Banishing Spells


This is a great spell for helping you diminish any debts you may have incurred, including those standard monthly debts otherwise known as bills.

The word abracadabra is extremely ancient and can be a powerful invocation to rid oneself of sickness and poverty. In this spell, we are going to use it to diminish bills and debt.

As soon as any bill comes in, write the following on the envelope:


Now turn the bill over and write the full amount that you owe in that same diminishing way. For example:


Put your bill into a large manila envelope until you are ready to pay it. The envelope can be decorated with symbols, images, and/or affirmations that represent “diminishing”. For example: a picture of the waning moon, the words “I release and I let go”, the abracadabra, or whatever feels appropriate.

At the end of the month, or whenever a particular bill is paid. Roll the envelope up that it came in, sprinkle it with vinegar and burn it.

Source: Unknown


In southern Germany, the eisbeilige – the iceman days – is the brief cooling trend in May. The “ice saints,” Mamertius, Pancratius, and Servatus, were celebrated on May 11. Along with Cold Sophie, these “strong lords” are pagan figures who were turned into Christian saints were said to bring cold weather during planting season. They’d kill a budding tree or a field of sprouting wheat the minute they touched it with their frosty fingers or blew on it with their freezing breath. Farmers learned early on not to set plants out until after the ice saints had come and gone.

Sometimes we find ice saints in our lives, people whose presence chills our blood and infects our happiness with frostbite. They’re self-righteous, hypocritical, and extremely annoying. They’re bigger control freaks than we are and insist that a household chore or a ritual has to be performed “their way or the highway.” Sometimes they threaten physical harm. Sometimes they’re psychic vampires who steal our energy. Sometimes they’re thieves who steal our stuff or our work.

They’re all toxic people. We need to get them out of our lives. One banishing technique I like – but which must be done with finely focused aim and a strong intention to harm none – is to put the ice saint right where he or she belongs: in the freezer.

Write the person’s name and behavior on a piece of paper and bind it with black thread and thirteen knots. Say out loud exactly what the ice saint does that is toxic. Say out loud that you want to bind the behavior. You’re not out to injure the person, just to protect yourself and get him or her out of your life.

Put the piece of paper in a little jar, fill it with water, and put it in your freezer. Then take real-life action to get the ice saint out of your life.



Here is a spell for “freezing out” and getting rid of people, situations, and whatever else you don’t want to have in your life anymore. Just be sure that you really don’t want whatever it is that you put into this spell because it really does work.

You will need:

  • Black Candle
  • Aluminum Foil
  • Picture of whatever (whoever) it is you want to get rid of – or you can just write it (names, situation, circumstances, etc) on a sheet of paper. Be as specific as possible.

Now, light the candle, lay the picture and/or the paper on a sheet of aluminum foil. Fold the foil with the paper/picture on it seven times. Seal the package with wax from the burning candle.

While you are sealing it say:

“No longer can you enter my life,
no longer can you cause me strife,
on ice you go. on ice you stay,
go you now away this day.”

Then place the package in the back of your freezer knowing it is done. Leave the package there until you are sure that the spell has worked. You can then remove it and drop it into a dumpster far from your home.

Found at: The Gay Mage

img0564Cut an apple in half horizontally, so that the star in the center is exposed.

Rub one half of the apple with a mint leaf while visualizing what needs to be banished.

Write your problem on a slip of paper. Dip the paper into essential oil of mint and place it between the apple halves.

Put the two halves of the apple back together again with a skewer…so they remain joined.

Tie the pieces securely together with black silk or satin ribbon. Bury the apple.

Your problem will dissipate as the apple rots…

Spell by: Rose Ariadne

img0562The idea is to relax in your personal meditational spot – you know where it’s nice, cozy, silent and you’re sure not to be disturbed for at least half an hour, and build up some Zee Energy. Burn some frankincense or copal incense or whatever works for you.

When you think you’ve reached a highly charged, powerful state envision a cone of power going counter-clockwise (for banishing) like a cyclone above your house, slowly bring the cone down into your house and envision all the little nasty energies being taken up into the cyclone squealing and kicking and being enveloped by the giant cone.

Drive the cone down below your house and deep into the earth, using the earth’s magnetic field to rise through the cone and clear out all the little nasty creatures and energies. Once you are sure nothing is clinging, when you feel that the earth energy has cleared it, take the cone back up into your house and go through the process again, a little bit stronger and more determined this time, so as any smart little things can be washed out in the “rinse cycle”.

Again, plunge the cone deep into the earth and clear it again. When it has cleared, allow the cone rise out of your house, high into the sky, and disperse into the sunshine.

Relax and feel the positive energy and the lack of negativity in your house. Focus now on positive thoughts and the things that you love. All is well.

Spell by Madame Fortuna

wwb_img8This spell can be used to dissolve bad habits, negativity, and/or anything that is hurtful or destructive in your life. All that is required is a piece of paper, water colors, chalk or other water soluble writing material, and a rainy day.

With water colors or chalk, draw or write the bad habit on a piece of paper. Immediately take it out into the rain. Let the rain dissolve and disperse the water colors or chalk.

So shall your habit or negativity dissolve, cleansed by the sanctifying rain.

Source unknown

This is a very powerful banishing spell to pull worry, fear, bad vibes, unpaid bills, (and just about anything that contributes to negativity) out of your home and out of your life. It can be done anytime during the full or waning moon.

Supplies needed:

  • A cheap plastic planter (or container) about the size of a tub of Margarine
  • Potting soil
  • A brown egg
  • A brown marker or crayon
  • Candle (brown, red, or white)
  • Incense
  • Tablespoon of brown sugar
  • Water
  • Three cloves of garlic


If you are using a margarine or other plastic container, punch a couple of holes in the bottom of it for drainage. Fill it about 1/3 full of potting soil. With the brown marker or crayon, write on the egg the things that you want to banish from your life and your home.  For example: unpaid bills, financial instability, worry, bad luck, etc. You can write as
many things as will fit.

Light the candle and the incense. Pass the egg through the smoke (from the incense). As you do this, say:

Nothing can stand
Nothing can stay
By fire and air
All worries away

Now pass the egg across, through, over, or around the candle flame. Be careful not to burn your fingers. As you do this, say:

Nothing can stand
Nothing can stay
By fire and air
All worries away

Now walk around your house carrying the egg. As you go into each room imagine that all the negative energy, all the worry, all the fear, all the things you have written on that egg are being pulled out of the environment and are being sucked into the egg in your hand. Take your time, don’t rush the process.

Imagine also that any thing within your own self that might be contributing to the things you want banished are also being sucked into the egg.

When you have walked through each room, and when you have cleared your own energy, press the egg GENTLY into the planter (or container) with the soil in it. Sprinkle it with brown sugar to sweeten the energy. Cover it completely with more potting soil, filling the container all the way up. As you do this, say:

Nothing can stand
Nothing can stay
By water and earth
All worries away

Pour water into the planter slowly, being careful not to flood it and at the same time making sure that the soil is thoroughly moistened. As you do this, say:

Nothing can stand
Nothing can stay
By water and earth
All worries away

If necessary, add more soil so that your egg is well covered. Now press the three cloves of garlic into the wet soil and wait for them to sprout. This may take several days. The garlic will absorb and disperse any negativity. When the garlic has sprouted, take the container to a grave yard. Set it down wherever seems appropriate, and walk away without looking back.

This spell was crafted by: Madame Fortuna


Undines are female derivatives of water spirits. Like the other elements, the undines contribute to the universal life force through purification, movement and sound.

This spell uses the properties of water turned to ice. Pour spring water into a small, new paper or plastic cup. Freeze.

When you are ready to perform the spell, take the cup out of the freezer. Place upside-down in a bowl. Hold your hands over the ice and name what has frozen in your financial affairs. Blow on the ice three times. And chant:

Breath of spirit,
Warmth of love.

Allow the ice to thaw, visualizing the financial difficulty flowing away from you. When it is thawed, pour the water on a house plant – our outside around a tree or shrub. As you pour the water out, think about how the energy of spirit and the warmth of love can now freely flow through you to nourish and heal those around you.

From: Silver’s Spells for Prosperity by Silver Ravenwolf

Here is a really simple spell to banish poverty, or anything else in your life that you’d like to get rid of. I love the symbolism of flushing away unwanted ‘crap.’ .


Begin this spell seven days before the new moon. Each day write on a piece of toilet paper,  “I banish poverty from my life!” (or whatever else it is that you are flushing away). Sign your name and flush it down the toilet. On the seventh day write, “I have banished poverty from my life.” Then sign your name and flush it down the toilet.

Adapted from a spell found at The Gay Mage

This is a very powerful spell to break and remove all the bad energy, negativity, bad luck, hexes, and etc. that others have put on you, or that you have inadvertently collected or allowed.

You will need:

  • 1 white candle
  • 1 smudge stick OR 1 generous handful of dried sage leaves (not the powder)
  • 1 lemon (lemon essential oil – pure lemon juice will also work)
  • 1 paper plate
  • black marker or pen
  • 13 straight pins
  • 1 black cloth – the size of a large handkerchief
  • 1 egg
  • 1 potato

Making the spell:

Gather your supplies. Get centered.

Draw an “eye of protection” on the paper plate with the black marker or pen. Cut the lemon in half and rub it briskly over the candle until the candle is coated with the juice, wipe your hands on the black cloth. Now, light the candle.

Next light the smudge stick, OR if you are using dried sage, place the leaves into a fireproof container and light them so that they begin to smolder and smoke.

Once you have some good smoke, take the potato and submerge it in the smoke using a circular, counterclockwise motion. When the potato seems well fumigated, set it down on the paper plate and cover it with the black cloth.

Insert the 13 stick pins through the cloth into the potato. Crack the egg over the cloth covered pinned potato and let the egg slide off of it and onto the plate.

Blow on each stick pin and into the potato. As you do this, recite the incantation, saying it louder each time, until you feel the negative energy has left you and transferred into the potato.

The Incantation:

Thirteen pins in the poppet,
Hex be broken. Now I stop it.
Curse be over. Curse be done.
I succeed. I have won.
Bad luck stays within the black.
I am not under attack.
Curse be buried and destroyed.
My life it is now filled with joy!

Dispersing the bad energy:

Unwrap the cloth, being careful to keep the pins intact. If a pin does not come out with the cloth, but stays embedded in the potato, you’ll have to re-do the spell.

This is important. The potato and the black cloth with the pins in it must be disposed of separately, far from your home. The paper plate should be burned, along with whatever remains of the sage. It’s also important to dispose of the lemon (if you used one) and the shell from the egg.

Ideally, the black cloth with the pins will be dropped at a crossroads NOT near your home; the paper plate and the sage burned – their ashes scattered to the four winds; and the potato tossed into a river or sent out with the tide.

Alternatively, the items could be buried near a crossroads (just be sure that the potato and the black cloth are buried separately and at a good distance from one another). Do not bury any of the items in your own back yard!

~Madame Fortuna and Sister Moon

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We should educate people that ‘Witch’ is not evil but ancient and positive. The first time I called myself a ‘Witch’ was the most magical moment of my life.

~Margot Adler

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