
Here is a spiritual cleansing ritual for the new moon:

Tools and Ingredients:

A star. Not as in a movie, but as in the sky. It can be a piece of jewelry, a Yule tree decoration, a picture of a star, a crystal window ornament, a pentacle, or whatever other star you might have. If you are outdoors, or have a window with a clear view on a clear night, you have many stars to choose from.


  • Place your star before you. Or, if your star is in the sky, be in a place where you can see it.
  • Get comfortable.
  • Pick one thing – just one – inside yourself that keeps you from nurturing your soul. Something you would like to cleanse away in this ritual.
  • Close your eyes. (just peek to read a step, then close your eyes to execute that step.)
  • Imagine that far out in the sky is a star that was made just for you, just to heal you. This is your own special and private healing star. Pretend that such a star exists. Even if you can’t believe in this star, imagine it anyway. Pretend it’s real. It does exist.
  • While imagining this star, get in touch with whatever inner block you have decided you want to be cleansed of. Feel it as much as possible.
  • Send your inner block far, far out to your special healing star. Imagine the block traveling a long, long, long way to the star.
  • Imagine the star kisses that block. This changes the block into a gift for you, but that is not part of the visualization. The gift is whatever internal attribute you need instead of the block, but you needn’t know what the gift is or picture it. Let the Goddess decide what the gift is.
  • Sit quietly for a minute or two. Be open to your gift coming to you. You may feel something, you may see something, you may learn something. If you don’t, that’s good too; it is on it’s way. Just sit in as receptive a state as you can for as long as is comfortable.

from: Francesca de Grandis

  • Themes: Wishes; Peace; Beauty; Pleasure; Cycles; Time; Mediation
  • Symbols: Falling Stars; Sweetgrass; Peace Pipe
  • Presiding Goddess: Wohpe

About Wohpe:

This Lakota goddess’s name literally means “meteor.” Among the Lakota she is considered the most beautiful of all goddesses. She generates harmony and unity through the peace pipe, and pleasure from the smoke of sweetgrass. Stories also tell us that she measured time and created the seasons so people could know when to perform sacred rituals. When a meteor falls from the sky, it is Wohpe mediating on our behalf.

To Do Today:

Go stargazing! At this time of year, meteors appear in the region of the Perseids, as they have since first spotted in 800 Ad. People around the world can see these, except for those who live at the South Pole. If you glimpse a shooting star, tell Wohpe what message you want her to take back to heaven for you.

To generate Wohpe’s peace between yourself and another (or a group of people) get some sweetgrass (or lemon grass) and burn it on any safe fire source. As you do, visualize the person or people with whom you hope to create harmony. Blow the smoke in the direction where this person lives, saying:

Wohpe, hear my message sure;
keep my intentions ever pure.
Where anger dwells, let there be peace.
May harmony never cease.

Afterword make an effort to get a hold of that person and reopen the lines of communication.

From: 365 Goddess

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~Margot Adler

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