
From an ancient Chaldean Magical Tablet we have this incantation against the entrance of Demons (and other bad spirits) into the house.


Talisman, talisman,
boundary that cannot be taken away,
boundary that the Gods cannot pass,
barrier immovable,
which is opposed to malevolence!
Whether it be a wicked Utuq,
a wicked Alal,
a wicked Gigim,
a wicked god,
a wicked Maskim,
a phantom, a spectre,
a vampire,
an incubus,
a succubus,
a nightmare,
may the barrier of the god Ea stop him!

Note: This spell can be enhanced if used in conjunction with protective herbs and/or salt spread across the threshold and window sills, and also if protective symbols (such as the one shown here) or runes are written or drawn on doors and windows.


To do this ritual, you will need a green taper candle, mint or honeysuckle oil, and some play money. Choose the largest denomination of play money you can get.

Two days before the Full Moon (March 12 in 2017), take the green candle to your altar or spiritual workplace. Carve several dollar signs into the candle, thinking of a more prosperous life as you do so. Anoint the candle with the essential oil by rubbing it from the wick down to the end. Place it in a fireproof holder and set it in the middle of your altar. Light the candle.

Spread out your “money” in front of the burning candle. Sort it out by denomination, or in piles for each bill or purchase you would like to take care of. Spend at least five to ten minutes thinking about how you would responsibly use this money. Then extinguish the candle by pinching or snuffing the flame – don’t blow it out.

The next night light the candle again and shuffle through the “money” again. After ten to fifteen minutes, extinguish the candle as before.

The third night, the night of the full moon, go through the ritual another time, but this time let the candle burn completely out after you have finished sorting the “money.”

When the spell is complete, put the money in an envelope or box that you have designated as a “bank.”

From: Moon Magick


If you need to banish something from your life, prepare a pot of soup. Draw a banishing pentagram in the soup, then stir nine times counterclockwise, saying:

“Blessed Lord, gracious Lady, hear my plea.
Remove (insert what needs removal) from me.
For the good of all, with harm to none;
once this is eaten, the spell is done!”

Eat the soup.

Source: Wisdom Products


  • 1 tsp. of rose water
  • 3 tbsp. sea salt or Kosher salt
  • 1 small bowl of spring water
  • 1 clean glass container
  • 1 new compact mirror
  • 1 small storage glass bottle (green or blue)

You can buy the bottled water as long as you know that it’s really spring water. But it’s best if you get the water from a running stream or other “live” body of water that you know the water is clean.

Before the Rite:

Cleanse and sterilize the bowl and the glass container with boiling water.

Time and Place:

Midnight during a Full Moon phase. Out of doors under the moon, or near a window that will reflect the light of the moon.


Set out your work cloth and all ingredients upon it. Take five or six deep breaths to relieve the stress of the day. Ground and center. Cast your magick circle in whatever way is familiar to you. Hold your arms outstretched in the Goddess position (arms out at the sides like you’re cradling the Universe, palms up). Say:

In the cloak of the midnight hour
I call upon the Ancient Power
I seek the presence of the Lady and Lord
To bless this water that I will pour.

At this point, you should feel the energy of Earth Mother and Skyfather move abut your feet and head. Feel your own energy expand around your navel and then unite with Divinity. Take your time; no need to rush.

Pour the rose water into the bowl of spring water. Pick up the bowl of water, hold it toward the light of the Moon, and say:

In my hands I hold the essence of the Goddess.
I hereby cleanse and consecrate this water to Divinity
that it may be used for positive acts only
and may aid me in my magickal works.

Feel the energy of the Moon Goddess pulsate down into the water. Imagine her silver light descending from the heavens and impregnating both the water and yourself. You will feel a “glowy” sensation. Set the water down and pick up the salt. Feel the power moving in your arms as you raise the salt toward the moon. Say:

In my hands I hold the essence of Earth Mother,
She whose bounty sustains all living creatures.
I hereby consecrate this salt to Divinity
that it may be used for positive acts only
and may aid me in my magickal work.

As with the water, imagine the energy of the Moon Goddess empowering the salt.

Set the salt down and pour a little into the bowl of water, and stir clockwise three times. Repeat this process twice more. With the bowl in your left hand (receiving) and the mirror in your right (sending), reflect the light of the moon off the mirror and into the bowl. After a few moments say:

This liquid is now pure and dedicated to the Lord and Lady.
It is free from all negativity in any time and any space.

Set the bowl and mirror down and hold out both of your hands, palms down, over (not touching) the bowl, about one inch above the water.

Let the vibrations of your body come alive. Open your third eye chakra and imagine a glowing purple light emanating from it. Form and open triangle with your hands over the water and project the light into it. In your mind, see the water change color and glow. Feel the power and energy flow from your head down through your arms and up from your feet and out from your arms simultaneously. When you feel the energy begin to dissipate, slowly lower your hands and say:

As I will
So mote it be
With the free will of all
And harm to none
This formula is done!

You may ground your energy in two ways. Either place your hands physically upon the ground and feel the energy drain into Earth Mother, or imagine your energy as a force field around you, and quietly step back out of the skeleton of energy and watch it collapse in upon itself and melt into the ground.

Transfer the water to your storage container and store it away until you are ready to cleanse and concencrate your sacred space. Be sure to clean up after yourself by putting all things away in their designated places so that you will be able to find them again next when they’re needed.

-Written by Silver RavenWolf

can-cats-eat-chicken-bonesThe crossbones amulet is excellent for removing negative energy, and breaking a hex or any negativity that is or has been sent your way.

The amulet itself is made from two small bones taken from chicken wings. The chicken bones actually absorb and hold negativity. The bones are tied together with black thread in the shape of a solar cross (an equal armed cross).

The procedure is as follows:

Using your basic altar layout, bring with you the following: two bones, black thread, a white candle, a bottle of Power Oil, and Gris-Gris Faible Incense. Light your altar candles, and light your incense. Dress your white candle with Power Oil, and light it. As you do, pray that the individual who will wear the crossbones will grow in spiritual strength and enlightenment.

Begin tying the two bones together with the black thread as you chant:

The crossbones will work here,
absorb and hold negativity.
Into your marrow, it goes in thee:
all evil and negativity.

Consecrate the amulet with this procedure. Sprinkle with Holy Water as you say:

With water do I consecrate this amulet,
an instrument which will absorb and hold negative energy
sent to its wearer.

Sprinkle the amulet with salt as you affirm.

With earth do I consecrate this amulet,
an instrument which will absorb and hold negative energy
sent to its wearer.

Pass the amulet through the candle flame as you affirm:

With fire do I consecrate this amulet,
an instrument which will absorb and hold negative energy
sent to its wearer.

Pass the amulet through the incense while affirming:

With air do I consecrate this amulet
an instrument which will absorb and hold negative energy
sent to its wearer.

Now that your amulet is completed, it should be worn over your heart next to your skin. Daily wear this amulet until your life improves decidedly for the better and you feel the negativity has been completely absorbed.

If, at any time, the amulet begins to feel heavy upon you heart chakra you must stop wearing the amulet. The crossbones have reached their maximum in absorbing negative energy, like a sponge that can soak up just so much water and that’s it. Since the excess negative energy being sent to you will not be able to enter the bones, it will have no choice but to attach itself to your aura. Once the old amulet is removed it must be discarded properly, and (if necessary) another one made.

Discarding the Old Amulet:

The safest method of doing this is through ritual. Using your basic altar layout, bring with you the following: your old amulet, the remainder of the white candle you used when you made the amulet, and a sheet of white paper.

Light your altar candles. Light some incense – something light and cheerful. Light your white candle. Sprinkle Holy Water on the white paper. Place the old crossbones amulet on the paper and begin folding the amulet in the paper.

Take your white candle and let the wax drip on the paper until it is completely sealed with the white wax as you affirm:

Crossbones you’ve served me well,
negative energy within you swells.
Now it’s time, I put you to rest,
for you have now done your best.

When the paper is completely covered with wax, the amulet can be burned in a fire, or discarded in the garbage. Follow with a bath.

From: Charms, Spells, and Formulas


Write your enemy’s name on paper and seal it up in a bottle with

  • Powdered Mud Dauber Dirt from nine different nests
  • Nine Needles
  • Nine Pins
  • Nine Tacks
  • Nine Red Ants

Every day at noon, shake the bottle up and call your enemy’s name nine times, making nine curses for his or her ruin. Do this for nine days, and it is said that your wish for his or her destruction will come to pass.

From: Hoodoo Herb and Root Magic


To break up a married couple, mix Mud Dauber Dirt, Red Pepper, and Black Pepper in a bottle and fill the bottle with Four Thieves Vinegar.

It is said that if you can successfully hide the bottle under the doorstep of the house, within two weeks the couple inside will be contemplating a divorce.

From: Hoodoo Herb and Root Magic

Note: If you decide to do this spell, just remember that what goes around comes around, and be prepared for any consequences or backlash that might come your way.


A very strong drive away powder combines powdered Mud Dauber Dirt gathered from nine different nests with the following ingredients:

  • Epsom Salts
  • Red Pepper
  • Sulfur
  • Asafoetida
  • Tobacco Snuff
  • Gunpowder

This makes for a blend of seven different ingredients giving it an extra boost of power. To make an entire family move out, sprinkle this under their doorstep, or chip a little hole in an egg laid by a black hen, fill it with the powder mixture, and smash the egg against their house.

If you wish only one person to move out of the house, get his or her sock, powder it inside and outside with the mixture, roll the sock up tight, stuff it into a metal tin that will not leak, seal the tin, and throw it into a fast flowing river as you command the person to leave town. Give the command as follows:

“_____ (name of person),
I command you to leave town, go away, and never come back.
In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost.

From: Hoodoo Herb and Root Magic

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