On July 7, the Japanese observe Tanabata, a popular Japanese festival based upon a Chinese myth. This a festival that celebrates the annual reunion of Shokujo, the sky princess, and Kengya, a lowly cowherd. When Shokujo’s father discovered the love affair, he separated the two on either side of the great sky river, the Milky Way.
Once a year on the seventh day of the seventh month, a flock of sympathetic magpies form a living bridge over the Milky Way so the lovers can be reunited. Skogugo, the Weaver Star (Vega), joins the Cowherd Star (Altair) in the sky.
The Japanese honor the lovers by placing spools of colored thread on their altars. Japanese children write poems on long strips of paper and tie them to branches of trees. Also flowers, animals, and stars all made of paper are hung up as decorations.
To bring a lover into your life, place red jasper, a pearl, and rose quartz in a spell box. Under the light of this Moon, burn a red candle and write:
In the light of the Tanabata,
Lover, come to my bidding,
Come in the red light of flame,
Come in the flooded Moon of night,
Across the wide expanse of the Milky Way,
In the pull of tides,
By the light of Tanabata,
By the power of Weaver and Cowherd,
To my bidding come.
Roll the spell in a tiny scroll and tie with a colored threads. Before the next Full Moon, a new lover will enter your life.
By: Lily Gardner
- Color: Purple
- Elements: Fire and Water
- Altar: On a purple cloth set a vase of many flags, a plate of offering cakes, and a great chalice of wine for the libation.
- Offerings: Offering cakes made with honey and olive oil. Aid in the freedom of another being.
- Daily Meal: Anything the community wants.
Papa Liber
Mama Libera
We honor you!
You who are liberty and freedom,
Yet whose priestesses are elder women
Because in order to know
What it is to be truly free,
One must have had experience
And understood the many prisons
In which life will try to trap us.
You who are in the spirit
Of the great phallus borne into
The marketplace for all to see and touch
Yet whose wreath is laid upon it
By a virtuous matron whose body
Has not strayed from her wedding vows,
Because in order to know
What it is to be truly free,
One must have had the choice of many chains
And freely chosen those bonds
In which one wishes to spend one’s days.
Liberty in all its contradictions,
Freedom in all its ambiguities,
The state which we can never quite define
Your country which we can never find on a map
Yet we always know
When we have touched its shores.
(The libation is passed around, and blessed, and then poured out. Each member of the community may choose what work they will do that evening, and none is to be given orders, yet they must explain the following day why they did choose in that way.)
Note: This ritual is appropriate for any day that celebrates liberation and freedom, as well as the Roman holiday of Liberalia.
Found in: Pagan Book of Hours
In Sweden and Norway at the Solstice, people made wheels of fortune. Some of the wheels were wrapped in straw, set on fire, and rolled down hill. Other wheels were decorated and kept. These were used in two ways: One, the wheel was rolled away from a person to take away misfortunes; two, it was rolled toward a person to bring all kinds of good fortune.
To make a good fortune wheel, use a piece of wire that has been fastened in a circle. An embroidery hoop will work also. Wrap yarn or ribbon around the hoop until it is completely covered. To this wheel, tie dried or artificial flowers, good luck tokens, and streaming ribbons. These wheels can be hung as wall decorations or twirled so they spin toward you during spellwork.
From: Moon Magick
Catholic prayers can often be quite effective in times of trouble, and might be worth trying if they appeal to you. This is a traditional novena to Saint Anne. In the Catholic tradition, she intervenes against poverty and for cabinetmakers; carpenters; childless couples; equestrians; grandmothers; grandparents; homemakers; housewives; miners; mothers; pregnancy; pregnant women; and women in labor. This novena is a series of prayers that is most often done as a prelude to St Anne’s Feast, which is normally celebrated on July 26. For more about St Anne, visit The Powers That Be
Dear St. Ann, though I am but a prodigal child, I appeal to you and place myself under your great motherly care. Please listen to my prayers and grant my requests. See my contrite heart, and show me your unfailing goodness.
Deign to be my advocate and recommend me to God’s infinite mercy. Obtain for me forgiveness of my sins and the strength to begin a new life that will last forever.
Blessed St. Ann, I also beg of you the grace to love, to serve, and to honor your daughter, the most holy Virgin Mary. Please recommend me to her and pray to her for me. She refuses none your requests but welcomes with loving kindness all those for whom you intercede.
Good Jesus, be merciful to the faithful servants of Your grandmother St. Ann.
From the depths of my heart, good St. Ann, I offer you my homage this day and ask you to shelter me under the mantle of your motherly care. You know, good mother, how much I love you, how gladly I serve you, how happy I am to praise you, how eager I am to call on you in time of distress.
Good St. Ann, be pleased to extend your helping hand in all my wants. Listen to my prayers, for I place my trust in your gracious bounty. Make all my thoughts and desires worthy and righteous.
Jesus, I thank You for all the graces which in Your infinite goodness You have lavished upon St. Ann; for having chosen her, among all women, to be Your grandmother on earth and exalted her in heaven with such great and miraculous powers. In the name of her merits, I humbly recommend myself to Your infinite mercy.
Hail, good St. Ann, who first responded to the needs of Mary, Mother of our Savior and Queen of Angels. Hail to you and to your husband St. Joachim, who watched over her infancy, presented her to the Lord in the temple and, according to your promise, consecrated her to the service of God.
Hail St. Ann, good mother! I rejoice in the marvels you continually perform, because they encourage all to seek your intercession.
Good St. Ann, by the great power that God has given you, show yourself my mother, my consoler, my advocate. Reconcile me to the God I have so deeply offended. Console me in my trials; strengthen me in my struggles. Deliver me from danger in my time of need. Help me at the hour of death and open to me the gates of paradise.
Good St. Ann, you offered your pure and holy daughter Mary in the temple with faith, piety and love. By the happiness which then filled your heart, I beg you to present me to your Grandson Jesus. Offered by you, I will be agreeable in His sight.
Kind St. Ann, take me forever under your protection. Deliver me from the temptations which continually assail me. Above all, attend me in my last hour. As I lie on my deathbed, be present with your daughter to console and strengthen me.
Holy Mary and good St. Ann, show yourselves to be mothers indeed by obtaining for me the grace of a good death. When my soul goes forth, lead it to God’s tribunal so that, by your powerful help and intercession, it may obtain a favorable judgment.
Hail, all-powerful Lady. By God’s special favor, grant consolation to those who invoke you. Procure for them the eternal riches of heaven, and like a good mother, success in their temporal affairs as well.
Good St. Ann, obtain my deliverance from the punishment which my sins deserve. Obtain for me success in my temporal affairs; especially see to the salvation of my soul.
St. Ann, by your influence with Mary’s son Jesus, you have won the gift of conversion for many sinners. Will you then abandon me, who have chosen you as my mother? No, St. Ann. Your name alone, which signifies grace, assures me of the help of your prayers, and these prayers will surely procure pardon and mercy from Jesus. You will pray for me now and at the hour of my death.
Good St. Ann, do not allow my soul, a masterpiece of God’s creative power, to be lost forever. Free my heart of pride, vanity, self-love. May I know myself as I really am and learn meekness and simplicity of heart.
God’s great love for me leaves me cold and unresponsive. I must reflect this love through works of mercy and charity toward my neighbor.
In your boundless charity, good St. Ann, help me to merit the glorious crown which is given to those who have fought the good fight against the world, the devil and the flesh. Assist me to preserve purity of heart and body. With Mary and her divine Son, protect me always.
Once again, Good St. Ann, I choose you for my advocate before the throne of God. By the power and grace that God has placed in you, extend to me your helping hand. Renew my mind and my heart.
Dear St. Ann, I have unbounded confidence in your prayers. To your blessed hands I entrust my soul, my body and all my hopes for this world and the next. Direct my actions according to your goodness and wisdom. I place myself under your motherly care.
Receive me, good mother. Cover me with the mantle of your love. Look kindly on me. By your powerful intercession, may I obtain from God grace and mercy. Obtain for me remission for sin and release from the punishment my offenses have deserved. Pray that I may receive grace to lead a devout life on earth and that I may obtain the everlasting reward of heaven.
Hail, St. Ann! I rejoice at your exalted glory. You gave birth to Mary, whose divine Son brought salvation to our lost world by conquering death and restoring life and hope to sinners. Pray to Him who, for love of us, clothed Himself with human flesh in the chaste womb of your daughter.
Glorious St. Ann, with your blessed daughter, deliver me from everything that is displeasing in the sight of God. Pray to your gentle and powerful Grandson that He may cleanse my soul in His precious blood, that He may send His Holy Spirit to enlighten and direct me in all that I do, always obedient to His holy inspirations.
Good mother, keep a watchful eye on me. Help me bear all my crosses. Give me the fullness of your bounty and sustain me with courage.
Good St. Ann, I have reached the end of this novena in your honor. I have asked and ask again. Good mother, let not your kind ear grow weary of my prayers, though I repeat them so often.
Bounteous Lady, implore for me from divine Providence all the help I need through life. May your generous hand bestow on me the material means to satisfy my own needs and to alleviate the plight of the poor.
Good St. Ann, fortify me by the sacraments of the Church at the hour of my death. Admit me into the company of the blessed in the kingdom of heaven, where I may praise and thank the adorable Trinity, your grandson Christ Jesus, your glorious daughter Mary, and yourself, dear St. Ann, through endless ages.
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