Get Rid Of

The old, nostalgic memories of past romances never seem to fade, though we do tend to forget the bad parts. When the influence of an old flame lingers, when the passion of a past and long-gone love refuses to die and keep interfering with the present, it is time to put it to rest. This spell will not eliminate the memories, but it will finally snuff the misplaced embers of a long-gone love.

You will need:

  • Nine black beans
  • A piece of black paper

At midnight, when the moon is almost black, get the paper and the beans and sit in silence, Fully remembering your old flame. Invoke your past passion, the feelings you still hold on to. Then, take up each bean in turn, say one line of the charm, and put the bean onto the paper. Do this until all nine beans are on the paper. Then fold up the paper.

The following are the nine parts of the charm to say, one for each bean:

Soul of bliss, perfect kiss, gone…
Face so fair, gone…
Beautiful hair, gone…
Arms so comfortable and strong, gone…
Legs so long, gone…
Heart of fire, gone…
Loins of desire, gone…
Thoughts so fine, gone…
Aura divine, gone…

Take the bean-filled paper to a graveyard and bury it at night. Say:

Our love was true,
But it did not last,
Our love is gone,
It is now past.
Joy and peace to you and I.
The flame is gone
And now: good-bye.
Lethe, lethe, lethe.

From The Little Book of Love Spells By Sophia

On a waning moon, on any day of the week except Saturday, place an ice cube into a bowl next to a white candle. Place lavender in a natural vessel (such as a shell) and white carnations in a vase with water.

Say aloud:

With the help of the guardians,
Goddess and God,
I ask that my fear gently be lifted from me.
As the ice melts
so does my resistance,
and as the water turns to air
my fear opens to spaciousness.
I ask that this be done with ease
and for the greater good.
And I release this with love and trust
and say
so be it.
And so it is.

Let the bowl remain in place until all the water has evaporated. Allow the candle to burn as long as you like.

From: Simple Spells for Success

The evil eye is a popular belief that somebody can voluntarily or involuntarily bring disease and disgrace to another person by looking at them, usually brought on by envy. In some cultures, the belief is focused on children, where someone can inadvertently give a child the evil eye by complimenting them, as it draws in negative energy. If you think you or someone you know is suffering from the evil eye, you can use the methods below to help diagnose and cure it.

Diagnosing the Evil Eye

Before taking steps to cure the evil eye, one must first be assured that the evil eye is indeed the cause of the malady or the misfortune.

  • Notice the symptoms.

The negative energy of an envious person can cause physical symptoms that are not related to a disease, such as weakness, eye infections, upset stomach, fever and nausea. Also, it is likely that the affected person will have personal, family or professional problems without any apparent cause.

  • Follow the coal method.

This method is practiced in Eastern Europe. Simply drop a piece of charcoal into a pan of water. You can also use the head of a match that has burned. Sinking is a good sign, while floating means a person or child has been affected.

Usually a parent or healer performs these rituals, if the sufferer is a child. If not, the sufferer can perform them.

  • Try the wax method.

Another method is to drip hot wax into holy water. Watch how the wax reacts. If it splatters, it means you or the child you are testing for have the evil eye. The same is true if it sticks to the side. People in the Ukraine employ this method.

  • The oil method.

With this method, the person diagnosing the condition drops oil into water. If it forms an eye, the child is thought to have the evil eye. Another way is to pour oil over a lock of the affected person’s hair into a glass of water (preferably holy water). If the oil sinks, then the person has the evil eye.

Methods For Curing the Evil Eye

  • Try the touch method.

The easiest way to cure the evil eye, according to some, is to have the person who caused the evil eye touch the child. Since the evil eye is usually unintentional, the person should have no problem with simply touching the child. The child can be touched on the hand or forehead.

This belief is most prominent in Hispanic cultures. And the method is believed to work because evil eye is sometimes caused by a person complimenting a child without touching him or her. Having the person then touch the child resolves it.

  • Use an egg.

In Mexico and Latin countries, some parents use an egg. They pass the egg over the child’s body, commonly a prayer is said along with this such as the Our Father, and then put the egg in bowl beneath the pillow. They leave it there during the night and check to see if the white is foggy in the morning. If it is, the child was affected by the evil eye. This method also cures the evil eye at the same time.

We have a nice little post on one method of using the egg for cleansing. It can be found here: A Cleansing Ritual

  • Try hand gestures.

Some say that making certain gestures with your hand can ward off or cure the evil eye. One gesture is the mano cornuto, which is just a fist with the index and pinkie extended (horned hand). Point your hand down when making this gesture. Another is the mano fico, where you stick your thumb in between your index finger and middle finger (fig hand) in a fist.

Some Italians carry a little red horn (corna) around by wearing it or keeping it on a key chain. The horn is worn in place of making the horned hand sign.

  • Find a six-sided mirror.

One method said to cure the evil eye is the use of a mirror to reflect back bad energy. This method is used in China. You simply hang the mirror in a front window or on the front door.

Some people in India also use mirrors to cure or ward off evil eye. However, instead of placing it in the home, small mirrors are sewn into clothes or worn on the body.

  • Use a healer.

Folk healers often provide cures for the evil eye. If you don’t feel confident in healing the evil yourself, you can try a healer, who will perform the rituals for you.

Preventing the Evil Eye

Prevention is better than a cure, and there are a number of different ways to prevent being a victim of the evil eye. Here are just a few of them:

  • Use a pink coral bracelet. Some suggest that putting a pink coral bracelet on your child will help protect against the evil eye. Others suggest having the child wear a buckeye has the same effect.
  • Try a red string. In Jewish cultures, parents use a red string to fend off the evil eye. For instance, sometimes it’s tied around a crib bar or the stroller handle.
  • Have the baby wear a jet amulet. In some Hispanic cultures, babies wear an amulet made of black jet. Often, it’s shaped as a small fist. You may see it with red and black beads on a gold chain.
  • Use the spit method. When someone gives your child a compliment, you can try spitting over your left shoulder three times and then touching wood (or knocking your own head) three times. This method is most often used in Russia.
  • Scatter salt. One Sicilian method of protection is to scatter salt on the floor inside the front door or outside the house. The salt (with innumerable grains) is supposed to confuse evil-casters.
  • The urine method. Another method Sicilians use is the urine method, where everyone in the house pees in a bucket. Then the urine is spilled in front of the house. It’s similar to the practice of “marking your territory” used by animals predators the world over.
  • Try an eye charm. Many cultures use eye charms to protect against evil eye. You can wear one on a necklace, for instance, or use one as a key chains. In Turkey, these little charms are made out of blue glass, but other cultures make them out of other materials.

More information about the Evil Eye, along with more preventions and cures, can be found here:

While researching a post on the “evil eye,” I came across this article posted by Pocket Glass. It describes a step by step ritual for cleansing, and I’m sharing it here because I really enjoyed it, and think it’s worth trying. My own thoughts about the ritual can be found at the bottom of the post.

I had recently came across a blog post regarding the subject matter of “Limpia.” (source) My feeling is that Limpia is not only a divination tool but also a cleansing ritual. It involves the use of an egg that is rubbed along the entire body, including the bottom of the feet. The egg is then cracked to reveal the troubles/problems/outcome. Tonight, I decided to perform this ritual.
  • I cleansed the area and myself before performing the rite, using smoke from an incense stick relevant to the ritual.
  • I laid a white paper towel on which I placed a small white bowl. Any white plate/bowl etc can be used. I made the personal choice to pour sea salt in the bottom of the bowl and added two bay leaves for purity and protection.
  • I placed a glass inside the bowl on top of the salt. I poured water which I blessed inside the glass. Water is holy and blessed on its own. I gave thanks to my easy access to clean running water and the life it provides. I also took a sip and drank it in, grateful.
  • When I cupped the egg in my hands I awoke it to its duties at hand. I immediately ran the egg all over my body, starting with my third eye. I rubbed the egg along my skin until I felt light and almost tingly. This in itself without the divination had a desirable positive result. I felt lighter.
  • I cracked the egg into the water. I took photos before placing on the floor. It is currently near my feet, when I go to sleep it will be under my bed to finish absorbing any negative energies.

Here is the series of photos that she took:

The next day, after a night of absorbing any residual negative energies in the area, this is what the egg looked like:

What does it mean?

  • Large bubble connected to the yolk area – indicates a spirit or entity attached to the person. It could be either positive or negative.
  • Black speck/sediment denotes an enemy.
  • Many small bubbles indicate multiple physical attacks
  • Milkiness showing use of magick

There were so many small bubbles and a milkiness in the glass this morning. The small bubbles indicate physical attacks, the more bubbles the more attacks. The milkiness indicate that magick was used against the person. It surrounds the yolk. I can’t decide it it’s actually negative. It seems somewhat protective but I could be confused. I also see birds which would show the act of being spied on.

My second thought is if it’s possible for the egg to absorb negativity / energies / forces at work from another person sharing the same bed.

My own thoughts on the results:

My thoughts on the results are that because the egg is acting as a cleanser, and is used to absorb and pull out the negative energies, anything found in, on, or around the egg would be a cause for celebration that this is now GONE. And I would immediately take that egg out and away from my home and dispose of it in a fast flowing river that moves in a direction away from where I live and work. Alternatively, I would bury it in a graveyard, or burn it to a crisp and disperse the ashes at a crossroads… again, far from my home.

I also think it might be informative and interesting to break an egg into water BEFORE performing the ritual, and leave it under the bed over night to get an overall view of the energy currently at work. Then, (with a different egg, and new water) perform the ritual as explained in the above article. It would be interesting to see if the energy has changed in any significant way. If you decide to do this, don’t forget to take pictures of the before and after so you can compare.

Items Needed:

  • 2 apples
  • a knife

Get an apple and cut it in half horizontally across the middle. Once you cut it you will see a five pointed star. Rub ½ of the apple over your face or the affected area. Now say:

“Apple, sacred fruit of the Goddess,
with this gift, I do caress the blemish that brought me shame,
I banish now this affliction in your name”

Now get the other apple and cut it vertically from top to bottom. Rub ½ of the apple over your face or affected area as well. Then say:

“I love and accept myself as I am today,
Clear skin I summon to come my way,
By my will – so mote it be,
Three times three times three”

Bury the first apple by a tree, bush or flower that is outside. Bury the second apple by water. If you can’t find a place with water, just bury it anywhere and pour water over it.

Source: Blessed Be Me

Day of the Eclipse…a Greek Myth Made Ritual

Today’s colors are black and white. Upon a black cloth set incense, a lantern with a bright flame, and two necklaces of figs strung together, one of dark figs and one of light ones. On this day of magickal possibilities lets purify some evil thing from your life. As darkness overwhelms us let it be the darkness that steals our mind and heart…as the light comes back in the world, so too should light cleanse your soul and body. During the eclipse there should be fasting.

Eclipse Invocation

Long ago on days as this
The people chose two from the crowd,
One man and one youth
Coupled in life
Who had incurred their wrath,
Or were sinners, or merely ugly,
And they paid them gold in the name of Apollo
Bright God of the Sun
Whose rath the city must invoked
To steal their light from the sky
Apollo, he whose other face
Is the ravening wolf Lycaon.
They fed them, marched them around
The boundaries of the city,
And then drove them out
Pelted with figs and squills,
With all the sins of the city on their backs.
And soon the light returned
And the city felt blessed
And comforted in their action
Yet sins are not so easily driven out.
To lay them on a human back
Is too easy, and we do not walk the easy path.
So on this day we cast out the sins
Of the house, the family, the community,
Yet we each take responsibility for those sins,
And as dark returns to light
We admit that we are each the Pharmakoi
A scapegoat, but of our own actions
And that none of us can lay that on another.

Pharmakoi Pharmakoi 
We cast you from our home

*All lay hands upon the fig wreaths and speak what sins they would cast out and be rid of. They are then carried outside to be thrown on a fire and burned, and the ashes turned into the compost heap or scattered about the garden.

Found here: David Bolgert

In maritime lore, seawater was thought to cleanse a person thoroughly, absorbing any bad luck, due to the salt content of the water. Throwing salt into a fire for nine consecutive days was thought to break any chain of bad luck, while throwing salt at a person was sure to bring that person grief.

From: The Elemental Witch

You must take a white egg, and through small holes made in each end, blow forth the contents from the shell. Plug up one end with a little softened beeswax, then fill the shell, using a fine funnel, with sour red wine. Carefully seal the second hole with more wax, and in red ink write upon the surface of the shell the name of that plaguing compulsion you would be rid of.

Take this egg in secret to a place where great rocks cover the ground. Stand there and say these words:

“Hall of blood where life has fled
Walls of bone that close me round
I break thy reign, thy yolk I shed
I cast thy powers to the ground.”

Hurl the egg against a rock so that it shall burst into fragments and the contents be spilt upon the earth. Then gather up the broken bits of shell, take them home, and grind them into a powder in a mortar. This charmed dust should be kept within a small jar, a pinch of it to be placed on the tongue and swallowed whenever further treacherous temptations may appear.


War Water causes hexes but it also repels and removes them. Here’s a simple way to use it:

Add War Water to your bathwater. Light a white candle. As you soak, focus on the idea that the water is cleansing you and forming a protective barrier that no negative energy can penetrate. When you finish with the bath, visualize any negative energy that might have been attached to you, flowing down the drain. Dry yourself with a white towel.

War Water is not difficult to make, here’s a link to a simple recipe: War Water

by Madame Fortuna

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If you would like some advice about what sort of magick is needed, simply enter a short explanation of your situation. Our resident witch will be happy to assist. Good Luck!!

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We should educate people that ‘Witch’ is not evil but ancient and positive. The first time I called myself a ‘Witch’ was the most magical moment of my life.

~Margot Adler

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