You must take a white egg, and through small holes made in each end, blow forth the contents from the shell. Plug up one end with a little softened beeswax, then fill the shell, using a fine funnel, with sour red wine. Carefully seal the second hole with more wax, and in red ink write upon the surface of the shell the name of that plaguing compulsion you would be rid of.

Take this egg in secret to a place where great rocks cover the ground. Stand there and say these words:

“Hall of blood where life has fled
Walls of bone that close me round
I break thy reign, thy yolk I shed
I cast thy powers to the ground.”

Hurl the egg against a rock so that it shall burst into fragments and the contents be spilt upon the earth. Then gather up the broken bits of shell, take them home, and grind them into a powder in a mortar. This charmed dust should be kept within a small jar, a pinch of it to be placed on the tongue and swallowed whenever further treacherous temptations may appear.


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We should educate people that ‘Witch’ is not evil but ancient and positive. The first time I called myself a ‘Witch’ was the most magical moment of my life.

~Margot Adler

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