Happiness Spells

Your house is a sentient being with it’s own spirit and soul.

Some people identify this spirit as their household deities or friendly house spirits. But some people have altogether forgotten how important the spirit of their house is.

Talk to your house.

Houses that have been ignored tend to be dull, tired and susceptible to hauntings and negative energies.

So, talk to your house. Listen to its aches and pains. Say hello.

Tell it that you come in peace, tell it that you are there to listen to it speak. Be grateful to your house, and watch the energies of your home transform themselves into joy.

Source: Unknown

The first day of the new year is always a time to make promises or resolve to make the year a positive and prosperous one. With the help of the Roman God of new beginnings, Janus, and the Goddess Diana’s influence, you can step into the New Year with viable resolutions for the year ahead.

Diana was worshiped in the countryside, and gifts and offerings of fruit were left in forests or at crossroads. To invoke the power of Janus, salt and cakes were placed on a sacred altar. For this spell you’re going to combine the ingredients necessary into one special enchantment.

What you will need:

A handful of earth taken from each of the following places and gathered in a paper bag. (If you can’t get to any of these places, then three handfuls of earth from your own or a friend’s garden will also work.)

  • A crossroads
  • A forest, woods, or park
  • Beside a river, stream, or lake

You will also need the following:

  • 3 cupcakes
  • A tiny cup of sea salt
  • 2 white candles

The Spell:

Place the bag of earth in the corner of your altar to invoke the power of Diana’s abundance. Then place the three cupcakes in front of the bag, and lastly the tiny cup of salt at the front.

Now light the two candles to invoke your deities, and as you place them on either side of your offering, say or whisper the following:

“Diana, Janus, hear my prayer
and bless this sacred altar.

For all year long let earth’s riches empower me.
Let abundance bring me happiness.
Let your wholeness bring me prosperity.”

Say this three times, and then thank your deities.

“Thank you, Diana for your help.
Thank you, Janus, for your direction.”

Now leave the candles burning for a few minutes while you gaze at your altar and calm your mind.

Finishing Up

When you feel the spell is complete, leave the cup cakes at a crossroads or cemetery. If those places are not available or accessible to you, put them out for the birds. Empty the bag of earth somewhere outside where you feel really happy to be. As you sprinkle the earth on the ground, Janus and Diana will start to work the magick of prosperous living into your life.


This spell can be done at any time during the year when you are wanting to make a fresh start, or if you are heading out in a new direction.

From: Spells For A Magical Year

Materials needed:

  • Small glass of orange juice

Take the juice outside at daybreak, and, facing east, offer it to the Infant Sun by saying something like:

O Infant born into the sky
I offer this to You on high
And offer thanks for Your arrival
And for the role You play in our survival

Turning clockwise, pour the juice on the ground in a circle around you. Then ask the Sun for a fresh start by saying something like:

Oh Infant Sun, I call to You
Who starts each day with life anew
Whose birth brings warmth and gives us joy
Whose light the darkness does destroy
Who separates the night from day
Who guides us with His gentle rays
Who gives us hope and makes us smile
Who makes each step we take worthwhile
Who inspires and cultivates
Fresh ideas and captivates
All who feel His golden light
I ask You, Infant Sun, so bright
To bring to me a new beginning
That puts me on the path to winning
What I desire most in my life ~
Free of needless stress and strife ~
Oh, bring to me a fresh new start
And I ask You, too, impart
Your courage as I tread anew
The path that I now ask of You
Bring this at once now, Infant Sun
As I will, so it be done.

Kiss your hand to the Sun and step over the juice circle. Go indoors and know that a brand new beginning is on its way.

Found at: Book of Shadows

Did you ever meet someone, an elder perhaps, someone wise and calm, joyful and seemingly ageless, who seems to possess a deep inner peace? Someone who seems to have lived forever, seen everything and has the answers and advice to help us with all our problems?

If we don’t know someone like this, we wish we did, or we long for these qualities in ourselves—the patience and understanding to overcome any obstacle and the ability to learn from our challenges, while keeping a youthful glow and enjoying each day, and finding beauty in everything and everyone around us. Sounds impossible, right? We often attribute these characteristics to fantasy figures. But there truly are people who live this way, yet if we don’t personally know any of them, it seems like fantasy.

So, let’s use fantasy as a bridge to reality, through the magic of the unicorn. Legends of the unicorn speak of them as wise and immortal creatures. This spell is for the unicorn to help us age gracefully with a youthful carefree spirit. This is for people of any age, to ensure the lively and energetic qualities of vitality and joy and, in addition, to help us learn patience and gain wisdom.

You will need:

  • A unicorn statue of any size or color
  • A piece of white ribbon
  • Essential oil or other fragrance blend of your choice

Use your intuition when selecting the oil or blend of oils. Choose a scent that uplifts you and makes you feel cheerful or one you associate with happy memories. Sprinkle a few drops of the oil on the ribbon.

Visualize the unicorn, a wise and experienced sage. She has lived forever and endured many challenges with grace, and now she is bestowing her magic upon you. Make this visualization as detailed as you desire.

If this proves difficult, suspend your disbelief; pretend you are a child again. You meet a unicorn in the wild. Because you carry the white ribbon, the unicorn knows you are a kindred spirit. This ribbon is your link to the unicorn. You drape it around the unicorn’s neck and the two of you walk as companions through the forest. The unicorn confers wisdom upon you. This special wisdom contains the secrets for a happy life, whatever that may be for you.

Tie the ribbon around the statue. This is symbolic of your meeting with the unicorn and your initiation into her mysteries. The secrets will unfold throughout your life as you need them. One of the ways your higher spirit can help you discover what you need is through the use of symbols; the symbol of the unicorn can be a gentle and inspiring teacher and guide.

Speak this chant as you tie the ribbon:

Unicorn of legend, Unicorn of myth,
May your youthfulness and spirit stay with me.
Unicorn of mystery, Unicorn of magic,
May your endurance always offer possibility.
Unicorn of purity, Unicorn of power,
May your strength be at my side in every way.
Unicorn of inspiration, Unicorn of peace,
May your gentleness and grace bless all my days.

Source: Llewellyn

Kwan Yin is the Goddess of Mercy.

Here is a simple ritual to invoke her blessings:

  • Set up your altar with a picture of Kwan Yin and either a stick or a cone of lotus incense.
  • Bow 3 times to Kwan Yin
  • Offer one or more glasses of water which Kwan Yin will bless.

Invite Kwan Yin to come to you and appear. Bring the palms of your hands together as if in prayer. Recite the following:

May the Peace of Kwan Yin be upon this household!
May the Light of Kwan Yin be in my soul!
May the Wisdom of Kwan Yin be in my mind!
May the Virtue and Purity of Kwan Yin be in my feelings!
May the Strength and Vitality of Kwan Yin be among the members of my household!
May the Health and Well-Being of Kwan Yin be manifest through out my body, and radiate through the garments I wear!
May the Grace of Kwan Yin be in my worship!
May the Talents and Genius of Kwan Yin be manifest through my senses!
May the Peace of Kwan Yin be upon me”

Recite the following short mantra 10 times:

Na Mo Kwan Yin Boddhisattva.

Finally, drink the water blessed by Kwan Yin. This water now has healing powers.

Dedicate this practice of the Kwan Yin Great compassion Mantra to the benefit and enlightenment of all beings.
Close your shrine in whatever way feels appropriate.

Found at: Order of the White Moon

Magic can be created from the humblest articles. This spell derives from a time when sewing, mending, and needlework were constant, everyday practices. Here’s how it works:

Keep a little jar beside you as you sew. Every time you finish a thread, toss the bit into the jar, saying something to the effect of

“Bless this house.
Protect all within from harm and hardship.”

When the jar is full, seal the blessings within by laying one protective leaf or root on top. (For example: bay laurel leaf, angelica root, bethroot, or wormwood)

Close the jar tightly and store it near the top of the house, in the attic, or hang it from the rafters.

Source: Encyclopedia of 5,000 Spells


Love and peace are powers greater than we can know, but we can tap into the energies that surround these concepts and bring them into the new week by anointing a rose quartz with gardenia oil today. As you anoint the stone, whisper “peace” and “love” to yourself, magnifying the energy in the stone.

Carry the stone with you today and any day you desire peace and love. A few times each day, take a moment to slow and deepen your breathing. Holding the stone in your hand, inhale and say the word “peace” to yourself. Feel a peaceful sensation fill your body. As you exhale, think the word “love,” and see a loving pink light flow through you into the world. Repeat two more times each time you effect the spell. You will not regret it.

Courtesy of: Kristin Madden

St John's Wort (Hypericum perforatum), blossom, medicinal plant

St. John’s Wort, a golden flower that smells like turpentine, is regarded as an emblem of the sun.

Light an orange candle and place a bunch of St. John’s Wort beside it. Make a wish, then hang the bundle of flowers over an entrance door to your home. Leave the candle to extinguish itself. It will bring you your wish and ward off evil too.

An image of the flowers can be used as an alternative for the herb when it isn’t possible to find, or is out of season.


This is something nice to do as a substitute for the New Years Resolutions we make and break every year.

Make a list of the real wants and needs that you have within you. Maybe you need to give yourself more time, or speak out about the desire for recognition of the person you really are… Only you know what you really want and need. Write it down.

Now, consider the whole nature of gift giving and the appropriateness of the things you yourself have given and received this year. Then, make a present to yourself of one of the things you just listed.

If it requires a phone call, make that call. If it means something must be purchased and you can’t afford it, start by putting pennies in a jar. Do you need to rearrange your schedule? Enroll in a class? Whatever it is… get started right now, today.

Need some help taking that first small step.? Here’s a small blessing spell from me to you:

Take, and welcome joy within you:
Showers, flowers, powers,
Hatfulls, capfulls, lapfulls,
Treasures, measures, pleasures,
All be yours to enjoy.
Blessed Be.

Verse from The Celtic Devotional

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We should educate people that ‘Witch’ is not evil but ancient and positive. The first time I called myself a ‘Witch’ was the most magical moment of my life.

~Margot Adler

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