Anybody can use some extra cash, especially if it means being able to buy a particular item, save for a vacation, or simply to kick back and enjoy a night out on the town. A great way to manifest a desired amount of money is to write yourself a New Moon Check.

As in the graphic above, it’s a check you write to yourself in the amount you want to create or manifest. It’s a New Moon Check because you write it during the first 24 hours of a new moon, when manifesting magick is strongest.

Before you begin writing your check, think about how much you might want to create, whether it’s based on meeting your financial obligations, or for something that is purely recreational. The general rule of thumb is to write the check for an amount you truly believe to be possible to manifest. For example, if you wrote your check for one million dollars, but yet, you have strong beliefs that that is not possible, that one million dollars will probably take a very long time to manifest in your life, most likely only after you have worked through any limiting beliefs. Therefore, if you want to see results quickly, it would be wisest to ask for a reasonable amount of money.

Try not to think of yourself as needing this amount of money, as needing often implies lack; instead, imagine this amount of money as adding to your prosperity. Imagine that you already have the amount of money you are manifesting, right this second. What would you do with it? How do you feel with this money in your life? Play it out in your imagination with as much detail as possible. Imagine these feelings of joy and prosperity to radiate out into the Universe. As you do this, you are becoming magnetic to whatever it is you focus upon.

Finally, when you’re done, hold your check in your hands and surround it with white light, and then release it fully and completely. It’s important not to hold any attachments to the results of this exercise; simply acknowledge that the money will begin flowing into your life immediately thereafter, and trust that the Universe will find the easiest way to do so.

Put your check somewhere safe and try not to think about it for the next 28 days. During this time, be especially alert to opportunities that come your way, and pay attention to your intuition, as it can guide you to your money sooner. You also want to acknowledge any money that comes your way with gratitude, including any expected income; this will send messages to the Universe that you are ready to receive even more of what you have.

When the next new moon comes, take your check out and review how much money you have received in the past 28 days. If you managed to manifest the amount you wrote in the check, congratulations! If not, write yourself another check and repeat the process until you do manifest successfully.

Source: Soul Workings and Xtreme Mind

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