When using fire and ice together, you are calling for a natural balance to take place. It can be a balance of the self, a balance of a situation, or even a balance of the checkbook. This is a great spell to do during an Eclipse.

You will need:

  • A large clear glass bowl
  • Equal amounts of water and ice
  • 3 floating candles (these can be multicolored, white, gray, or brown)
  • Handful of salt

Place the ice in the bowl. Add the salt and say, ” I cast off any negativity and purify this ice. It is blessed by the Goddess and the God.” Add enough water to make the surface smooth, and bless it in the same manner.

Place the candles in the bowl and say:

“I call upon my higher self
to bring my being into harmony.
I will myself to be balanced in all situations.
So mote it be!”

Clap your hands three times and light the candles. This is a good time to reflect on which areas of your life need balance the most. It also is a beautiful sight to sit and watch the ice melt while the flames dance. Spend an appropriate amount of time in reflection before you close your circle or leave the area.

From: Elemental Witch

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We should educate people that ‘Witch’ is not evil but ancient and positive. The first time I called myself a ‘Witch’ was the most magical moment of my life.

~Margot Adler

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