Book Of Shadows

In the most commonly used form of chants, each member of the group repeats the entire verse. However, the “Spinning Mantra” differs in that one member intones the first line of the chant, the next person, the second line, and so on. One note can be used throughout, with the same syllables stressed in each line.

Another variant is to start the Spinning Mantra off, and have the members of the group wander around, stopping briefly in front of each other to chant their lines. This can be very disorienting, but is very effective if performed with a large group.

Try it with this magick chant for power and protection:

“I call upon the Powerful, Cosmic Guardians.
I call upon the Ones who bring Power and Strength to those who believe.
I am a dynamic living Electro-Magnetic Force.
I am Positive.
I have a Strong Will.
I am Fearless – Absolutely fearless!
Nothing can Harm me.
I am the Master of my Destiny.
I Surround myself with a Mental Atmosphere of Protection.
No Harm can penetrate this Positive Armor.
Those would harm me shall be Powerless.
Their negative energy shall return to them a Thousandfold.
I am Strong.
I am safe.
I am Positive,
I am Powerful.
As I say
So shall it be.

This ritual combined with this chant can be very powerful. For best results each participant should have a copy of the chant and a chance to practice their lines. The idea is to repeat the chant over and over allowing the energy to build.

From: The Magical Use of Voice and various other sources

Why does singing and chanting have such a powerful effect on us? Repetitive or boring tasks are easier to perform if there is a tune in the background, or if someone starts to sing.

I remember with particular fondness the “work songs” which were evolved when I spent a few months picking oranges and grapefruit in Israel, and they certainly livened up what was a boring and strenuous task. Songs and chants establish rhythms, which not only distract from the boredom of a task, but also seem to add energy and help “carry” each person along. Group spirit and enthusiasm is raised.

One of the key factors seems to be rhythm. rhythms carry our consciousness along, from heartbeats, to cycles of breathing, sleeping, night-day and the passage of seasons. rhythms promote associated body movements and adjustments, and act as a signal to begin movement without conscious effort, so that less energy is expended when you begin; for example, it has been shown that soldiers can march further, and in better form, with less fatigue, when accompanied by a marching band.

The feeling of being “carried” comes from the structure that rhythm gives to our time-sense, and the pattern gives a sense of continuance. It becomes a motor attitude, and one’s attention is freed (if this is desired). rhythms also become “mirrored” by our brain activity, and they have powerful physiological effects on us. Music Therapists have found that people suffering from Aphasia or Huntingdon’s Chorea (both neurological disorders which impair speech) can carry a tune, and group singing is a common element in therapeutic voice training.

Rhythms are everywhere around us, and group chants and songs reflect this fact and bring us towards an enhanced sense of participation in the world.

From The Magical Use of Voice

Just for the purposes of discussion, I want to distinguish between ‘ordinary’ speaking and ‘sacred’ speech. Sacred speech, in this context, refers to those occasions when we are using speech (probably combined with other modes of display) to bring about a magical change – such as in inducing group trance, communing with spirits, being a horse, raising energy, and so on.

At these times, the way in which we deliver speech is different from our usual habits of talking in that there may be an enhanced deliberateness in our enunciation, or greater care taken in projecting the subtle nuances of emotion – awe, ecstasy, gentleness or martial ardour.

Whether our words well up, unbidden, from the Deep Mind, or have been carefully linked together in prolonged brainstorming sessions, it is highly likely that we will try and find a certain distinct rhythm around which to frame our words.

The Deep Mind often speaks to us in verse. Cross-cultural studies of the vocal patterns of people in the throes of possession show a striking similarity, that of a rising and falling intonation at the end of each phrase, with each phrase punctuated by a pause or groan. This pattern emerges regardless of native language and cultural background.

The English version of this rhythm is known as Iambic Pentameter. You can hear it also in the frenzied oratorical deliveries of evangelical preachers and in the apparently meaningless gush of words and phrases from those who have been seized by the ‘Holy Spirit’. It wells forth from the Deep Mind as unconscious or deity-inspired poetry and communications.

People who are overshadowed by a deity during ritual often seem to stumble over their words, as though they are trying to fit their words around the rhythms of the trance. I would conjecture that the more complete the spirit-possession, the less laboured the sacred speech, as the persons self-awareness’ will be all the more completely submerged by that of the entity.

As the Deep Mind calls to us with a particular rhythm and meter, so do we attempt to call into the depths of our being by rhythmically pulsing our speech. Sound, like light, sets up rhythms in our brains, as experiments with electro-encephalographs (EEGs) have shown. These internal rhythms reflect the sounds which propel us into varying degrees of trance, whether it is the gentle, watery lapping of the Moon or the thundering frenzy of Pan.

If we are caught off-guard, and susceptible, their effect can be devastating. J.F. Hurley, in his book, “Sorcery”, describes a trance condition known in the Philippines as Lata, which is brought on by a startling sound, after which susceptible people will imitate actions that they see or words that they hear. Philippino head-hunters took advantage of this susceptibility by paralysing their victims by using sharp, piercing cries.

This sort of talent appears in many cultures and settings. Pat Crowther, writing in her book “Lid Off The Cauldron”, mentions ‘calls’ which, when used in open spaces, can draw the unwary to the caller. Forcefully projected, stattaco hissing noises, reinforced by jerking body movements, can also precipitate trance.

Peter Redgrove, in his short novel, “The God of Glass”, makes use of the syllable SATATATAT, which, when chanted, at the same time as whirling around, produces in its initiates a disassociation, which culminates in a bee-hum – the Om of ultimate being.

From The Magical Use of Voice

On any day or evening from the new to full moon, sit quietly and close your eyes. Relax. See yourself as the energy of prosperity. Be the energy of prosperity. Chant, or repeat in your mind:

Circle, circle, round round;
round round, circle round.

Calm and center yourself, thinking of yourself as the energy of success and prosperity. BE the energy of prosperity. This spell is a terrific one to do anytime, and is especially helpful when those financial worries start to get you down.

~Silver Raven Wolf
Silver’s Spells for Prosperity

Drawing Down the Moon refers to ritually connecting with the power and wisdom of a Full Moon divinity. In some Wiccan traditions, this is done by the priest of a group calling the Moon Goddess into the priestess in order for her to become the living embodiment of the deity during the ritual. However, there also are other types of Drawing Down the Moon rituals.

In the Circle Craft tradition, all participants in a group ritual Draw Down the Moon by simultaneously evoking the Moon Goddess within themselves. We also Draw Down the Moon as a personal rite by the following method:

Do a personal Drawing Down the Moon ritual in a private place where you are not likely to be disturbed. Create sacred space. Then, hold your arms up above your head, curving them slightly and holding your palms toward each other so that as you do this you get a sense of being a great chalice. Invoke the Full Moon Goddess or some other Full Moon Divine form you wish to link with.

As you do the invocation, call to mind the image of a shining disc of Moonlight coming down into yourself through your sacred chalice posture. Drink in the power, wisdom, and light of the Moon Goddess. Then, slowly move your arms so that your hands overlap each other on your heart area. Experience yourself as becoming one with the disc of Moonlight and the Moon Goddess.

Experience yourself glowing with Lunar radiance, power, and wisdom, and continue to resonate for several minutes. Then, receive, reflect on, and remember your experiences and any guidance that comes to you. When you sense it is time to end the ritual, give thanks to the Moon Goddess and Sacred Moon. Then, end the ritual and eat some food to aid in grounding. Write about your experiences.

By Selena Fox

For this spell to find a lost cat or other small pet, you’ll need the assistance of a tree, rock, or other outdoor entity—preferably one in your yard or very near your home. Take one of your pet’s favorite toys and some pet food to the tree. Tell the tree about your pet and that you are concerned because of how long he or she has been missing. Ask the tree if it will help you by providing a beacon for your pet to follow to get home. Leave the pet food near the tree. If a small rock gets your attention, bring it and the pet toy into the house. Keep them near the door. Every time you pass the toy, thank the tree for its help in providing a beacon for your pet.

Source: Therese Francis

To some people, the idea that “Magick” is practical comes as a surprise.

It shouldn’t. The entire basis for Magick is to exercise influence over one’s environment. while Magick is also, and properly so, concerned with spiritual growth and psychological transformation, even the spiritual life must rest firmly on material foundations.

The material world and the psychic are intertwined, and it is this very fact that establishes the magickal Link: that the psychic can as easily influence the material as vice versa.

Magick can, and should, be used in one’s daily life for better living! Each of us has been given Mind and Body, and surely we are under Spiritual obligation to make full usage of these wonderful gifts. Mind and Body work together, and Magick is simply the extension of this interaction into dimensions beyond the limits normally conceived. That’s why we commonly talk of the “super-normal” in connection with domain of Magick.

The body is alive, and all Life is an expression of the Divine. There is God-power in the Body and in the Earth, just as there is in Mind and Spirit. With Love and Will, we use Mind to link these aspects of Divinity together to bring about change.

With Magick we increase the flow of Divinity in our lives and in the world around us. We add to the beauty of it all – for to work Magick we must work in harmony with the Laws of Nature and of the Psyche. Magick is the flowering of the Human Potential.

Practical Magick is concerned with the Craft of Living well and in harmony with Nature, and with the Magick of the Earth, in the things of the Earth, in the seasons and cycles and in the things we make with hand and Mind.

Found in: Wicca: A Guide for the Solitary Practitioner

The ability to think seems to set us apart from other creatures. And although we are concerned with living in the physical world, we are mental beings. The fact is we are thinking all the time. We plan, we brood, we get depressed or elated — all of it is thought. But the universe is mental too, and if we could control our thinking we would see magnificent results in the everyday world.

Many systems have been developed over the ages to help us control our thoughts. A great amount of dogma too has been kicked around in an attempt to make us into better people. Magick (the occult kind, spelled with a ‘k’) is one of the oldest and most general of these systems. Magick is the study and application of psychic forces. It uses mental training, concentration, and a system of symbols to program the mind. The purpose of magick is to alter the self and the environment according to the will.

Most of the magick we see today comes to us from ancient Egypt and Chaldea. The Chinese, Hindus, and Tibetans developed their own unique types of magick. Western magick was locked up by the Egyptian priests for thousands of years and then suppressed by the rise of Christianity. It was not until medieval Europe that magical knowledge was rediscovered by the alchemists and Cabalists. Only during the past hundred years or so has western culture been open minded enough to permit widespread investigation of the subject. Only since the start of the twentieth century has science shown much interest in it at all.

Author: Phil Hansford

Magick encompasses many things – science and art, philosophy and metaphysics, psychology and comparative religion. Magick is an adventure at the borderlands of the unknown. It can fit the pieces of the puzzle of life into a meaningful whole.

  • Magick is fun and interesting.

Use magick to help raise consciousness without drugs. Gain new experiences. Fantasy can come alive through magick. Psychic phenomena can be controlled and be fun and helpful.

  • Magick is beneficial.

It can help you to have excellent health, and bring you good luck. With magick, life runs smoothly; life is good. Magick can also be used for personality improvement, to control bad habits and to develop new motivations.

  • Magick is powerful.

Never underestimate the tremendous power of magick. Use magick to alter events and to achieve your goals. Exert an influence over people and phenomena. But remember, power for its own sake is self defeating. The power which magick can give you should not be your primary reason for studying it.

Author: Phil Hansford

We all get a bit of negative energy in us from time to time. Be it stress, or an empath receiving someone else’s trouble. This technique will help you rid yourself of these emotions and energy and bring you to a calmer state of mind.

You can do this in private, or anywhere where you can take a moment to breathe in a time of need.

Close your eyes and imagine the negative feelings as a a black ball. See it before you. With each breath out, watch the ball turn white. With each breath out, feel your self get calmer. Continue this until the ball is completely white.

Once it is totally white, watch this ball leave your sight. Feel your negative energy go with it, and breathe in the new calming sensation.

Source: Spells Of Magic

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We should educate people that ‘Witch’ is not evil but ancient and positive. The first time I called myself a ‘Witch’ was the most magical moment of my life.

~Margot Adler

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