Flowers from Good Friday church services may be used to protect cattle. Good Friday is indicated because of the connection to the resurrection. Because of cattle’s intrinsic connection with human fertility, any sacred day with fertility overtones, such as Beltane or Midsummer’s Eve, may be substituted, or a day with personal resonance for you if more appropriate.
- Collect some of the flowers following the conclusion of the service or ceremony.
- Burn the flowers, together with seven teaspoons of flour and three teaspoons of salt.
- Gather up the ashes and sew them into a sachet. Reserve until needed.
Should a cow fall ill from natural or suspicious causes, break the sachet open and rub the ashes over the cow’s belly three times, always in the same direction.
Alternatively, place the unbroken sachet on the ground. Lead the cow over it three times, always walking in the same direction.
Found in: The Element Encyclopedia of 5000 Spells
It is never a good idea to work magic to make a particular person love you. First because it interferes with that person’s free will, and is thus against the Wiccan Rede. Secondly, because you will never know if they love you for yourself or because of your magic, which, in the long term, will be self-destructive. It is however, perfectly alright to work to bring love into your life.
This spell is most effective when worked on a Friday when the energies of Venus are strongest. Take a pink candle and carefully inscribe your initials into it about half way down. Surround the letters with 7 carefully engraved hearts.
Anoint this with 7 drops of Rose oil and place it in a secure holder surrounded by 7 small pieces of Rose Quartz. (Many rock and gemstone supplier sell bags of mixed stone chips, and if you know your stones, these are excellent for working spells.)
Before you light the candle, close your eyes and visualize the Goddess Venus standing before you, ask her to bring love to you and then light the candle. Keep it close to you whilst it burns. Ensure you have enough time to let it burn all the way down, without having to leave it unattended.
When your candle has burnt all the way down take the pieces of Rose Quartz and anoint each one with a drop of Rose oil and wrap them in a pink cloth. Tie this tightly with gold thread and carry it with you for a full cycle of the Moon, 29 days.
From: The Real Witches Year
You will need the following ingredients (be sure to charge or bless them all before you begin):
- Strawberry tea (one bag)
- Small wand or stick from a willow tree
- Sea salt
- 2 pink candles
- A mirror
- One pink drawstring bag
- One quartz crystal
- A copper penny
- A bowl made of china or crystal that is special to you
- 1 teaspoon dried jasmine
- 1 teaspoon orris-root powder
- 1 tsp. strawberry leaves
- 1 teaspoon yarrow
- 10 plus drops apple-blossom oil or peach oil
- 10 plus drops strawberry oil
On a Friday morning or evening (the day sacred to Venus) take a bath in sea salt in the light of a pink candle. As you dry off and dress, sip the strawberry tea. Use a dab of strawberry oil as perfume or cologne. Apply makeup or groom yourself to look your best.
Cast a circle with the willow wand around a table the other ingredients. Light the second pink candle. Mix all oils and herbs in the bowl. While you stir look at yourself in the mirror and say aloud:
“Oh, Great Mother Goddess, enclose me in your loving arms
and nurture and bring forth the Goddess within me.”
Gaze deeply into the mirror after you have finished mixing the ingredients and say aloud:
“I represent the Great Goddess, Mother of all things.
I shine in the light of the Golden Wings of Isis.
All that is great and loving only belongs to me.”
Then put half the mixture in the pink bag and add the penny and crystal. Carry it with you always [or until you find another love]. Leave the other half of the potion in the bowl, out in a room where you will smell the fragrance. Repeat this ritual every Friday if necessary.
Needless to say, you should replace the goddess name with one that you attune to.
This spell seems to be written for a woman. However, that does not truly exclude anyone, including you. As well as calling on the Mother Goddess you can call, as well, the Father God (or Horned One).
You could use something like:
“Great Father God, guide me with your loving will
and keep me strong and patient with your wisdom.
Nurture and bring forth the God within me.”
“I am the Great Father God, Mentor and Father to all,
I shine in the Holy radiant light of Ra.
All that is great and loving, only, belongs to me.”
Now, you can call on one or the other, whomever you feel will help you best. I would think both would be best, but that’s just a personal thing. And if anything written above doesn’t appeal to you, change it. The spell will only work if you feel comfortable with it. If the words don’t appeal, look for a poem, or create your own calling of the GODS. Remember, not only are you calling the Goddess and God, you ARE the Goddess and God.
Adapted from: Ancient Spells Witchcraft Book by Khakani
Dreams can be merely entertaining or intense and prophetic. Many natural aids to dreaming can be found in the garden!
- If you want peaceful dreams that are relaxing, place a vase of jasmine by your bed.
- If you are having nightmares and wish them stopped, place morning glories in the vase instead.
- If you need to learn something in a dream, place a bay leaf under your pillow and ask for the knowledge.
- If you just want nice dreams, use a sachet of lavender.
- If you want to send a psychic dream to a loved one, blow the seeds off the top of a dandelion in his or her direction and project your wish, then go right to sleep.
If you want your dreams to come true, you can do one of two spells:
At midnight on a Friday, in silence, gather nine small non-spiny holly leaves and wrap them in a cloth. Place them under your pillow, make your wish, and go to sleep. Your dreams will come true.
Another ancient spell is to scatter marigold flowers under your bed, make your wish, and then say:
Wish I want and wish I may
Come to me through dream so fair
Come by night and come by day
Come, thou wish, and ride thee here
From: Element Encyclopedia of 5000 Spells
Find an empty acorn cup still attached to an oak leaf or twig. Gather ash seeds (the keys). Murmur over them:
“Acorn cup and ashen key
bring my true love back to me.”
Place them under your pillow on three consecutive Friday nights, repeating the incantation each time. If your beloved has not returned by then, it’s time to consider the possibility that this is not your true love.
If there is not enough romance in your life, try this little spell to add that special exotic energy to an already okay relationship, or even to help a new one start off on the right foot.
You will need:
- New music CD (see note below)
- Sandalwood incense
- Sandalwood Oil
- Hot pink or magenta paper
Choose a really romantic CD that you know for a fact your significant other will like, but choose one he/she doesn’t own. On a Friday night, open the CD, light the incense, put some sandalwood oil on your body, and have as much fun as a person can have alone (use your imagination) while clutching the CD to your heart, saying:
Sound of love,
Love of sound,
Bring it through,
Bring it round.
Eros Audiere!
Mark the top of the CD case with a pentagram, using the oil, then pass it through the incense smoke and say:
Full of lust, love and light,
Music of the heart fly free,
Fill us with joy and might,
As we listen, may it be tonight!
Wrap the CD in the pink paper and give it to your significant other. Make sure you listen to it the first time together, and wear a little of the sandalwood oil. Play the CD again… And make beautiful music together!
This spell is a little out dated, in that not everyone listens to music via CD anymore. So you may need to make some adjustments if all of the music you listen to is via iTunes or some other internet venue. Be creative, and have fun with it.
Invocation for exciting love in the heart of the person who is the object of our desire with the help of the 137th Psalm.
Pour oil from a white lily into a crystal goblet, recite the 137th Psalm over the cup and conclude by pronouncing the name of the angel Anael (or Hamiel), the planetary spirit of Venus, and the name of the person you love.
By the rivers of Babylon,
there we sat down, yea, we wept,
when we remembered Zion.
We hanged our harps upon the willows in the midst thereof.
For there they that carried us away captive required of us a song;
and they that wasted us required of us mirth, saying,
Sing us one of the songs of Zion.
How shall we sing the LORD’s song in a strange land?
If I forget thee, O Jerusalem,
let my right hand forget her cunning.
If I do not remember thee,
let my tongue cleave to the roof of my mouth;
if I prefer not Jerusalem above my chief joy.
Remember, O LORD, the children of Edom
in the day of Jerusalem;
who said, Rase it, rase it,
even to the foundation thereof.
O daughter of Babylon, who art to be destroyed;
happy shall he be, that rewardeth thee as thou hast served us.
Happy shall he be, that taketh and dasheth
thy little ones against the stones.
(name of person you love)
Next write the name of the angel on a piece of cypress which you will dip in oil and tie the piece of cypress to your right arm. Then wait for a propitious moment to touch the right hand of the person with whom you are in love, and love will be awakened in his or her heart.
The operation will be more powerful in effect if you perform it at dawn on the Friday following the new moon.
Found in: The History and Practice of Magic
- Your favorite pen/ red in color
- White paper
- A piece of mica
- A piece of black satin fabric
This spell is best done on a Friday because Friday is governed by the Goddess Venus.
On your piece of paper write your first name and your lover’s full name. Draw a square around them and while you eyes are closed chant the following seven or nine times:
“Our fate is sealed,
we are one”
Cut the square out, place a piece of mica on top of it and wrap it in the black satin. When you are finished you will need to find a body of water to place your spell in, the water will carry your message.
Found at: Lynnlu Hub Pages
On your altar place two red candles at either end. Before doing this, rub the two candles with rose essential oil. This spell is best begun on a Friday, the day of the week devoted to the Goddess Aphrodite, perform this task to attract your beloved.
Write your name on one candle, and your beloved’s on the other. If you do not know his or her name, simply write “my beloved” or “my true love.” Try to use language that will ensure positive magic. If you simply write “handsome” you may well end up with someone gorgeous, but who is harmful for you in some other way.
Each evening at seven, light the candles and move them slightly closer together. Carve into your candle a word of special significance to you, perhaps taken from insights while meditating. Perhaps the word “devoted” should be carved into your beloved’s candle. On your own, write the same. Meditate on this quality for several minutes, then snuff out the candles. Repeat this for seven nights, using a different quality each time, until on the seventh, the following Friday, both candles are finally standing as close together as possible. Light them and let them burn down and out.
If any wax remains, scatter it before you as you walk through a beautiful place, wishing it to bring good fortune to others hoping for love.
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