Magickal Powers

When people think of the word magic, the average person probably thinks of Samantha in “Bewitched” twitching her nose to turn a cat into a horse, or of Macbeth’s three witches standing around the cauldron while chanting, “Eye of newt and toe of frog, wool of bat and tongue of dog…” But magic has nothing to do with the supernatural. True magic comes from within ourselves.

It can only work within the boundaries of natural law, but it can seem to happen miraculously, simply because most people don’t understand the extent of the natural laws that we are dealing with. The fundamental idea behind this is that the thoughts you put out into the cosmos are a form of energy, and this attracts other energy in many forms. Your brain is like a radio beacon that is constantly sending out messages…and the universe (or the gods) receive those messages and transmit a reply back to us in one form or another.

Thoughts are energy, and words are powerful. These are two truths that are the basis of spell work. There is a natural law that states that on a metaphysical level, like attracts like. By visualizing an object and affirming to yourself that you want this item to manifest in your life, you are sending a clear message to the universe and to your subconscious as to what you want…and the cosmos will listen…and a corresponding image to the one you sent out will soon find its way to you. What we send out in thoughts and words, we attract to ourselves. What you think and what you say has more power than you can imagine. This is a type of magic in itself.

We use this type of “spell” all the time, mostly without realizing it. How often do you say to yourself or others, “I’m always broke, there’s just never enough money to go around!” And what’s the result? That’s a form of magic that you are working against yourself every day.

Some other examples that I hear people say are: “As soon as I stop dieting, I put weight back on,” and “My car is always breaking down.” In this article, we will be looking at using this same principle, but we will turn it around so that this form of magic works for us to enhance our lives.

Magic is a natural process that can be easily accomplished. It is a wonderful demonstration of the power that we each have to bring about change in our lives, and in our world around us. The life energy within us, and the universal forces that surround us, are energies of specific vibrations. In order to create magic, we simply need to attune with the vibrations of what we desire, and we need to know how to send the message of our needs to our subconscious and the universe.

Spells are practical tools that help us to attune with our desires, and then, in conjunction with our will, we direct this power inwards and outwards to ensure manifestation. As Aleister Crowley said… “Magic is the Science and Art of causing Change to occur in conformity with Will.” The subconscious mind is the source of the personal power used in magic. And spells are an effective way to convey messages to the subconscious because spells incorporate symbols – and symbolism is the language of the subconscious.

Know that words have power. And when words are used in conjunction with symbols, then the results are magical!

In the book “Myth, Religion, and Mother Right“, the author J.J. Bachofen eloquently describes the power of symbolism: “Human language is too feeble to convey all the thoughts aroused by the alternation of life and death and the sublime hopes of the initiate. Only the symbol awakens intimations; speech can only explain. The symbol plucks all the strings of the human spirit at once; speech is compelled to take up a single thought at a time. The symbol strikes its roots in the most secret depths of the soul; language skims over the surface of the understanding like a soft breeze.

The symbol aims inward; language outward. Only the symbol can combine the most disparate elements into a unitary impression. Language deals in successive particulars; it expresses bit by bit what must be brought home to the soul at a single glance if it is to affect us profoundly. Words make the infinite finite, symbols carry the spirit beyond the finite world of becoming into the realm of infinite being.”

From what we have described so far, I’m hoping that you now realize that magic comes from within. And the more energy that you put into creating a spell, the better the result will be. For a spell to be effective, you cannot simply say words from a spell book and hope for the best, you have to know how to put power into the spell.

The spell is not the magic, it is only by putting power into a spell that you create the magic.

Author: Don McLeod

A General Set of Steps to Follow
By Melinda

Magic spells are amazing ways to take back our power, one which had been taken away for centuries by organized religions and the people who presume that they personally know the Creator and are the only ones who are capable of communing with HER or HIM.Magic spells allow us to use the tremendous energy that each of us have for creating magick in our lives.

However, there are some simple rules that people need to remember when working spells. First and foremost; remember the Wiccan Rede; “An it harm none, do what you will.” This means that all of us have the power to do anything, unless it harms someone directly or indirectly. If we hurt someone, then the three-fold law will be set in motion and we will be the recipient of three times the hurt that we inflicted on someone else. That’s a good thing to remember, right?

It is not easy to think of all the people that our actions affect, directly or indirectly. For example, if we love someone and work a spell to increase their love for us, maybe that indirectly affects the time and energy they have for loving the rest of their family! So think deeply before deciding on a spell and how to express your intentions. Make sure your words and thoughts do not hurt anyone or anything.

The next step is to decide what your intentions are and what tools you will need to work your spell. For each intention, there are colors, herbs, gemstones, tools, etc. that will make a huge difference in the ambiance or environment around us. Always use your own words while working a spell. Just because the words sound exotic or the words rhyme, it doesn’t mean that your spell will work. Your words have to mirror your intentions; that’s the only way the spell will work. So give yourself enough time to think about what it is you intend and how best to express it to the powers and energies who will be doing the work for you.

Whether you work the spell inside your house or outside, make sure that the area is clean of clutter and old, used things; for everything contains energy. If there are things used by other people around the area where we do our spell, that energy will affect the outcome of our spell. Also, if we use items used by other people, their energies will be part of our spell working. Depending on the items, it could help our cause or hurt it. Remember to consecrate all your tools and also bless them just before you use each of them.

The area where you work your spell is also very important. The best place is outdoors on inside your house where you spend some time in daily spiritual practice. An altar, images or candles representing Goddess and God or any deity that you respect is very conducive to our relaxation and inspiration. Some people use the powers of the creative energies, such as the Earth, Air, Water and Fire. We may use salt, water, incense, or candle flame for consecrating our tools. Also, use the directions, East, North, West, and South for guidance to accomplish our goals.

When we have gathered all our tools, a sacred circle needs to be cast. This is for the purpose of protection so that our energies remain pure and powerful and will not be tainted or reduced by negative ones. Casting a circle may be accomplished using the Athame, Besom, Wand or pointing a finger in the direction of the circle and calling upon the energies mentioned above to guide us in our path.

After the circle is cast and we have all the guides we invited into our sacred space, we have to close the circle so that we remain protected in our sacred space. Now we visualize on the intent of our actions and complete the rituals of spell working. Once the spell is complete, we have to remember to thank our deities and other guides before we open the circle.

Remember to dispose of all the remains of our spell working (such as candle wax, ash from incense, holy water, etc) in the proper ways. Throwing them away as trash is not a good idea. Mother Earth is our first ally. So burying most of the materials used, (as long as they are from nature) is a sensible thing to do.

The best practice is to use very little of nature’s resources and put back into life more than you have taken out of it. This is the only way our Universe will survive and thrive.

Retrieved from:  Articles About Magic

Group Chants are one of the most effective (and fun!) ways of raising energy, especially when combined with dancing, stylized movement, gestures, and swaying. Some of the most popular chants are those taken from Amerindian sources, such as:

I am the Circle,
I am Healing you,
You are the Circle
You are healing me,
Unite Us
Be One
Unite Us
Be as One.
We are at one
With the Infinite Sun
Forever, Forever, Forever

Such chants as these express and reinforce a sense of belonging, both between immediate group members, and with the wider world or universe. Chants tend to build up slowly, and pick up speed as people feel the growing rhythm and pulse of the words and beat, which “carries” people along – it is easy to get so caught up in the chant that you begin to enter a trance state – but don’t just take my word for it – try it out!

The Darksome Night and Shining Moon chant of Wicca is another good example of a group chant – especially when each line is chanted by a different group member. The words of the chant serve to resume the central concepts of Wicca – the four elemental directions, the magical weapons, and the complementary natures of Goddess and God, Darkness and Light.

From: The Magical Use of Voice

To some people, the idea that “Magick” is practical comes as a surprise.

It shouldn’t. The entire basis for Magick is to exercise influence over one’s environment. while Magick is also, and properly so, concerned with spiritual growth and psychological transformation, even the spiritual life must rest firmly on material foundations.

The material world and the psychic are intertwined, and it is this very fact that establishes the magickal Link: that the psychic can as easily influence the material as vice versa.

Magick can, and should, be used in one’s daily life for better living! Each of us has been given Mind and Body, and surely we are under Spiritual obligation to make full usage of these wonderful gifts. Mind and Body work together, and Magick is simply the extension of this interaction into dimensions beyond the limits normally conceived. That’s why we commonly talk of the “super-normal” in connection with domain of Magick.

The body is alive, and all Life is an expression of the Divine. There is God-power in the Body and in the Earth, just as there is in Mind and Spirit. With Love and Will, we use Mind to link these aspects of Divinity together to bring about change.

With Magick we increase the flow of Divinity in our lives and in the world around us. We add to the beauty of it all – for to work Magick we must work in harmony with the Laws of Nature and of the Psyche. Magick is the flowering of the Human Potential.

Practical Magick is concerned with the Craft of Living well and in harmony with Nature, and with the Magick of the Earth, in the things of the Earth, in the seasons and cycles and in the things we make with hand and Mind.

Found in: Wicca: A Guide for the Solitary Practitioner

The black opal is widely known as the “Witches Stone” and is prized for its magic enhancing properties. To increase your magickal power, charge the stone with the following chant and place it on your altar.

“Opal black, of burning fire
Add the power that’s required
To make my magic hit its mark,
By light of day, or night so dark.

Found at: Luna’s Grimoire

Creative visualization is a powerful magickal tool. Here’s a nice technique for using creative visualization when working magick.

When you want to magically achieve something, first picture it clearly in your mind. The more definite and specific your idea of what it is the better. Picture yourself having it or doing it. Visualize it as vividly and as intensely as you can and hold it in your thoughts for a few moments. Concentrate on it intensely (it may help to hold your breath). Feel the energy of desire welling up inside you.

Then suddenly feel the image or desire released from your mind. Feel the energy filtering through the image and intensifying it, as if the image is a ‘stencil’. Imagine the energy exploding out from you into the macrocosm in all directions at once, and feel the universe ’tilt’ as it reacts to the force. (At the same time it may help to release your breath suddenly). Feel the energy draining from you.

Finally, believe that your purpose has been accomplished; that it HAS HAPPENED, perhaps saying something such as “so mote it be”, or “it is done”. And then, forget about it. You must let go of it in order for it to come to fruition.

By Phil Hansford

The Moon’s energy is most intense when she reaches abundant fullness. Any magical effort, especially difficult ones, can benefit greatly from the potency of this phase. Use the full Moon to amplify magical intent and to give spellworkings additional power. To seal spells performed during the full Moon, use one of these chants or choose one of your own.

From Everyday Magic:

Abundant Mother, Moon so bright
Hear my plea upon this night.
Your fertile power lend this spell
Make it potent, strong, and well

From Rhiannon’s Book of Spells:

Hear me, O Goddess of the moon,
Hear me, and grant me success
In the ways of Magick.
Send to my spell
Thy powers of enchantment.
Assist me in all my endeavors.
Hear me, for I am a child of the moon,
Grant me the ancient power.
For thou art the Great Goddess,
Mistress of Magick, I worship thee!

At the Full or Waxing moon phase just before midnight stand at a window where you can see the moon. If possible, open the window or go outside and allow the light of the moon to touch your body. Envision the moonlight, the power of the Moon entering your body….


Now, take a purple candle and anoint it with real vanilla extract or essential oil. Imagine the power of the moon and flowing through you and to the candle while you anoint it.

Place the candle on the ground or windowsill and light it. Say:

“Fair Selene,
Goddess of the Moon, love and light,
I ask you to send me your magickal powers
this moon lit night,
by the power of the myriad starlight above me,
and your moonlit heavens,
so shall it be!”

Stretch your arms out as if you are ready to embrace the moon. Visualize your outstretched arms as soaking up the moonlight and the moonbeams being absorbed into the pores of your skin. You will feel the Goddess giving you her awesome power.

Snuff your candle and leave it overnight where it is (or if that’s not possible, leave it on your altar).

The next day, either at the sunrise, or just before mid-day. Place the candle in the same place and stand arms outstretched towards the Sun soaking up the energy of its heat and sunbeams, Say:

“Great Ra, Lord of the sky and solar power,
lend your fiery magick to me.
Let this witches power be reawakened and be empowered
by the forces of the cool Moon and burning Sun.
By soil, wind, flame and sea,

Grant my desire.
So mote it be!”

Now your Magickal powers and your desire to use them will have been reawakened. Take your snuffed out candle to your altar and relight it there to burn out as a mark of respect to the God and Goddess.


If one goes on Christmas night in the morning twilight into a wood or forest without uttering a word or letting a sound be heard, without looking around, without eating or drinking, without seeing any fire, and follow a path leading to a church, when the sun is rising, he will see as many funerals as will pass that way during the year. He can also see how the produce will be in the meadows and pastures, and whether any fires will break out, or epidemics occur; in fact, for the time, he will be clairvoyant.

Found in: Encyclopaedia of Superstitions, Folklore,
and the Occult Sciences of the World

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We should educate people that ‘Witch’ is not evil but ancient and positive. The first time I called myself a ‘Witch’ was the most magical moment of my life.

~Margot Adler

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