
Here’s something simple you can do whenever you just need to chill out, or calm down:

If you ever feel your emotions building up and becoming overwhelming, place your hands under lukewarm flowing water.

Water is a powerful and natural healer. It calms and cleanses emotions, quickly eliminates tension, and dissolves low vibrational and negative energies. This is the reason many empaths and highly sensitive people feel most at peace and in their element when near bodies of water.

Note: This works particularly well during highly charged moon phases and planetary shifts.

Source: Alex Myles

This spell will give you peace of mind and is especially good for when you are having trouble sleeping.

You will need:

  • 1 white candle
  • 4 pink candles
  • 1 piece of paper
  • Instructions:

Place the pink candles around the white one, and light them. On the paper write the following:

Take my problems
That I write
I will have peace
All the night.

Now write down the problems and situations that are interfering with your peace of mind. When it is complete, burn the paper and allow the candles to burn completely down overnight.

Found at: Spells Of Magic

We all get a bit of negative energy in us from time to time. Be it stress, or an empath receiving someone else’s trouble. This technique will help you rid yourself of these emotions and energy and bring you to a calmer state of mind.

You can do this in private, or anywhere where you can take a moment to breathe in a time of need.

Close your eyes and imagine the negative feelings as a a black ball. See it before you. With each breath out, watch the ball turn white. With each breath out, feel your self get calmer. Continue this until the ball is completely white.

Once it is totally white, watch this ball leave your sight. Feel your negative energy go with it, and breathe in the new calming sensation.

Source: Spells Of Magic

Color: Lavender
Element: Water
Altar: Upon a lavender cloth set a tray of cakes shaped like clasping hands, and many cups full of hot tea.
Offerings: Promise to attempt to be more considerate of those you live with.
Daily Meal: Any food, but it must be served from one great plate for every table, and it should not be in separate portions.


May there be Peace in this house.

(Response: “May there be peace in this house!“)

Peace can be a hard mistress.
The daily round of the ordinary,
The simple turn of day and night and day
The presence of the same souls
Can come to be like a shadow on the sun,
And yet Peace still demands
That we find a way to move past
That ordinariness
And all the thousand thorns and briars
And bring Peace into the house.

(Response: “May there be peace in this house!“)

Take the hand of your sister, your brother,
The one who shares your roof, your table,
The ground you walk on,
Whose feet know the boards as well as your own,
And swear to find a way
To bring peace into the space between you.

(Response: “May there be peace in this house!“)


My brother, my heart, my sister, my soul;
My family, my life, come in from the cold;
My sister, my heart, my brother, my soul;
My family, my life, that makes this life whole.

(Instead of a ritual, this period of time should be used to mediate and address problems between members of the family, with emphasis on peacemaking and compromise and useful solutions. At the end of the meeting, all share cakes and tea.)

Found in: Pagan Book of Hours – Breviary

This is a easy spell for peace, it helps relax and calm your soul.

Items you will need

  • White candle
  • Needle
  • Full moon

Casting Instructions

  1. Take your needle and write peace in the side of the candle.
  2. Take the needle again and prick your finger.
  3. Rub your blood all over the candle.

Absorb energy into your breath and breathe it into the candle.

Then light your candle and stick it in the ground, being sure that the area around the candle is free of anything that may catch fire. Leave the candle overnight allowing it to burn completely down. As you sleep think of the peace coming to you in the night. Then it shall be.

By Darkbarron


Love and peace are powers greater than we can know, but we can tap into the energies that surround these concepts and bring them into the new week by anointing a rose quartz with gardenia oil today. As you anoint the stone, whisper “peace” and “love” to yourself, magnifying the energy in the stone.

Carry the stone with you today and any day you desire peace and love. A few times each day, take a moment to slow and deepen your breathing. Holding the stone in your hand, inhale and say the word “peace” to yourself. Feel a peaceful sensation fill your body. As you exhale, think the word “love,” and see a loving pink light flow through you into the world. Repeat two more times each time you effect the spell. You will not regret it.

Courtesy of: Kristin Madden

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We should educate people that ‘Witch’ is not evil but ancient and positive. The first time I called myself a ‘Witch’ was the most magical moment of my life.

~Margot Adler

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