Michael the Archangel’s flaming sword illuminates dreams and provides safety as you linger in dreamland. This dream oracle affirms whether a spiritual petition or request is appropriate or not. This spell is based on surviving remnants of Alexandria’s Magical Papyri. The request for the dream is made using a magic lamp.

This spell doesn’t assume that you have a special ritual lamp. Oil lamps were once common household articles, like a table lamp is today: it wan’t a big deal back then for a spell to suggest using one, any more than a modern spell’s request for a spoonful of salt is an inconvenience. An everyday oil lamp may be used, or you can dedicate and charge a special lamp just for spell casting.

  • Set aside some time – as this spell will take a while to complete
  • Cleanse and purify yourself thoroughly using whatever methods you prefer.
    Light the lamp
  • Speak to the lamplight, (using the incantation below) observing it, reacting to it until it burns out.
  • Repeat the following incantation periodically throughout the vigil. It must also be recited at the very conclusion:

Lamp, light the way to Archangel Michael,
If my petition is appropriate,
show me water and a grave
If not, show me water and a stone.
Be silent, go to sleep, and dream.

NOTE: The symbols of “water and grave” and “water and stone” were used at the dawning of the Common Era. Use them if you like or select others that suit you better; just announce explicitly the identities of the symbols.

Source: Encyclopedia of 5,000 Spells

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