World Dracula Day, and a celebration of vampires. So, I thought it might be good to post some Vampire Banishing Spells. It is said that peppermint repels vampires just as effectively as garlic, and can be easier to administer. The addition of garlic to the peppermint gives an added boost.
- Hang fresh peppermint leaves around one’s neck at bedtime. This is also reputed to have an aphrodisiac effect, so maybe you’ll be too busy to worry about the vampires. 🙂
- Grind dried peppermint leaves and garlic cloves together, forming a powder. Place some of this powder in a bag and wear around your neck. This is no longer an aphrodisiac. 🙁
- Make a powder by grinding dried peppermint and garlic together. Cast a circle with this powder around your bed just before bedtime. It is said that infernal beings will not enter this circle.
- Add essential oil of peppermint to a vial of grapeseed oil. Keep the bottle beside your bed. Anoint your neck with the oil before retiring for the night or as needed.
Source: The Element Encyclopedia of 5000 Spells
With World Dracula Day coming up on May 26, I thought it might be good to post some Vampire Banishing Spells. Of course these can be used any time of the year that you feel they might be needed.
Banishing Spell #1
This spell is for the Obsessive-Compulsive Vampire. Place fishing nets over entrance doors and windows of the place you’d like to protect. Allegedly the vampire must compulsively count all knots before entering. He or she will either be caught in the sunlight or simply give up and find another home.
Fishing nets may be replaced or supplemented with sieves; the vampire will be forced to count the holes instead.
Banishing Spell #2
Lilac oil reputedly repels vampires and is certainly more fragrant than garlic. It’s very difficult to find real lilac oil, most of what is commercially available is synthetic; presumably vampires can tell the difference. So it’s best to make your own, the lingering aroma should keep the vampire out of the house, too.
Infuse olive oil with lilac blossoms. Rub the oil on the body as needed.
Banishing Spell #3
To banish a vampire from territory larger than just your private home and presence is simple enough… provided you have his sock.
The vampire’s left sock is specifically needed. Stuff it with graveyard dirt, preferably from his or her own grave, blended with rocks from the cemetery. Toss this into running water outside the limits of the area you wish to protect.
Important note:
Make sure the water is flowing away from, rather than in to, the area you are protecting.
Source: Element Encyclopedia of 5000 Spells
The type of lamp recommended is a hurricane or kerosene lamp.The basic fuel mixture is a blend of castor oil, olive oil, and kerosene. Use 2/3 kerosene to 1/3 oil mixture. A simple terracotta oil lamp may also be used – the basic fuel mixture would then be olive oil, or palm oil.
Start with a clean lamp – a new one is best – but a used one is fine as long as it has been thoroughly cleansed.
At the bottom of the lamp place a magnet and a personal object from the person the lamp is intended for or their name written on parchment paper cut in the form of a cross. Pour in two ounces of virgin olive oil that has been thoroughly infused with two tablespoons of the following mixture:
- Two parts cinnamon
- One part chamomile
- One part peony (flowers or oil).
Now select five of the herbs from the following list and add 1/2 teaspoon of each:
Alfalfa – Basil – Blessed Thistle – Mustard Seed – Yellow Dock – Irish Moss – Five-finger Grass – High John the Conquerer Root – Four Leaf Clover – Cinnamon – Red Clover – Buckeye – Tonka Beans – Golden Seal – May Apple or Mandrake Root – Sweet Flag Root – Vervain
Fill the rest of the way with your basic fuel mixture. Light the lamp and recite a prayer to Saint Expedite, or whatever deity you wish to invoke for quick help.
Once it is lit, the flame must not be extinguished until help arrives. Each day at the same time, your desire should be restated and the prayer recited while turning the lamp in a clockwise direction (to get the ingredients moving), and the lamp should be refueled if necessary.
If some of the ingredients seem difficult to acquire, feel free to use any herbs and oils that are useful in spells for luck, success, or the removal of obstacles. For example, nutmeg can be substituted for peony flowers.
Aloe Vera is thought by the people of Africa to bring good luck to those who possess it. To create some good fortune of your own, place an Aloe Vera plant on your altar. Place pieces of agate in various places around the aloe plant, and place a yellow candle in front of the plant. Inscribe the words “To bring good luck” on the candle, and repeat the following verse while lighting the candle:
My home is a garden,
Surrounded by a wall of luck,
And made on peculiar ground.
This is a spot enclosed by grace,
Out of the reach of the world’s negativity
And surrounded by fortune’s flame.
Allow the candle to burn in a safe place until it extinguishes itself.
Source unknown
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