If there is an artificial light in the room where you want to cast this spell, ensure that it is not too bright but not too dark too. Now, look in the mirror and pay all the attention to yourself. This spell involves imagining yourself turning into a wolf. Focus on all those parts that will transform. Here, I am talking about parts like the nose, the shoulders, and the hair on your body. Initially, don’t worry about becoming a wolf, but start getting your mind to accept the real you.

This will be repeated for a few days. I usually advise between three and five days. It is preferable that you do this at the same time on each day. This is a way of ensuring that you create the kind of positive energy which you will need later when you transform.

How to transform into a werewolf in real life:

Now it’s time to transform. You no longer need a mirror for this, and you can do werewolf spell without a full moon. However, it is still important that you do the spell at the same time each day. At this stage, your imagination is going to play a major role. Start imagining yourself turning into a werewolf. Remember that concentration is extremely important.

Create a picture in your mind where you become a wolf. Use this alpha werewolf spell to feel the claws, the sharp teeth, and the fur. In the beginning, this may be a challenge, but as you practice, you will become better at it. Repeat this for several weeks. However if you still don’t feel yourself transforming into a werewolf after doing this for a month, this may be the wrong spell for you.

From: Voodoo and Magic

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