For this spell you will need to collect seven different types of money. For example: one of each of the following: penny, nickle, dime, quarter, fifty cent piece, dollar bill, and five dollar bill.

Next, collect seven different types of beans. For example: one each of the following: kidney bean, lima bean, black-eyed pea, garbanzo bean, soy bean, pinto bean, lentil.

NOTE: You can use any type of currency, and any kind of beans, as long as you have seven different types of money and seven different types of beans.

Place the money and the beans into a mojo bag. (Any small cloth or leather bag will be fine.) Write your financial desire onto a bit of brown paper and anoint it with money drawing oil, or dust it with Cinnamon. Place it in the bag with the beans and the money..

Close the bag and carry it with you every day, and sleep with it under your pillow every night until your desire has been fullfilled. When your desire is fulfilled, give the  money away to seven different people, and bury the beans in seven different places. Then burn the piece of paper while giving thanks.

Adapted from a spell found at: Witches’ Hive of The Iftas

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