
All food contains energies that you can work with to bring love into your life. Here’s a recipe for a lemony love dessert.

The preparation of food, with a particular intention in mind, is old magic. Look at food as sacred, let the act of preparing, cooking and eating food be a sacred act. Your kitchen can be a place of powerful magic, work slowly and deliberately to hone your craft. Always stir clockwise, clockwise motion is thought to be in harmony with the apparent movement of the sun in the sky, and has been linked with life, health and success.

  • The recipe:

Combine 4 egg yolks, 4 cups milk, and lemon zest grated in large strips, 1/4 cup sugar, and 1/2 cup plain flour. Mix in a pan over heat and stir until thick. Tip into a deep platter, remove lemon zest, refrigerate for 2 hours then cover with raspberries and dollop cream on top. As you eat savor the flavors and think of love.

Source: Witches Lore

This spell is for those damaged souls who have been through the mill in love. They have failed, and they have failed miserably. They are not even willing to take another chance on love because they feel crippled underneath the baggage they are already carrying. This spell combines a bit of wisdom and a bit of hope and a heap of renewal energy. This spell may be performed only on the new moon. You can perform this spell on yourself or for that dismal friend of yours with his/her consent before you try to fix him/her up with a blind date.

You will need:

  • Milk
  • Shot of rum
  • An egg
  • Teaspoon of sugar
  • Spritz of Lemon Juice

Heat up the milk, add a shot of rum (or imitation rum flavoring), crack an egg, and stir it in (minus the shell). Add a teaspoon of sugar and a spritz of lemon juice. Take off the stove before it reaches a boil and guzzle it down quickly. Lemon heals, neutralizes, and repels negative energy , situations, and hopelessness. Milk is loving and nurturing, cures depression, and alleviates fear. Rum clears the way and brings insight, eggs are for rebirth, and the sugar will sweeten the new path of love that awaits you.

Source unknown

On July 7, the Japanese observe Tanabata, a popular Japanese festival based upon a Chinese myth. This a festival that celebrates the annual reunion of Shokujo, the sky princess, and Kengya, a lowly cowherd. When Shokujo’s father discovered the love affair, he separated the two on either side of the great sky river, the Milky Way.

Once a year on the seventh day of the seventh month, a flock of sympathetic magpies form a living bridge over the Milky Way so the lovers can be reunited. Skogugo, the Weaver Star (Vega), joins the Cowherd Star (Altair) in the sky.

The Japanese honor the lovers by placing spools of colored thread on their altars. Japanese children write poems on long strips of paper and tie them to branches of trees. Also flowers, animals, and stars all made of paper are hung up as decorations.

To bring a lover into your life, place red jasper, a pearl, and rose quartz in a spell box. Under the light of this Moon, burn a red candle and write:

In the light of the Tanabata,
Lover, come to my bidding,
Come in the red light of flame,
Come in the flooded Moon of night,
Across the wide expanse of the Milky Way,
In the pull of tides,
By the light of Tanabata,
By the power of Weaver and Cowherd,
To my bidding come.

Roll the spell in a tiny scroll and tie with a colored threads. Before the next Full Moon, a new lover will enter your life.

By: Lily Gardner

Gather your rose on the 27th of June; let it be full blown, and as bright a red as you can get. Pluck it between the hours of three and four in the morning, taking care to have no witness of the transaction.

Convey it to your chamber, and hold it over a chafing dish or any convenient utensil for the purpose, in which there is charcoal and sulfur of brimstone; hold your rose over the smoke for about five minutes, and you will see it have a wonderful effect on the flower.

Before the rose gets the least cool, clap it in a sheet of writing paper, on which is written your own name and that of the man you love best; also the date of the morning star that has the ascendency at that time.

Fold it up and seal it neatly with three separate seals, then run and bury the parcel at the foot of the bush from which you gathered the flower.

Here let it remain untouched till the 6th of July. Take it up at midnight. Go to bed and place it under your pillow, and you will have a singular and eventful dream before morning, or, at least, before your usual time of rising. You may keep the rose under your head three nights without spoiling the charm. When you have done with the rose and paper be sure to burn them.

Found in:

Encyclopaedia of Superstitions, Folklore, and the Occult Sciences of the World

The Summer Solstice love ritual is strongest done during the June full moon, but the ritual may be done on any full moon. It is best done out of doors, but may be done indoors.

For this love spell, you need:

  • 1 rose quartz
  • 1 crystal quartz
  • 1 blue quartz
  • 1 emerald
  • 1 citrine
  • 1 garnet
  • 1 black tourmaline
  • 1 bag
  • petals of 3 roses
  • daisies
  • red or orange cloth
  • 1 large candle in red, gold or orange

Bathe before doing the ritual. Add flowers to your bath. If you shower, rub you body with a flower scented lotion or oil. Clean the stones with running water.

Clean your altar. Cover your altar with a red or orange cloth to honor the sun. Add some daisy blossoms to your altar. The daisy gets its name from day’s-eye because it turns to follow the sun.

Place the gold, yellow or red candle to represent divine Fire at the top middle of your altar. Sprinkle the petals of three red or pink roses on the altar. Place the rose quartz in the middle of the altar, make a circle around the rose quartz, with the other stones.

Pick up the crystal quartz in your left hand and say:
May I give and receive love as pure new snow.

Put the crystal quartz back and pick up the blue quartz in your left hand and say:
May I give and receive love as peaceful as calm water.

Put the blue quartz back and pick up the citrine in your left hand and say:
May I give and receive love as warm as sunlight.

Put the citrine back and pick up the emerald in your left hand and say:
May I give and receive love as strong as the oak tree.

Put the emerald back and pick up the garnet in your left hand and say:
May I give and receive love as bright as fire.

Put the garnet back and pick up the tourmaline in your left hand and say:
May I be open to love and may my love protect my loved one.

Put the tourmaline back and pick up the rose quartz in your left hand and say:
May I always be filled with love as I fill my lover with love.

Kiss the rose quartz three times. Gather all the stones with a few rose petals in both hands. While holding the stones and rose petals in both hands say:

My love is strong and surrounds all I do
I will always have all the love I need
Love is part of everything I do.

As you hold the stones and rose petals in your hands, you will know that love is with you. Shake the stones three times and then put the stones and a few rose petals in the bag.

This part must be done outside. Take the remaining rose petals and throw them in the air so the breeze can multiply your love. Every full moon take the stones out of the bag and hold them.

Copyright © 2006
This spell may be reprinted if credit is given.

Use this invocation to ask the archangel of Venus, Anael, to bless and bring harmony to a romantic relationship. Light a candle at Anael’s hour (between 9 and 10am) and burn some rose incense. Scatter a few pink rose petals on your altar, and then say the invocation.

The Invocation:

Archangel Anael, angel of the mystic planet Venus,
as I light this candle,
my consciousness opens to receive your divine influence
and the blessing of your wisdom and loveliness.
I envision you descending to meet me
as I rise in thought and in spirit to reach your exalted realms.

I am aware of the exquisite roselight within
which you enclose me as in an aura.
It is as if we come together to meet in a temple of the rose.

I ask that you hear my prayer
and that I may receive the benison of your assistance.
Please clear the way
so that the love between [your lover’s name] and myself
might blossom and flourish.

Please help us to draw light from our hearts
so that it may be perfectly expressed
in body, mind, soul and spirit.

Archangel Anael,
you have the romantic affairs of humankind under your divine rulership,
I watch this candle flame burn
and behold the strength and the power of the bond of love
to overcome all resentment and disharmony.
I ask that you cleanse our vision of all illusion
so that we may see the truth and the beauty in one another
and transcend all earthly barriers and limitations.

If this petition is for all good in its conception,
may it succeed.
I see the archangel Anael
pouring out blessings upon us as if from a horn of plenty;
and these blessings merge into one brilliant shaft of light,
which penetrates the heart of our love
so that it may be healed and be whole.

From: Little Book of Love Spells
Art by Brenda Boles

Here is a great idea for spell work involving beans. You will need three dried beans large enough to write on, and a fine point indelible marker. Write directly on each bean what it is that you want to grow, cultivate, and harvest in your life. This could be money, love, soul mate, happiness, peace, joy, confidence, etc. Each bean can have the same word (symbols are also fine) or you can write three different words on the same subject.

  • For example: money, $$$ (dollar signs), paychecks.

Now plant the beans in a pot filled with good soil. Make sure your magical beans receive lots of tender loving care, along with proper amounts of sunshine and water. Each day, as you take care of them, think about what you might also do to nurture and take care of whatever it is that you would like to create in your life.

For example, if you are growing magical beans to bring a lover into your life – it might be a good idea to lovingly prepare the bedroom. If you are working to bring happiness, think about small things that you could actually do that might put a smile on your face. As you care for your beans, ideas will come to you – act on them.

When your plants are sturdy, strong and have outgrown their pot, transfer them to a larger container, or transplant them outside where they can reach their full potential.

Very Important:

Don’t get discouraged if your bean plants don’t thrive. Simply do a little research as to what might have gone wrong, and try again. Eventually they will grow and thrive, as will you!


This post was written by Shirley Twofeathers, you may repost and share it only if you give me credit and a link back to The Book of Shadows. Blessed be.

The following spell is for drawing someone into a sexual relationship. Here’s how to do it:

Lay two sewing needles together, with the eye of one beside the point of the other. Wrap them in a mint or basil leaf, wrapping it toward you. Secure with a red thread, knotting in your desire.

Wrap this in a piece of red silk or satin, again rolling or folding toward you. Place this in a red flannel bag and wear it around your neck or waist.

To end the spell: Remove the charm, take it apart and break both needles.

To reinforce the charm: Feed it with three drops of dark rum added to the open bag.

From: Encyclopedia of 5,000 Spells

Long term relationships are like a garden. They need to be sowed, fertilized, weeded, and watered to grow beautifully. Even if you’re doing all of those things, storms can come along and jostle things up. That’s part of what makes a long term relationship both difficult and rewarding.

Here’s a bit of old time gardening magick that can work wonders when it comes to nurturing a relationship.

To begin, you need three seeds from a flowering plant that speaks to you of love. (If you need ideas, you can take a look at The Language of Flowers – a definitive list of flowers and their meanings.) You’ll also need a red-colored planter, good potting soil, and an amethyst crystal (for nurturing love).

Name the seeds after yourself, your partner, and your overall relationship (the sacred We). Every day as you tend the seeds, speak gentle, encouraging words into the soil. Talk about your wishes for your relationship, and let those wishes grow to maturity in rich soil. Meanwhile, begin sharing those wishes and hopes with your partner, and finding ways to work on them together.

By the time the seeds fully blossom, you should notice an improvement in the level of emotion present in your relationship.

From: Magick for the Wild Woman


You will need:

  • 2 Candles (l pink and 1 white)
  • Cinnamon
  • A moonstone

Place the candles on the alter, the pink one to the left and the white on to the right. Cast a circle and light the candles. Place the moonstone on the alter. Invite the Goddess Selene (or other goddess of your choice) to join you, for you will be needing her help. Next, sprinkle the cinnamon in a figure-eight pattern around the two candles.As you sprinkle the cinnamon, speak these words aloud:

“Oh Great Goddess of the light,
Bring me happiness, true and bright!
May a new love so true come to me!
So mote it be!

Thank the Goddess and close the circle. Either let the candles burn out, or snuff them out but do not blow the flames out.

From: Diary of Ancient Rites

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We should educate people that ‘Witch’ is not evil but ancient and positive. The first time I called myself a ‘Witch’ was the most magical moment of my life.

~Margot Adler

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