
This is a simple candle meditation ritual to enhance creativity.

  • 1 orange candle (creativity, enthusiasm)
  • 1 yellow candle (creativity, imagination, and inspiration)
  • Amethyst, chrysocolla, black onyx, and turquoise
  • White Sage, Palo Santo, or Florida water (cleanse and clear)

Creativity is more than just writing, painting, or music It can be about coming up with a great innovative concept for a business method, or something as mundane as redecorating your apartment. This ritual is flexible so feel free to adjust wording as you fit.

Cleanse and clear your space using White Sage, Palo Santo, or Florida water.

Light your altar candles and the incense. Anoint your candles using appropriate oils for creativity. Place the orange and yellow candles side by side and place a piece of black onyx behind the orange candle and the piece of turquoise in front of it.

With your yellow candle, place the Chrysocolla behind the candle, and the amethyst in the front. Light the candles, and think about the particular reason why you need creativity, you might wish to say aloud something along the lines as simple as:

The Universe is filled with endless ideas of creativity. I attract them to me like a magnet. My mind and dreams are open to these ideas. They flow in like a stream of clear water.

Sitting in silence breathe in the sign of Leo and place it into your heart center. Allow the color of Gold, radiating like the sun to surround your entire body and fill you with courage, strength, and fire. Recognize the power of yourself as an individual. A powerful Leo moon mantra for this meditation to remember is:

” My will is strong and my calling is to express and illuminate.”

After the meditation, it might be helpful to consider, or to journal your answers to the following questions:

  • What is it that I have been given to express?
  • How can I do that with an open and generous heart?


While this meditation is great for when there is a New or Full Moon in Leo, it is also appropriate when the Sun is in Leo, or if your birth sign is Leo, or you have a special affinity for Leo or Lions.

Found at: The Pagan Calendar

Jet and amber, crystallized botanical material rather than true minerals, work well in partnership. Beware of plastic replications of both.

For sleep, cast a circle around your bed with alternating pieces of jet and amber.

Alternatively, you can use a necklace. A necklace is just a circle cast around one’s self. Create a necklace from alternating amber and jet beads, focusing on your desire for peaceful, restful, healing sleep. Create as many knots as possible, tying your intentions into each knot. Wear your necklace to sleep.

From: Encyclopedia of 5000 Spells

This spell is used to ensure that your travel will be safe and protected throughout the upcoming holiday season. First, cast your circle and place a map of the area you will be travelling upon your altar. On the map, trace the path you will be taking using a green pen.

When you have finished, retrace the route with a piece of white chalk. As you trace the route with chalk, visualize the white powder as a light of white protection keeping you safe upon your journey.

Next, place small amethyst crystals on the map, along the route you will take. These crystals need not be large and you can place them far enough apart where you don’t need many.

Say the following words:

“Bless our journey and keep us from harm
With light of protection and amethyst charm
Our path be straight and free from strife
Many more adventures left upon my life”

Imagine in your mind’s eye arriving safely at your destination while you take the map and fold it, making sure the crystals remain inside. Finally, wrap a white ribbon around it and tie it off. Keep this as a protection charm with you as you embark upon your journey.

From Simple Magick

The Summer Solstice love ritual is strongest done during the June full moon, but the ritual may be done on any full moon. It is best done out of doors, but may be done indoors.

For this love spell, you need:

  • 1 rose quartz
  • 1 crystal quartz
  • 1 blue quartz
  • 1 emerald
  • 1 citrine
  • 1 garnet
  • 1 black tourmaline
  • 1 bag
  • petals of 3 roses
  • daisies
  • red or orange cloth
  • 1 large candle in red, gold or orange

Bathe before doing the ritual. Add flowers to your bath. If you shower, rub you body with a flower scented lotion or oil. Clean the stones with running water.

Clean your altar. Cover your altar with a red or orange cloth to honor the sun. Add some daisy blossoms to your altar. The daisy gets its name from day’s-eye because it turns to follow the sun.

Place the gold, yellow or red candle to represent divine Fire at the top middle of your altar. Sprinkle the petals of three red or pink roses on the altar. Place the rose quartz in the middle of the altar, make a circle around the rose quartz, with the other stones.

Pick up the crystal quartz in your left hand and say:
May I give and receive love as pure new snow.

Put the crystal quartz back and pick up the blue quartz in your left hand and say:
May I give and receive love as peaceful as calm water.

Put the blue quartz back and pick up the citrine in your left hand and say:
May I give and receive love as warm as sunlight.

Put the citrine back and pick up the emerald in your left hand and say:
May I give and receive love as strong as the oak tree.

Put the emerald back and pick up the garnet in your left hand and say:
May I give and receive love as bright as fire.

Put the garnet back and pick up the tourmaline in your left hand and say:
May I be open to love and may my love protect my loved one.

Put the tourmaline back and pick up the rose quartz in your left hand and say:
May I always be filled with love as I fill my lover with love.

Kiss the rose quartz three times. Gather all the stones with a few rose petals in both hands. While holding the stones and rose petals in both hands say:

My love is strong and surrounds all I do
I will always have all the love I need
Love is part of everything I do.

As you hold the stones and rose petals in your hands, you will know that love is with you. Shake the stones three times and then put the stones and a few rose petals in the bag.

This part must be done outside. Take the remaining rose petals and throw them in the air so the breeze can multiply your love. Every full moon take the stones out of the bag and hold them.

Copyright © 2006
This spell may be reprinted if credit is given.

There are many aspects of our lives which we would like to improve, but we just can’t muster up the willpower. In your time of need, a crystal can come to your aid.

You can program a crystal to help you lose weight stop smoking or overcome any negative attitudes about yourself. For example, you want to stop eating chocolate but just can’t. You know you should stop for health reasons but you don’t have the will power.

Try programming a crystal by telling it something like, “I have completely lost any desire for chocolate.” Wear the crystal around your neck or keep it in a pocket. Whenever you want chocolate, touch your crystal and feel the urge dissipate.

To get the most out of your crystal, you need to get the right crystal in the first place. Pick a crystal by attraction, by being drawn to touch it, and then hold it loosely in your left hand. Notice the impressions, colors, sounds, and feelings you pick up. No two crystals are the same. Each crystal has its own unique vibration, and each will resonate differently. It should feel alive in your hand, vibrate, or radiate. In other words, it should feel good.

Before you use your crystals cleanse it. The easiest way to clean your crystal is to hold it in the bright sunlight and order it to be completely cleansed. when, program it with your desired goal. Now, you’re ready to enjoy your crystal!

Source unknown

tumblr_n2cqeu8v5d1tscbfqo1_1280Aquamarine evokes the purity of crystalline waters, and the exhilaration and relaxation of the sea. It is calming, soothing, and cleansing, and inspires truth, trust and letting go. Hold an aquamarine in your hand and chant:

Carry away my troubles with the sea
Bring serenity to me.

Hold on to the stone tightly and let your sorrows wash into the stone and away from you. Do this three days in a row, and then cleanse the stone in a river, a large body of water, or a steady stream of water from a natural source such as a spring or well.

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