This blessing spell for livestock is meant to be performed on St George’s day (April 23 by the Julian calendar, or May 6 by Gregorian calendar) .

Preserve a palm blessed on Palm Sunday (If this isn’t available or appropriate you may substitute a sacred protective plant, such as wormwood or rosemary.)

Place this before a sacred image, together with two whole raw eggs and a pot filled with raw barley.

Light candles before the image. (Some versions of this spell specify a church candle.) Use the flame from a candle to light a torch.

Group all the animals to be protected in a circle.

One person circles around the animals carrying the torch, while a second person sprinkles Holy Water, or another protective water formula onto the animals, using the palm frond, rosemary or wormwood plant.

The animals are then driven to pasture by slapping them with the palm frond, rosemary, or wormwood plant.

When this is complete, throw the palm frond plant into running water. Sow the barley in the ground, and break the eggs on the ground away from your property.

Found in: Element Encyclopedia of 5000 Spells

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