
Magic can be created from the humblest articles. This spell derives from a time when sewing, mending, and needlework were constant, everyday practices. Here’s how it works:

Keep a little jar beside you as you sew. Every time you finish a thread, toss the bit into the jar, saying something to the effect of

“Bless this house.
Protect all within from harm and hardship.”

When the jar is full, seal the blessings within by laying one protective leaf or root on top. (For example: bay laurel leaf, angelica root, bethroot, or wormwood)

Close the jar tightly and store it near the top of the house, in the attic, or hang it from the rafters.

Source: Encyclopedia of 5,000 Spells

On July 7, the Japanese observe Tanabata, a popular Japanese festival based upon a Chinese myth. This a festival that celebrates the annual reunion of Shokujo, the sky princess, and Kengya, a lowly cowherd. When Shokujo’s father discovered the love affair, he separated the two on either side of the great sky river, the Milky Way.

Once a year on the seventh day of the seventh month, a flock of sympathetic magpies form a living bridge over the Milky Way so the lovers can be reunited. Skogugo, the Weaver Star (Vega), joins the Cowherd Star (Altair) in the sky.

The Japanese honor the lovers by placing spools of colored thread on their altars. Japanese children write poems on long strips of paper and tie them to branches of trees. Also flowers, animals, and stars all made of paper are hung up as decorations.

To bring a lover into your life, place red jasper, a pearl, and rose quartz in a spell box. Under the light of this Moon, burn a red candle and write:

In the light of the Tanabata,
Lover, come to my bidding,
Come in the red light of flame,
Come in the flooded Moon of night,
Across the wide expanse of the Milky Way,
In the pull of tides,
By the light of Tanabata,
By the power of Weaver and Cowherd,
To my bidding come.

Roll the spell in a tiny scroll and tie with a colored threads. Before the next Full Moon, a new lover will enter your life.

By: Lily Gardner

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We should educate people that ‘Witch’ is not evil but ancient and positive. The first time I called myself a ‘Witch’ was the most magical moment of my life.

~Margot Adler

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