Three nights before the cycle of the full moon, you should begin this three-day spell to remove the negative energy preventing abundance from coming your way. Repeat the following ritual bath on each of the three days leading up to the full moon with the last day being on the day the full moon starts. You should use the same candles for each of the three ritual baths.

The Ritual Bath:

To a warm bath, add money bath salts, which are made from a variety of formulas but generally have a strong patchouli scent. Light some general candles around the bath to reach the ambient lighting you prefer. Imagine a soft white light entering through your head and feet to cleanse the negativity from you. Focus on this goal as you enter the bath. Relax and meditate on the obstacles and stresses in your life melting away into the water.

As you drain the water from the tub, your negativity will follow the water down the drain.

Next, cast a circle and light a God and Goddess candle and place it upon your altar. Also place on the altar a green pillar candle that you have anointed with lodestone oil. Visualize your financial goals as already achieved. Put all of your energy into the candle. Finally, rub the candle down with a mixture of cinnamon and cloves. Light the candle and burn money incense while focusing on your goals.

Repeat this ritual for three days so that the last day is upon the full moon.

Found at: Simple Magick

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