Harmony Spells
If you’ve had a disagreement with someone, or you’re in the middle of a conflict of some kind, then it’s a good idea to ask for help from the divinities. This prayer isn’t to help you win or to get the other person to apologize. It’s simply to create peace and forgiveness all the way around:
Beloved helpers in Heaven, please come to me now . . .
Archangel Raguel, heavenly minister of fairness . . .
Athena, goddess of peaceful solutions . . .
Forseti, overseer of truth and justice . . .
Guardian angels of: ______ (name the person or persons involved in the conflict).
I thank you for your intervention. I ask that you deliver my message to everyone involved in this situation and let them know of my desire for peace. I ask for a peaceful and rapid resolution, and I surrender this entire situation to you and God, knowing that it is already resolved.
I know that only peace exists in truth, and that peace is everywhere, including within this situation and within everyone involved. Please clearly guide me as to my role in this peaceful resolution. Thank you.
Source: Archangels and Ascended Masters by Doreen Virtue
Your house is a sentient being with it’s own spirit and soul.
Some people identify this spirit as their household deities or friendly house spirits. But some people have altogether forgotten how important the spirit of their house is.
Talk to your house.
Houses that have been ignored tend to be dull, tired and susceptible to hauntings and negative energies.
So, talk to your house. Listen to its aches and pains. Say hello.
Tell it that you come in peace, tell it that you are there to listen to it speak. Be grateful to your house, and watch the energies of your home transform themselves into joy.
Source: Unknown
Here’s something simple you can do whenever you just need to chill out, or calm down:
If you ever feel your emotions building up and becoming overwhelming, place your hands under lukewarm flowing water.
Water is a powerful and natural healer. It calms and cleanses emotions, quickly eliminates tension, and dissolves low vibrational and negative energies. This is the reason many empaths and highly sensitive people feel most at peace and in their element when near bodies of water.
Note: This works particularly well during highly charged moon phases and planetary shifts.
Source: Alex Myles
Kwan Yin is the Goddess of Mercy.
Here is a simple ritual to invoke her blessings:
- Set up your altar with a picture of Kwan Yin and either a stick or a cone of lotus incense.
- Bow 3 times to Kwan Yin
- Offer one or more glasses of water which Kwan Yin will bless.
Invite Kwan Yin to come to you and appear. Bring the palms of your hands together as if in prayer. Recite the following:
May the Peace of Kwan Yin be upon this household!
May the Light of Kwan Yin be in my soul!
May the Wisdom of Kwan Yin be in my mind!
May the Virtue and Purity of Kwan Yin be in my feelings!
May the Strength and Vitality of Kwan Yin be among the members of my household!
May the Health and Well-Being of Kwan Yin be manifest through out my body, and radiate through the garments I wear!
May the Grace of Kwan Yin be in my worship!
May the Talents and Genius of Kwan Yin be manifest through my senses!
May the Peace of Kwan Yin be upon me”
Recite the following short mantra 10 times:
Na Mo Kwan Yin Boddhisattva.
Finally, drink the water blessed by Kwan Yin. This water now has healing powers.
Dedicate this practice of the Kwan Yin Great compassion Mantra to the benefit and enlightenment of all beings.
Close your shrine in whatever way feels appropriate.
Found at: Order of the White Moon
Nemesis, also called Adrasteia (the inevitable). She is portrayed as a winged goddess wielding a whip or a dagger, and often holding an hourglass. She was the goddess of destiny, and divine anger against mortals who broke moral laws or taboos. Nemesis was a harsh, unremitting force representing acceptance of what must be. At times she would intercede with the Fate deity Atropos to allow a longer lifespan.
Often we have someone in our lives who consistently works at being a real trial to us. This person is sometimes called “our Nemesis,” which isn’t accurate. The problem, however, can fall under the power of the goddess Nemesis. She can remedy or sweep away interpersonal problems, provided we ourselves are not the cause of them. If we are contributing to the upset, she will stand back and make us work it out. So before you call upon Nemesis, be certain that you have rightfully accepted your share of the responsibility.
Use a black candle for Nemesis, anointing it from the end to the wick with patchouli or orange oil. This will help to create a balance or bring your life back into balance. Place a sliced apple in a dish next to the candle. Light the candle and sit facing it. Explain everything about the interpersonal problem to the goddess in your own words. Then say:
The hand of Nemesis balances the scales of justice.
She untangles the threads spun by the Fates.
Lift the burden of this problem, great Nemesis.
Guide me to the solution.
If there can be no harmony, separate us one from the other.
Untangle my life-thread, Nemesis.
This I do ask with a sincere heart.
Now sit quietly and listen with your mind. Meditation at this time can often calm you and provide possible solutions. You may even be told that you must make decisions and follow through with them. Listen, but look at everything logically. Some solutions may be too drastic and painful to implement. In this case, ask for an alternate solution to the problem.
From Moon Magick
The use of coins in Peaceful Home spell-work has a long basis in history, as a matter of fact. One old spell for promoting peace in the home consists of dressing a blue candle with pennyroyal oil and setting it on a paper on which has been written the name of everyone in the household, crossed by the entire text of the 23rd Psalm of the Bible.
Four coins — usually four nickels or four dimes — are placed around the candle in the form of an equal-armed cross, oriented North, South, East, and West.
The coins that surround the candle should all be of the same denomination. Back in the days when women often did not have jobs outside the home and the husband brought home all the pay, it was said that the four coins should be ones that were freely given by the husband to his wife. Nowadays, when most women have their own jobs, that is probably not so important, but the idea of the four coins remains.
After the coins are put into place, the candle is lit and the 23rd Psalm is recited aloud. When the candle has finished burning, the coins are buried at the four corners of the house to let the work continue. The candle wax (and the paper the candle was sitting on) is buried under the house, thus again forming a five-spot pattern. If the house is built in such a way that you cannot get under it, the wax may be buried at the front door instead.
Old spells like this can be adapted for use by people who live in apartments, but how they do so is going to be unique to their own situation. In any case, it is important to properly dispose of the ritual remains of the spell by laying them in the corners.
Here’s the 23rd Psalm, King James version, if you need it:
The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me beside the still waters. He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name’s sake. Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me. Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over. Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the Lord for ever.
Source Unknown
For friends who have had a misunderstanding, this will clear negativity.
You will need:
- Blue candle (for peace and healing)
- Lavender (for peace and purification)
- Sugar
- A rose (healing, love)
- Lavender oil
Here’s what to do:
- Bless ingredients.
- Anoint the candle with the oil.
Spirit, grant us clear minds and steady hearts,
a new road, and light burdens.
As I will, so mote it be.
Sprinkle the sugar in a circle around the candle, saying:
May our words and thoughts be sweet once more.
Sprinkle lavender in a circle outside the sugar, saying,
May our souls know peace.
Sprinkle rose petals in a circle outside the lavender, saying,
May our hearts know love again.
This spell does not bring you and your friend together again, nor does it dictate your actions. It merely asks that each heart be healed.
Magic can be created from the humblest articles. This spell derives from a time when sewing, mending, and needlework were constant, everyday practices. Here’s how it works:
Keep a little jar beside you as you sew. Every time you finish a thread, toss the bit into the jar, saying something to the effect of
“Bless this house.
Protect all within from harm and hardship.”
When the jar is full, seal the blessings within by laying one protective leaf or root on top. (For example: bay laurel leaf, angelica root, bethroot, or wormwood)
Close the jar tightly and store it near the top of the house, in the attic, or hang it from the rafters.
Source: Encyclopedia of 5,000 Spells
This magic bottle spell can be worked on anyone’s name you want to sweeten. Depending on what relationship the person has to you, what special items you put into the name-packet, the color of the candle you choose, and the hoodoo oil you dress it with, this trick will cause the person you name to like you more, to love you more, to favor your petition, to want to help you, to be sympathetic to your cause, or to forgive any wrongs you have committed.
It can be used to influence and sweeten a judge in a court case, a loan officer at the bank, a boss from whom you want a raise, a teacher in your school from whom you want a good grade, a lover with whom you want a reconciliation, an in-law who has been back-biting you, or friend who has cut you off because of a foolish quarrel.
You will need:
- a jar of sweetener
- a piece of paper
- a pen or pencil
- optional herbs, curios, and/or bodily concerns
- a candle
- a candle-dressing oil
Get a small jar of sweetener. This can be honey, Karo Syrup, Crystal Syrup, home-made brown sugar syrup, Log Cabin Syrup, Vermont maple syrup, Bre’r Rabbit Blackstrap Molasses or whatever you desire — as long as it is in a container with a metal lid. You can buy the goods in a pint-size glass Mason jar or pour the sweetening of your choice into a jar of your own at home. All that matters is that it should be a short, squat jar with a metal lid, filled up to the shoulder of the jar.
In the old days, when skin color was a lot more important to people than it is now, it was recommended that the color of the sweetener match the skin of the person you wanted to sweeten. Thus, for a white judge, you might use Crystal Syrup, and for a Latino loan officer you might use light brown sugar syrup, and for a dark-skinned lover you might use Bre’r Rabbit Blackstrap Molasses. Frankly, these days specifying a person’s skin color is not as meaningful as it once was (for which we can all be thankful), and today many folks prefer to use honey for the spell, no matter what the target’s skin colour is, because it is a natural sweetener and not man-made. I believe that if you just follow your own intuition and decide which sweetener you like the best, you can be confident that you have made the right choice.
Next, prepare your paper.
Again, in the old days, we would be told to use white paper for a white person, tan paper for a high-brown, and rough old grocery-bag paper for a person of dark color, but these days the type of paper you use can simply be a matter of personal style. Manu people prefer the kind of cream-colored parchment paper. I often use a smooth, tan-colored light-weight shopping bag paper because that is my choice, based on the way I was taught, which was that such paper is “pure paper.”
No matter which kind of paper I use, I prepare my paper by tearing it neatly on all four sides so there is no machine-cut edge. Of course some folks trim their paper square with scissors — and the spell still works for them. So go ahead and prepare your paper just as you wish and that will suffice.
Once you have got your paper together, write the person’s name three times on it, one name under the other. For example, if the other person’s name is John Russell Brown, it would look like this:
John Russell Brown
John Russell Brown
John Russell Brown
Then rotate the paper 90 degrees clockwise and write your own name across the person’s name, also three times. If your name is Abigail Samantha Little, it would look like this:
Abigail Samantha Little
Abigail Samantha Little
Abigail Samantha Little
The result will be that the two names are crossed over each other, like a cross or a tic-tac-toe grid, and the other person’s name will be under yours.
This is called crossing and covering their name. If the sweetening is being done for love, you can use a red ink pen. Otherwise, the color of the ink does not matter, and you can just as easily use a pencil.
Now all around the crossed names, write your specific wish in a circle. If you need a guideline, lightly sketch the circle-shape with a pencil and then follow around it when writing with your ink pen. You must write your wish in one continuous run of script letters, with no spaces — AND WITHOUT LIFTING YOUR PEN FROM THE PAPER. Do not cross your t’s or dot your i’s. Just write the words in one run and be sure to join up the end of the last word with the beginning of the first word so the circle is complete. Then you can go back and cross your t’s and dot your i’s.
To make it easy to connect the word together at the end, I have found it best to make my petition in the form of short commands, such as “help me favor me help me favor me” or “love me love me love me” or “forgive me come back forgive me come back.”
If you make a mistake — for instance, if you lift your pen in the middle of writing your petition-circle — throw away the paper and start it all over again. You want it to be perfect.
Other Ingredients
Other ingredients can be added to the name-paper if you wish — a piece of court case root for a court case spell, two rose petals for a love spell, a lump of sugar for a family member, two clove buds for friendship, bayberry root or sassafras root for a money spell, a pair of Adam-and-Eve roots for love, two small Lodestones for sexuality, a pinch of deer’s tongue leaves for a proposal of marriage, a square of camphor for cleaning out bad things of the past, and so forth.
If you are sweetening someone for love, then in addition to the name-paper and whatever optional herbs, roots, or minerals you choose, you must also get one of the person’s hairs and one of your hairs. If the hairs are long enough, tie them together. Otherwise, just lay them crosswise to each other. In either case, place them on the name-paper.
Don’t ask me what to do if you can’t get their hairs ’cause I can’t help with that. Either work the spell without the hairs and expect a much lower rate of success or get the hairs! Don’t load the paper up with lots of other stuff thinking that if you can’t get the hairs that six different love-herbs and two lodestones will be as strong as two hairs. They won’t be.
Work the magick
Fold the paper toward you to bring what you want your way and speak aloud your wish as you do so. Turn the paper and fold it again, and again, always folding toward you, to bring what you want your way. Speak aloud your wish each time you fold the paper toward you. Fold it until it will not fold any more.
Open the jar of honey or syrup. To make room for the folded paper packet, you will need to eat some of the contents. Take out a spoon’s worth, and as you eat it, say, “As this honey [or syrup] is sweet to me, so will I become sweet to John Russell Brown [or the name of the person you are working this on].” You can do this three times — taking out three small spoonfuls of sweetener and speaking your wish aloud each time. Push the folded paper packet down into the jar and close up the lid.
Dress an offertory candle (a 6″ long candle or a 4″ long one, nothing fancy) with an appropriate anointing oil or a combination of hoodoo or conjure oils. Use a white candle for general blessing and healing, a red one for sexual love, a pink one for reconciliation, a brown one for a court case, and so forth.
- For more details on candle colors and magick, visit this post: Candle Magick and Color.
- Details on anointing oils can be found here: Essential Oils For Ritual and Magick
Stand the candle on the lid of the closed-up jar and light it. You can melt the candle to the lid with hot wax if need be.
Let the candle burn all the way out. Do this every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, for as long as it takes. Add each new candle on top of the remains of the last one. I have seen people’s syrup-jar bottle spells like this done for court cases that were continued for so long and required so many candles that you could not see the jar under all the dripped-on wax!
From: Lucky Mojo
The type of lamp recommended is a hurricane or kerosene lamp.The basic fuel mixture is a blend of castor oil, olive oil, and kerosene. Use 2/3 kerosene to 1/3 oil mixture. A simple terracotta oil lamp may also be used – the basic fuel mixture would then be olive oil, or palm oil.
Start with a clean lamp – a new one is best – but a used one is fine as long as it has been thoroughly cleansed.
At the bottom of the lamp place a magnet and a hair from the head of each person the lamp is intended for or their names written on parchment paper cut a circle. Add a teaspoon of honey. Pour in two ounces of virgin olive oil that has been thoroughly infused with two tablespoons of the following mixture: two parts of white rose petals and one part cumin seed.
Now add a small piece of orris root and High John the Conquerer root, along with 1/2 teaspoon of each of the following: passion flower, mistletoe, jasmine flowers.
Fill the rest of the way with your basic fuel mixture. Light the lamp and recite a prayer to Saint Raymond, or whatever deity you wish to invoke for harmony and happy relationships.
Once it is lit, the flame must not be extinguished until the goal is accomplished. Each day at the same time, your desire should be restated and the prayer recited while turning the lamp in a clockwise direction (to get the ingredients moving), and the lamp should be refueled if necessary.
Note: If some of the ingredients seem difficult to acquire, feel free to use any herbs and oils that are useful in spells for harmony and peace. For example, a small rose quartz can be substituted for the orris and High John the Conquerer root.
A Prayer to Saint Raymond is as follows:
Glorious St. Raymond, filled with compassion for those who invoke thee and with love for those who suffer heavily leaden with the weight of my troubles, I cast myself at thy feet and humbly beg of thee to take the present affair which I recommend to thee under thy special protection. Vouchsafe to recommend it to the Blessed Virgin Mary and lay it before the Throne of Jesus, so that He may bring it to a happy issue. Cease not to intercede for me until my request is granted. Above all obtain for me the grace of one day beholding my God face to Face, and with thee and Mary and the saints praising and blessing to all eternity. Amen.
Good St. Raymond, pray for us and obtain our request.
Good St. Raymond, pray for us and obtain our request.
Good St. Raymond, pray for us and obtain our request.
Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory be to the Father.
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