For this spell you will need the following:

  • a quiet place to work
  • a smooth flat surface or table top
  • one small cotton drawstring bag
  • a small quartz crystal
  • a small white candle
  • equal parts of the following herbs: Rosemary, Lavender, and Chamomile

Clean your work surface and place the rosemary lavender and chamomile in a pile on the table in front of you. Light your candle, and take a deep cleansing breath. It is time to begin.

With your finger or fingers (which ever feels comfortable) draw a meandering path in the herbs – starting from the center. This represents the current flow of clarity that up till now has been the norm… take your time… enjoy the play of finger and herb…. this is the last time you will take a long and arduous journey to clear thought and vision.

When you are done “playing,” take the palm of your hand and smooth out the herbs, erasing the patterns and designs that were just drawn. Now, say:

Clarity of thought and mind
Come to me now and every time
I am yours and you are mine
Clear thought and vision intertwined

As you say those words, use your forefinger (your pointing finger) to draw a spiral design in the herbs starting from the inside out, drawing it in a counter-clockwise direction. This is the spell of undoing…. undoing the necessity for wavering and doubt… undoing dead ends and blind alleys.

Once again take the palm of your hand and smooth out the herbs, erasing the spiral design… do this slowly and thoughtfully… Now, once again say the words:

Clarity of thought and mind
Come to me now and every time
I am yours and you are mine
Clear thought and vision intertwined

and use your finger to draw a spiral design, this time moving from the outside in… in a clockwise direction… spiraling gently into the center, and when you are done place the crystal in that center spot.

Spend some time thinking about how easily clear thought and vision can spiral into your mind, your heart, your experience, your dreams, … how effortless it can be… a smooth gentle spiral… Imagine that the spiral is not just flat on the surface of your work space… but three dimensional… and real.

Repeat the spell words one last time… say it like you mean it. These are words of power. Claim them.

Clarity of thought and mind
Come to me now and every time
I am yours and you are mine
Clear thought and vision intertwined

Clap your hands 3 times, loudly ,.. and then quickly scoop the herbs and the crystal into your drawstring bag… pull the drawstring tight… It is done!

Any time you feel an extra need for clarity or vision … you can open the bag and inhale the scents. This spell is best performed when the moon is new.

~courtesy of Madame Fortuna

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