
Begin with a 4 inch by 4 inch yellow swatch of cloth. Inside the cloth, place a piece of bloodstone and loadstone to attract the energies you most want and need. Add some dried onion and garlic (about 1 teaspoon of each); the powerful aroma and taste of these items is associated with similarly strong vibrations.

When you’ve gathered everything, put your hands palms down over all the items. Visualize a reddish-yellow light pouring from your palms into the entire assembly and add this incantation:

Stones so firm, stones keep me strong
Maintain this power where it belongs.
Garlic and onion hold me steady and sure
Keep the magick flowing and pure.
And when released into the winds
By my will, this spell begins.

Carry the pouch with you when you feel your inner resolve waning. When you need strength quickly take a pinch of garlic and onion and release it to the winds (you can also recite the incantation again to support your goal), When you get close to the bottom of the bundle, refill and bless it anew.

From: Magick for the Wild Woman

On a waning moon, on any day of the week except Saturday, place an ice cube into a bowl next to a white candle. Place lavender in a natural vessel (such as a shell) and white carnations in a vase with water.

Say aloud:

With the help of the guardians,
Goddess and God,
I ask that my fear gently be lifted from me.
As the ice melts
so does my resistance,
and as the water turns to air
my fear opens to spaciousness.
I ask that this be done with ease
and for the greater good.
And I release this with love and trust
and say
so be it.
And so it is.

Let the bowl remain in place until all the water has evaporated. Allow the candle to burn as long as you like.

From: Simple Spells for Success

This is a very powerful banishing spell to pull worry, fear, bad vibes, unpaid bills, (and just about anything that contributes to negativity) out of your home and out of your life. It can be done anytime during the full or waning moon.

Supplies needed:

  • A cheap plastic planter (or container) about the size of a tub of Margarine
  • Potting soil
  • A brown egg
  • A brown marker or crayon
  • Candle (brown, red, or white)
  • Incense
  • Tablespoon of brown sugar
  • Water
  • Three cloves of garlic


If you are using a margarine or other plastic container, punch a couple of holes in the bottom of it for drainage. Fill it about 1/3 full of potting soil. With the brown marker or crayon, write on the egg the things that you want to banish from your life and your home.  For example: unpaid bills, financial instability, worry, bad luck, etc. You can write as
many things as will fit.

Light the candle and the incense. Pass the egg through the smoke (from the incense). As you do this, say:

Nothing can stand
Nothing can stay
By fire and air
All worries away

Now pass the egg across, through, over, or around the candle flame. Be careful not to burn your fingers. As you do this, say:

Nothing can stand
Nothing can stay
By fire and air
All worries away

Now walk around your house carrying the egg. As you go into each room imagine that all the negative energy, all the worry, all the fear, all the things you have written on that egg are being pulled out of the environment and are being sucked into the egg in your hand. Take your time, don’t rush the process.

Imagine also that any thing within your own self that might be contributing to the things you want banished are also being sucked into the egg.

When you have walked through each room, and when you have cleared your own energy, press the egg GENTLY into the planter (or container) with the soil in it. Sprinkle it with brown sugar to sweeten the energy. Cover it completely with more potting soil, filling the container all the way up. As you do this, say:

Nothing can stand
Nothing can stay
By water and earth
All worries away

Pour water into the planter slowly, being careful not to flood it and at the same time making sure that the soil is thoroughly moistened. As you do this, say:

Nothing can stand
Nothing can stay
By water and earth
All worries away

If necessary, add more soil so that your egg is well covered. Now press the three cloves of garlic into the wet soil and wait for them to sprout. This may take several days. The garlic will absorb and disperse any negativity. When the garlic has sprouted, take the container to a grave yard. Set it down wherever seems appropriate, and walk away without looking back.

This spell was crafted by: Madame Fortuna

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We should educate people that ‘Witch’ is not evil but ancient and positive. The first time I called myself a ‘Witch’ was the most magical moment of my life.

~Margot Adler

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