
To do this ritual, you will need a green taper candle, mint or honeysuckle oil, and some play money. Choose the largest denomination of play money you can get.

Two days before the Full Moon (March 12 in 2017), take the green candle to your altar or spiritual workplace. Carve several dollar signs into the candle, thinking of a more prosperous life as you do so. Anoint the candle with the essential oil by rubbing it from the wick down to the end. Place it in a fireproof holder and set it in the middle of your altar. Light the candle.

Spread out your “money” in front of the burning candle. Sort it out by denomination, or in piles for each bill or purchase you would like to take care of. Spend at least five to ten minutes thinking about how you would responsibly use this money. Then extinguish the candle by pinching or snuffing the flame – don’t blow it out.

The next night light the candle again and shuffle through the “money” again. After ten to fifteen minutes, extinguish the candle as before.

The third night, the night of the full moon, go through the ritual another time, but this time let the candle burn completely out after you have finished sorting the “money.”

When the spell is complete, put the money in an envelope or box that you have designated as a “bank.”

From: Moon Magick

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