Kitchen Magick

All food contains energies that you can work with to bring love into your life. Here’s a recipe for a lemony love dessert.

The preparation of food, with a particular intention in mind, is old magic. Look at food as sacred, let the act of preparing, cooking and eating food be a sacred act. Your kitchen can be a place of powerful magic, work slowly and deliberately to hone your craft. Always stir clockwise, clockwise motion is thought to be in harmony with the apparent movement of the sun in the sky, and has been linked with life, health and success.

  • The recipe:

Combine 4 egg yolks, 4 cups milk, and lemon zest grated in large strips, 1/4 cup sugar, and 1/2 cup plain flour. Mix in a pan over heat and stir until thick. Tip into a deep platter, remove lemon zest, refrigerate for 2 hours then cover with raspberries and dollop cream on top. As you eat savor the flavors and think of love.

Source: Witches Lore

For this spell you will need to bake gingerbread cookies. The cookies are made the usual way, with the exception of one large cookie with a hole cut out of the middle (before baking). While rolling out and cutting the cookie shapes, spend time thinking about what it is that you are trying so hard to fill up with food. Is there an empty place inside you, a place of lack and hunger?

While the cookies are baking, find a red or gold ribbon long enough to tie around your wrist.

After the cookies are baked and cooled. Take the cookie with the hole in the middle, hold it gently in your hands and say the following charm:

There’s a large empty place
In me I can’t fill
I ask now the Goddess and God
If they will
When enough is enough
When more isn’t right
please fill me instead
with love laughter and light
Give me just what is needed
To move through the day
In the very most possible (magical, powerful, wonderful… etc) way.

Eat the cookie slowly, savor the flavor. Tie the ribbon around your wrist to help you remember the sweetness of the moment. Repeat the charm twice more. Say the words slowly and mean every word.

Now share the rest of the cookies with family, friends, and wildlife. When that empty feeling comes again, and it will, take hold of the ribbon, and repeat the charm, remembering the sweetness of cookies and the joy of sharing, opening yourself again to the Goddess and the God.

Spell by: Madame Fortuna

Use this method to empower water to remove excess weight from your body.

  • 1 ice tray
  • Water, to fill the ice tray
  • Yellow food coloring
  • Lemon wedges

Tint the water a pretty yellow and pour it into the ice tray. Drink water with a lemon wedge over this ice as part of your diet.

Each time you add ice, affirm, “As the ice melts away, so too does my excess weight. So mote it be!”

From: Elemental Witch

This spell is for those damaged souls who have been through the mill in love. They have failed, and they have failed miserably. They are not even willing to take another chance on love because they feel crippled underneath the baggage they are already carrying. This spell combines a bit of wisdom and a bit of hope and a heap of renewal energy. This spell may be performed only on the new moon. You can perform this spell on yourself or for that dismal friend of yours with his/her consent before you try to fix him/her up with a blind date.

You will need:

  • Milk
  • Shot of rum
  • An egg
  • Teaspoon of sugar
  • Spritz of Lemon Juice

Heat up the milk, add a shot of rum (or imitation rum flavoring), crack an egg, and stir it in (minus the shell). Add a teaspoon of sugar and a spritz of lemon juice. Take off the stove before it reaches a boil and guzzle it down quickly. Lemon heals, neutralizes, and repels negative energy , situations, and hopelessness. Milk is loving and nurturing, cures depression, and alleviates fear. Rum clears the way and brings insight, eggs are for rebirth, and the sugar will sweeten the new path of love that awaits you.

Source unknown

Here’s a recipe for a cup of magickal morning brew.


  • 3 pinches ground ginger
  • 3 pinches cinnamon
  • 1 pinch nutmeg
  • your favorite ground coffee


  1. Add cinnamon to the ground coffee and say: “Cinnamon is for vision, money and love.”
  2. Add the ginger and say: “Ginger is for strength when push comes to shove.”
  3. Add the nutmeg and say: “Nutmeg is for vision, good fortune, and wealth.”
  4. Kiss your fingers and hold them over the coffee and spices, visualizing your love flowing into the coffee, and say: “A kiss keeps you happy and glowing with health.”
  5. Move your hand in a clockwise direction over the coffee spice mixture three times to blend the energies together, then proceed to brew the coffee in your usual manner.

Note: If you add sugar or cream to your coffee, know that sugar sweetens the experience, and cream smooths the way.

Borrowed from: The Prosperity Project

A book of Anglo-Saxon charms advised the crumbling of the Lammas loaf into four pieces and the burying of them in the four corners of the barn to make it safe for all the grain that would be stored there. You can also use this old spellcraft in a protection spell for your home.

Here’s how:

Bake a Lammas loaf, and when it is cool break it into four pieces – don’t cut it with a knife – and take one to each corner of your property with the words:

I call on the spirits
Of north, and south, east and west
Protect this place.

Leave the bread for the birds to eat or bury the pieces.

A recipe for Lammas bread can be found here: Lammas Bread


To bless your kitchen herbs, rise at dawn and then gather all of your herbs together on the kitchen counter. Hold your hands above them with your palms down, and then say:

God and Goddess of the good Earth
Bless these herbs with love and mirth
And as their powers are released
Let them flavor well each feast.

Source unknown

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We should educate people that ‘Witch’ is not evil but ancient and positive. The first time I called myself a ‘Witch’ was the most magical moment of my life.

~Margot Adler

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