
This spell will give you peace of mind and is especially good for when you are having trouble sleeping.

You will need:

  • 1 white candle
  • 4 pink candles
  • 1 piece of paper
  • Instructions:

Place the pink candles around the white one, and light them. On the paper write the following:

Take my problems
That I write
I will have peace
All the night.

Now write down the problems and situations that are interfering with your peace of mind. When it is complete, burn the paper and allow the candles to burn completely down overnight.

Found at: Spells Of Magic


To cause confusion, chaos, or discord in a house, mix the following:

  • Mud Dauber Dirt
  • Red Pepper
  • Black Pepper
  • Black Mustard Seeds
  • Salt

Sprinkle the mixture all around the house in which you want to create confusion and discord.

Note: If you decide to do this spell, just remember that what goes around comes around, and be prepared for any consequences or backlash that might come your way.

Found in: Hoodoo Herb and Root Magic

GnomeAccording to the 16th century Swiss alchemist Paracelsus, the gnome is able to move through earth in the same manner that a fish swims through water or a human walks through air. Gnomes are associated with the fey, or fairy-folk, and are equated with earthly treasures, earth consciousness, and great knowledge of the magick in rocks, caves, roots, gems, and mountains.

Because gnomes can move through earth like fish swim through water, one can turn to the gnomes to move a block of earth energy within oneself, or a block placed in our path by another.

This spell is particularly good when things have been moving along just fine for you, you’ve been recovering from your debts, sailing ahead and suddenly – thwack! You run into some sort of a block. Before you spend days, weeks, or months worrying, try this spell.


  • 1 cup dirt
  • A sieve
  • A handful (up to 1/2 oz) of ginger or dragon’s blood herb


Over a paper towel or bowl, pour the cup of dirt into the sieve. Add the ginger (or dragon’s blood)


Element of earth,
move the mountain of ___________ (state what is stuck)

As the ginger (or dragon’s blood) mixes with the earth,
so shall the blocks in my life
be broken gently apart and removed,
so that I may prosper.

As the dirt shakes out of the sieve, visualize the financial problems in your life breaking up and dissolving. Once all the dirt is through the sieve, turn the sieve over and tap it seven times to remove any excess dirt.

Carry the dirt to a crossroads at midnight and dump it there, once again asking the element of earth to gently disperse the negativity in your life with harm to none.

Wash the sieve, asking the element of water to gently cleanse your situation.

psalms-in-eterFor hundreds of years the Psalms have been used with surprising results for helping to solve many of the problems that arise from daily living. Pow Wow, or Pennsylvania Dutch Folk Magick, uses the Psalms extensively with good success. If you would like to try it, the following list will aid you in deciding which Psalm to use for your problem.

When using the Psalms, it is important to softly sound the words so that the vibrations gently fall or vibrate upon your ears. If you can chant the Psalm in this soft tone, so much the better. At the end of the Psalm, imagine/petition your desire with as few words as possible.

  • To bring peace or blessings to the home – Psalm 1, 128
  • To cast out evil influences from another – Psalm 29
  • To change an unhappy situation into a happy one – Psalm 16
  • So daily needs can be obtained and avoid harm – Psalm 77
  • For defense against enemies, rivals, and assailants – Psalms 3, 59, 70
  • To do good and avoid evil – Psalm 87
  • For anyone who drinks too much – Psalm 87
  • If enemies caused you to lose money and be mistrusted – Psalm 41 and 43 (3 times daily for 3 days with appropriate prayer to your situation.)
  • For possession by an evil spirit – Psalm 66
  • If appearing before a judge and want a favorable verdict – Psalm 20
  • To free yourself from harmful or evil habits – Psalm 69
  • To have good luck in all you do – Psalm 57
  • To receive grace, love, and mercy – Psalm 32
  • To bring harmony between people or groups – Psalm 133
  • To receive Holy Blessings – Psalm 62
  • So idle gossip will not harm you or cause agitation – Psalm 36
  • For illness or bad health – Psalm 23, 35, 38
  • If the law is taking measures to punish you – Psalm 35
  • To be respected and loved by others – Psalm 47
  • To keep the love of friends and acquire more friends – Psalm 133
  • To make your home lucky – Psalm 61
  • To petition for material needs (money, food, clothing, etc.) – Psalm 41
  • To have more friends – Psalm 111
  • Before moving into a new home for luck and blessings – Psalm 61
  • To rid yourself of strong negative influences – Psalm 19
  • To overcome an enemy in a just manner – Psalm 70
  • To overcome trouble and loss from business partners – Psalm 63
  • To bring peace and harmony between families – Psalm 98
  • For protection from an enemy who will not leave you alone – Psalm 109
  • To receive justice and a favorable hearing from a lawsuit – Psalm 119
  • For reconciling between man and wife – Psalm 45, 46
  • To reconcile with an enemy – Psalm 16
  • To release from the heart deep seated hate, envy, and spite – Psalm 137
  • To remove negative influences you feel around yourself – Psalm 10
  • To be accepted, liked, and respected by all – Psalm 47
  • To revenge yourself from secret enemies – Psalm 53 – 55
  • To be safe from any planned robberies or danger – Psalm 50
  • For safety if traveling alone at night – Psalm 122
  • For someone in prison to be released early – Psalm 26
  • For a person who wishes greater spiritual awarenessPsalm 99
  • For spiritual support in stress or affliction – Psalm 3, 25, 54
  • For thanksgiving or recovery from illness – Psalm 30
  • For a safe ending in your travels – Psalm 34
  • For trouble by slanderPsalm 38, 39
  • For all your undertakings to be fortunate and advantageous – Psalm 65
  • To protect against unjust slander – Psalm 36
  • To win a lawsuit if opposed by an unjust or revengeful person – Psalm 35

From: Charms, Spells, and Formulas

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We should educate people that ‘Witch’ is not evil but ancient and positive. The first time I called myself a ‘Witch’ was the most magical moment of my life.

~Margot Adler

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