Here is a fun way to gather the family in a simply beautiful Yule project and ritual. With supervision, most children can easily make this themselves; it makes a fun family project.

1. Gather your favorite evergreens. Choose a few cuttings each from such winter favorites as holly with berries, juniper with berries, cedar, spruce, or pine needles. If available, add a few tiny birch pine cones as well (these are one inch or less).

2. Pour water into a three-inch deep rectangular plastic (flexible) container, half full. Place three to six naturally scented beeswax, soy, or essential oil scented candles into the container. The candles should be four inches tall and three to four inches wide.

3. Add the evergreens and berries to the container in a pleasing arrangement around the candles. Cover the greens with more water so they’ll appear to float once frozen. Be careful not to over fill; the plastic container should be two-thirds full of water in the end.

4. Place in the freezer until frozen (or outdoors if it’s cold enough). Freeze until solid.

5. Slide out the rectangular ice block with the evergreens and candles frozen inside. Turn onto a fireproof plate (a high-fired glazed ceramic plate would serve well) or an old cookie sheet covered with foil. You can accentuate the display by placing polished stones or polished glass beads around the edges of the ice.

6. Light the candles. Say a winter prayer, offer a blessing, and be thankful to our essential elements of fire, water, air, and earth.

Here are a few more ideas for this Fire and Ice project.

From: Four Seasons of Mojo

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