Book Of Shadows

Consider the herbalist’s scales: things are carefully weighed out to achieve a desired balance. Magic plays with balance too. Sometimes the desire is for all forces to be equal and harmonious. At other times goals are accomplished by deliberately, consciously tipping the scales to provide the required effect.

Left and Right:

Once upon a time, not too long ago, the concept of Dualism associated the direction right with God, high, male, and all those good things. Thus children were forced to use their right hands, the dexterous hand, whether that was their dominant hand or not. Children who were naturally left-handed (the sinister hand) literally had it beaten out of them until they were dexterous too. Consider various phrases: in the right, Mr. Right, the left-hand path, a left-handed compliment.

Connections between genders and these directions, however, predate Dualism and Christianity. They exist in completely unrelated cultures, including some that were isolated for a very long time. Hawaiian magic, for instance, associates left with female, right with male as surely as the Chinese and many Asian, African and European traditions. Frequently offerings to female deities are made with the left hand (by both men and women) while offerings to males are made with the right (by both men and women). Feng shui suggests that it’s beneficial for women to sleep on the left side of a common bed, while a man should sleep on the right. (Although spells intended to reverse the power dynamic within a relationship may suggest those sides be switched.)

Sometimes spells direct that an action be performed with either your left or right hand. Either one of two things is being requested.

1 – Because left is yin and yang is right, the left side of everyone’s body is yin or affiliated with “female forces” while the right side is yang and affiliated with “male forces.” Most frequently a spell’s success depends upon accessing one force or emphasizing one quality over the other.

2 – Sometimes the spell’s success depends upon not using your dominant hand. Because until recently everyone was forced to be right-handed, many older spell books will specify casting a spell with your left hand, because it’s assumed that everyone is right-handed. This is, obviously, no longer the case.

In newer spell books, where the importance lies in not using your dominant hand, this is specified in spell-directions. Left-handed people will be directed to use their right hands. Where no such direction is given, if the only stipulation is to use your left hand, then this applies to everyone across the board.

Article from: Encyclopedia of 5,000 Spells

Michael the Archangel’s flaming sword illuminates dreams and provides safety as you linger in dreamland. This dream oracle affirms whether a spiritual petition or request is appropriate or not. This spell is based on surviving remnants of Alexandria’s Magical Papyri. The request for the dream is made using a magic lamp.

This spell doesn’t assume that you have a special ritual lamp. Oil lamps were once common household articles, like a table lamp is today: it wan’t a big deal back then for a spell to suggest using one, any more than a modern spell’s request for a spoonful of salt is an inconvenience. An everyday oil lamp may be used, or you can dedicate and charge a special lamp just for spell casting.

  • Set aside some time – as this spell will take a while to complete
  • Cleanse and purify yourself thoroughly using whatever methods you prefer.
    Light the lamp
  • Speak to the lamplight, (using the incantation below) observing it, reacting to it until it burns out.
  • Repeat the following incantation periodically throughout the vigil. It must also be recited at the very conclusion:

Lamp, light the way to Archangel Michael,
If my petition is appropriate,
show me water and a grave
If not, show me water and a stone.
Be silent, go to sleep, and dream.

NOTE: The symbols of “water and grave” and “water and stone” were used at the dawning of the Common Era. Use them if you like or select others that suit you better; just announce explicitly the identities of the symbols.

Source: Encyclopedia of 5,000 Spells

Ma’at is the Egyptian goddess of justice and fairness, whose symbol is an ostrich feather. In mythology, Ma’at’s feather was used to weigh against mortal hearts in the Hall of Justice to determine their fate in the afterlife.

Is there an issue in your life at the moment that can benefit from the attention of Ma’at, requiring more equity? For this spell you will need a feather and a blue candle. On the candle, engrave the symbol of a feather and the name of Ma’at. If you have any items that relate to the injustice, such as a letter, place them on your altar. Light the candle and say:

There is a situation that seems unfair,
I look for an outcome that harms none.
Ma’at, you have a right to effect what you deem is fair
To ensure that order and justice are done.

From: A Witches Perspective

Take a horse shoe and put it around a red candle. Put the candle in a darkened room in the middle of a table. Write what it is you want on a piece of paper with a quill pen dipped in black ink.

Chant the following as you write:

What I want I write here
Please take my dream and bring it near
What I want Is What I should get
Let all my dreams Now be met

Now take the paper and fold it in a square of four creases. Hold it over the candle with a pair of tweezers and let it burn. Picture yourself with your wish fulfilled as you burn the paper send waves of love at the image you conjure of your self.

Source unknown

  • Moon Phase: any
  • Prep: ground and center (emergency use only!)
  • Tools: sword or wand, silver or dark blue glitter
  • Color: silver or deep blue
  • Herb: broom or frankincense
  • Elements: water and air
  • Crystal: hematite
  • Reason: when a major storm is approaching


Take some frankincense and a hematite stone, place them on a pentacle you’ve drawn on the ground (with your sword or wand). Place the tool of your choice in the middle of the pentacle and while holding the stone in your hand say:

Morrigan goddess of the storm
I ask for your help in every form,
turn it back into the sea,
absorb it into the rock into the tree,
send this storm far from me.

And if my Goddess does agree
than manifest please make it be!

Than take the silver or deep blue glitter and sprinkle it around the perimeter of the pentacle and let some fall off of your hand into the wind. Leave the stone as an offering to the elements and the Goddess.

Please Note: that if the storm does not come to your back yard it will go to someone else’s, try not to deplete your land of anything it needs just for the sake of seeing if you can do it. The Goddess is ever watching…our beautiful mother, blessed be

Source: Unknown

You will need:

  • A map of the area where you want the rain
  • Some rice
  • Bowl filled with water or small river
  • You may wish to add candles/incense to suit you

Conjure up your magic circle in whatever way you normally use. Place the rice over the exact area on the map where you wish it to rain and chant the following:

On these places that there is rice
Some seasonal rain would be nice
But not so much the rain should flood
Or those in need would drown in mud
Anu and Lou blessed be
And as my will so mote it be

Say this till you feel is right the fold the map with the rice still in it and submerge in water. Thank the gods again and close the circle. it should rain in a week or so–or repeat if needed you can slightly change the chant to suit your needs

Note:  Anu and Lou are another name for god and goddess

Source: Unknown

If you have been very disappointed, if you have broken up with a loved one and feel lonely and betrayed, Put oil of lily on a cotton ball, hold it in your hand go to a window, and look at the moon, waxing or waning. Now inhale the scent of the lily warmed by your hand and say to yourself:

I am never alone
I am surrounded by the love of the Divine Mother,
the Lady of the Woods and the Springs and the Flowers,
I am never forlorn
For I am loved by the Divine Mother
And she has already sent her blessings after me
I am never alone or forlorn
My ancestors’ spirits watch over me.

Source unknown

On July 7, the Japanese observe Tanabata, a popular Japanese festival based upon a Chinese myth. This a festival that celebrates the annual reunion of Shokujo, the sky princess, and Kengya, a lowly cowherd. When Shokujo’s father discovered the love affair, he separated the two on either side of the great sky river, the Milky Way.

Once a year on the seventh day of the seventh month, a flock of sympathetic magpies form a living bridge over the Milky Way so the lovers can be reunited. Skogugo, the Weaver Star (Vega), joins the Cowherd Star (Altair) in the sky.

The Japanese honor the lovers by placing spools of colored thread on their altars. Japanese children write poems on long strips of paper and tie them to branches of trees. Also flowers, animals, and stars all made of paper are hung up as decorations.

To bring a lover into your life, place red jasper, a pearl, and rose quartz in a spell box. Under the light of this Moon, burn a red candle and write:

In the light of the Tanabata,
Lover, come to my bidding,
Come in the red light of flame,
Come in the flooded Moon of night,
Across the wide expanse of the Milky Way,
In the pull of tides,
By the light of Tanabata,
By the power of Weaver and Cowherd,
To my bidding come.

Roll the spell in a tiny scroll and tie with a colored threads. Before the next Full Moon, a new lover will enter your life.

By: Lily Gardner

  • Color: Purple
  • Elements: Fire and Water
  • Altar: On a purple cloth set a vase of many flags, a plate of offering cakes, and a great chalice of wine for the libation.
  • Offerings: Offering cakes made with honey and olive oil. Aid in the freedom of another being.
  • Daily Meal: Anything the community wants.


Papa Liber
Mama Libera
We honor you!
You who are liberty and freedom,
Yet whose priestesses are elder women
Because in order to know
What it is to be truly free,
One must have had experience
And understood the many prisons
In which life will try to trap us.
You who are in the spirit
Of the great phallus borne into
The marketplace for all to see and touch
Yet whose wreath is laid upon it
By a virtuous matron whose body
Has not strayed from her wedding vows,
Because in order to know
What it is to be truly free,
One must have had the choice of many chains
And freely chosen those bonds
In which one wishes to spend one’s days.
Liberty in all its contradictions,
Freedom in all its ambiguities,
The state which we can never quite define
Your country which we can never find on a map
Yet we always know
When we have touched its shores.

(The libation is passed around, and blessed, and then poured out. Each member of the community may choose what work they will do that evening, and none is to be given orders, yet they must explain the following day why they did choose in that way.)

Note: This ritual is appropriate for any day that celebrates liberation and freedom, as well as the Roman holiday of Liberalia.

Found in: Pagan Book of Hours

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We should educate people that ‘Witch’ is not evil but ancient and positive. The first time I called myself a ‘Witch’ was the most magical moment of my life.

~Margot Adler

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