Apollo is a spirit of omnivorous sexuality. His romantic desires for men and women are equally strong; what seems to be the bottom line of attraction for him is beauty, intelligence, and talent, rather than gender. His is a complex myth.

Classical Greek mythology paints him as the handsomest, most talented, most clever spirit of all, yet the women he pursues inevitably run from his embrace. Apollo had better luck with male lovers, with whom he had happy, successful relationships. Request his assistance, especially with someone who’s hard to get.

Here’s how:

Carve and dress a large yellow or gold candle and dedicate it to Apollo. You can use any love drawing oil. Roll the candle in powdered Saint John’s Wort. Burn it and make your appeal.

Apollo’s sacred creatures include crows and mice. Significant or surprising appearances may signal your response.

From: The Element Encyclopedia of 5000 Spells

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