They say that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Here are a number of simple vampire prevention spells.

  • Scatter iron over the suspected grave.
  • Scatter garlic cloves over the grave.
  • Hammer iron nails into the earth over the grave – as many as possible, and at least a hundred.
  • Grow brier roses near the grave to prevent a vampire from rising.
  • Do all of the above just to be on the safe side.

Or you could do this:

Spindles are an ancient symbol of life and death. The Fates traditionally wield a spindle with which they spin the thread of life – and a pair of shears to cut that thread. Three days after a burial, stab nine spindles into the grave to prevent a vampire from rising.

From: The Element Encyclopedia of 5000 Spells

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~Margot Adler

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