

  • A thin spindle (the kind they stick cash register receipts on)
  • 3 one dollar bills (higher denominations are OK too – just be aware that you won’t be using them unless you have a “money emergency”)
  • Powdered Cinnamon
  • Prosperity oil


Dip the tip of the spindle into the prosperity oil. Place one dollar bill on the spindle. Sprinkle with cinnamon. Hold your hands over the dollar bill and say:

Veiled Fortuna, Goddess of luck,
sweet sister of fortune
spinner of the Wheel of Destiny
grant me the gift of prosperity.
Bring me the blessings of positive abundance.
With harm to none, so mote it be.

Place the second dollar bill on top of the first. Sprinkle with cinnamon. Hold your hands over the bills and say:

Spirits of Earth, element of prosperity,
strong Mother of my fortune,
grant me the gift of unlimited resources.
Bring me the blessings of positive abundance.
With harm to none, so mote it be.

Place the third dollar bill on top of the second. Sprinkle with cinnamon. Hold your hands over the bills and say:

I am fortunate.
I am successful.
I am positive abundance.
I am prosperity!

Every evening, before you go to bed, add a dollar bill or two to the pile. Don’t forget to sprinkle with cinnamon, and say the last affirmation:

I am prosperity!

When your spindle is full, remove all but the last dollar and start over again. The “spindle” money can be placed in a special savings account to used for special projects, or it can be saved in a “magical money box” and saved for a rainy day. As the money on the spindle increases, so will your personal finances.

If you find that you must use the dollars on the spindle for some unforeseen emergency, be sure to leave the first dollar. If something happens, and you spend that first dollar, you will need to do the spell again.

Adapted from:
Silver’s Spells for Prosperity by Silver Raven Wolf

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