Book Of Shadows

Here is a nice ritual to invoke favor from Weavers of Fate, the Moerae. It is particularly appropriate for birthdays, the New Year, the Kalends of January, or any day of significance and change. The Moerae (or Moirai) were supposed to appear three nights after a child’s birth to determine the course of its life, so this too would be an appropriate time for this ritual.


Who are they?

The Moerae are the three sisters who decide on human fate: Clotho, Lachesis, and Atropus. They sing in unison with the music of the Sirens, or so it is said. Lachesis sings of the things that were, Clotho of those that are, and Atropus about the things that will be. They are most honored among the gods because they distribute justly, and have a share in every home. They give men at their birth their share of evil and good, and they punish the transgressions of both men and of gods.

  • Lachesis (the past): the apportioner of lots.
  • Clotho (the present): is the spinner.
  • Atropus (the future): is said to be the eldest, the best and the shortest of the sisters.

It has also been claimed that Tyche (Fortune) was one of the Moerae, and the most powerful of the sisters because beauty, virtue, and good Fame are in her keeping, and also because she finds pleasure in dashing immoderate hopes.

The Ritual

Colors: White, red, and black.

Element: Air

Altar: Drape with cloths of white, red, and black, and place upon it three candles in these same colors, three goblets in these same colors holding white wine, red wine, and elderberry wine, a spindle wound with handspun thread, a piece of woven cloth, and a large knife or pair of shears.

Offerings: Libations of wine.

Daily Meal: Vegan. Should be eaten in silence.

Invocation to the Moerae

(Light the white candle and raise the spindle.) 

Spin truth into words,
Spin words into doom,
Spin doom into fortune,
Spin fortune into life,
Spin my life fine and strong,

O Lady with the spindle
Whose thread is my beginning.

(All take a piece of thread from the spindle. Pour out the white wine as a libation. Light the red candle and lift the woven cloth high.) 

Weave truth into vision,
Weave vision into mind,
Weave mind into spirit,
Weave spirit into life,
Weave my life with depth and color,

O Lady with the shuttle
Whose tapestry is my existence.

(All knot their thread. Pour out the red wine. Light the black candle and lift the shears high.) 

Cut truth away from falsehood,
Cut falsehood away from illusion,
Cut illusion away from matter,
Cut matter away from body,
Cut my body away from my life
When the time comes,
O Lady with the shears
Whose knowing hand is my doom
And also my truth.

(The leader of the ritual drapes his or her head with a cloth of black and walks around the circle, cutting each thread in silence. The cut threads are laid upon the altar as an offering, and all sit in silence, meditating on their Fate and that of the coming year. Leave in silence.)

From: Pagan Book of Hours


The following is of archaic Celtic origin. On the surface it is a triple recital of the thirteen months of the lunar year. Each word, however, is the name of one of the sacred trees, which in turn each have deep philosophical and magickal implications. Additionally, the thirteen, taken in sequence, tell in rich detail the life of the Sacred King and the archaic Legend of the Goddess.

All Witches should know or be strongly encouraged to study and research the hidden meanings behind this, working from the material provided by the poet Robert Graves (The White Goddess) .

Very powerful when done as a group, this chant can be done by the solitary practitioner as well. Provided here are the instructions for a group ritual, which can then be adjusted to suit an individual practice.

Prior to commencing the chant, everyone gathers in the circle, with the implications of the chant being described by whoever is leading the ritual. Pause in silence for a period of thirteen heartbeats while everyone meditates on what has been said, then the leader of the ritual intones the words of the chant loudly and in a rich voice. The chant is recited with all in the circle responding, three or nine times, as deemed appropriate. The chant is closed with the final invocation. If available, incense may be thrown into an incense brazier at the close of the chant. Everyone should remain silent for a while afterwords.

Here is the chant, which is repeated by all in the circle, slowly, and sounding each letter long and resonantly:


Repeat three or nine times as desired. I personally like the idea of repeating each individual name three times, and then repeating the entire sequence three times (which adds up to nine).

The leader of the circle closes with the following calling:

Solo Tibi Cordis,
Quotidianam Facio,

Blessed Be!

From: A Grimoire of Shadows


This is something nice to do as a substitute for the New Years Resolutions we make and break every year.

Make a list of the real wants and needs that you have within you. Maybe you need to give yourself more time, or speak out about the desire for recognition of the person you really are… Only you know what you really want and need. Write it down.

Now, consider the whole nature of gift giving and the appropriateness of the things you yourself have given and received this year. Then, make a present to yourself of one of the things you just listed.

If it requires a phone call, make that call. If it means something must be purchased and you can’t afford it, start by putting pennies in a jar. Do you need to rearrange your schedule? Enroll in a class? Whatever it is… get started right now, today.

Need some help taking that first small step.? Here’s a small blessing spell from me to you:

Take, and welcome joy within you:
Showers, flowers, powers,
Hatfulls, capfulls, lapfulls,
Treasures, measures, pleasures,
All be yours to enjoy.
Blessed Be.

Verse from The Celtic Devotional


Here is an old old spell you can use as a way to say farewell to the Solstice and make a wish for the coming twelve months. It’s less dangerous than it seems, though care should always be taken.

Fill a shallow dish with raisins and pour a few spoonfuls of brandy over them. As you pour the brandy, say the following:

You shall receive whatever gift you may name,
as far as wind dries, rain wets, sun revolves;
as far as sea encircles and earth extends.

Put out the lights, then set the brandy on fire. While it is still going, snatch one of the raisins from the flames. As you put the raisin in your mouth, make a wish. It will be granted in the next twelve months.

When doing this with a group, each person gets just one raisin. when doing it alone, you can pull out 3 raisins and make three wishes.

awakening2012-2For this spell, you need:

  • 1 amethyst cluster
  • 2 crystal points
  • 1 bag of sea salt
  • Black bag
  • Black votive candle in candle holder and matches
  • Candy or something sweet to eat

You can make a new start any time, but some times are better than others. When the moon is new, she lends her energy to new beginnings.

The first month of the New Year is also a wonderful time to have a new beginning. The New Year is a strong and special time to wipe the slate clean. You can release all the old negativity. Get rid of old grudges and grievances.

Doing the ritual within twenty days of your birthday is also a powerful time. The time of each person’s birth has special power for that person. Now is the time for your happiness. Now is the time for you to have more love. Now is the time for you to have more abundance. Now is the time for you to have more luck.

Now is the time for YOU!

Getting Ready For The Ritual

To clean the amethyst cluster and quartz crystal points, boil 3 cups of water. Add 1 teaspoon of sea salt. When the water is cool, pour it over the amethyst cluster and crystal points. Let the cluster and points dry in sunlight. If you can’t put them outside you can place them in a window where the sun will shine on them.

To give extra strength to the ritual clean your home before doing the ritual. As you clean think that you are “sweeping out the old negativity”. Bathe with strawberry soap or bath gel. Dress in dark colored clothes.

Place the amethyst cluster, quartz crystal points, sea salt, candle and holder, matches, bag and the sweet in a basket or bag and carry them in your right hand to the room where you spend the most time in your home. This can be the living room, den, kitchen, bedroom or any other room that you use most often. Take the items out of the basket with your left hand and place them on a table that you have already cleared and cleaned.

As you light the candle say:

I light the fire that burns the old
This fire burns away past regrets
This fire burns away past hurts

Take a pinch of sea salt in your right hand and toss it over your left shoulder and say:

With this salt I banish negativity
With this salt I refuse old hurts
With this salt I get rid of sorrow

Take the amethyst cluster in your left hand and say:

The power of abundance flows to me
Health, love and protection flow to me
I feel the power of abundance in me

Take both of the quartz crystal points in your left hand and say:

I hold all I need in my hand
The River of abundance is in my hand
Health, love and protection is in my hand

Eat the candy or sweet and say:

Only the sweet flows in my life
Only the good flows in my life
Only the best flows in my life

Let the candle burn out. Place the amethyst cluster where you will see it often. Put 1 crystal quartz point in the most southern corner of the room, with point pointing to the south. Put the other point in the bag and keep it with you or put it somewhere safe.

Now begin that wonderful life you deserve! This ritual may be repeated every 3 months to reinforce the good flow. Enjoy your new life!

Copyright © 2006
This spell may be reprinted if credit is given.


The Iroquois believe our souls communicate to us through our dreams. This spell is best done with like-minded friends.

Gather any objects that appear in your dreams from January 1st to January 10th. It is believed that if you find the objects in your dreams, good luck will be yours for the year because you have given your soul what it desires.

On the night of the January 10, share a potluck feast with your friends. Set the table with a purple cloth for intuition and with a green candle for luck. Have everyone bring the objects they have collected. Share your insights with each other.

~courtesy of Lily Gardner-Butts

[Editor’s Note: If you are having trouble finding the patience for Yule (or any other day) to come around, try the following spell designed to speed up your experience of time so that it goes faster for you.]


There are many spells to accelerate time for the caster. This spell is designed to make time fly, or at least feel like it is. Begin by outlining your altar with roses to form a circle. Next, light three candles and place them upon your alter. Cast your magick circle and repeat the following words:

“Father time by these candles three,
make my days, hours and minutes flee.
I cannot wait as the candles burn.
Time, time, quickly turn.”

If the candles are blown out, assume that your spell worked. If not, repeat the process at a later time until they do.

From: Simple Magick


Money is energy and to keep the money energy going into your pockets, you should understand how motion plays an important role in the money that flows toward you. Life teaches us that nothing ever stays the same – the essence of life is energy and energy creates change constantly. In order to keep money flowing in towards you, you should keep it moving in a forward direction.

For this spell, you need:

  • 5 one dollar bills
  • 5 stones (Smoky quartz, aventurine, citrine or garnet, you can use all the same stone or a mixture of the above stones).
  • sea salt
  • money bag

Do this spell on any Thursday.

Place the dollar bills where the sun will shine on them part of the day. (Put them on foil or plastic wrap). Put one stone on each bill. Sprinkle salt over the bills and stones. Leave the bills and stones until they have received at least 3 hours of sun. Shake off the salt onto the foil or plastic wrap. Toss the salt out of the door you use the most in your home. Put all the bills and stones in the bag.

On the following 4 Thursdays spend one of the dollar bills for anything that you would usually buy (a newspaper, lunch, bus token, etc). On that day. give one of the stones to someone (a loved one, friend or even a stranger) and tell him or her, “This is a lucky stone to keep money flowing to you. Please keep for awhile and then pass it on to someone.”

Keep the 5th dollar bill and stone in the bag in your purse or pocket for one year and then spend the dollar and give the stone away.

All the money you need will flow to you!!!

Copyright © 2006
This spell may be reprinted if credit is given.



This is a very special exercise that is important to your ability to tap into Magick energy at any time (and for almost any reason). This exercise, not only creates the solid “base” from which your spell power comes from – but it also cleanses you of negative energy (including stress). The exercise can be done at any time, but is particularly effective during the dark of the moon.

There are 2 kinds of sacred space:

  • Internal Sacred Space
  • External Sacred Space.

Obviously, Internal Sacred space exists within your heart – and External Sacred Space exists outside of your body (for example, your altar, and the area surrounding it).

So many people practicing Witchcraft are so focused on the External Sacred Space… they make their altar just perfect, they cleanse their circle, decorate it, etc… don’t get me wrong, these things are very important! The more energy you put into your External Sacred Space the better your spells will work – without a doubt!

But can you guess what is at least 10 times more important than External Sacred Space? Yup, you guessed it – your Internal Sacred Space!

And some Witches completely ignore it… it’s a shame because if you set up your Internal Sacred Space properly, it will effect your Magick in amazing ways – much more than things in your External Sacred Space (like the color of your altar cloth, etc.).

I completely understand the attention being paid to External Sacred Space, because the sight of a beautifully done altar, in a perfectly clean External Sacred Space is a wonderful, spiritual thing to behold.

But it’s your Internal Sacred Space that is the “fuel” behind every kind of Magick you ever do. So let’s do something that a lot of Witches never get around to doing. Let’s set up your Internal Sacred Space now…

  • Find a quiet place where you can sit down and concentrate. Preferably outside on a nice day, but you can also find a quiet place in your house where you feel at peace.
  • Grab a pen and a piece of paper of clean 8 ½ x 11 notebook paper, sit in a comfortable position, and close your eyes.
  • Take a few deep breaths and think of emotional and sacred things in your life. These could be fond memories, certain people in your life, emotions, feelings, important objects, places, etc.
  • If you think of negative things, immediately “sweep” them out of your mind. When you are done, you need to only be left with all of the sacred things in your mind. Relax, and concentrate until you feel you are “ready”.

When you open your eyes, let your list fall out of your pen and onto the paper. Just let it flow. I want you to write down everything in a list. Be as detailed as you possibly can about each sacred thing you can think of. (Remember, these are sacred things to YOU, and they can be anything that brings positive emotion into your heart)

When you are done, turn the paper over.

  • Now, close your eyes again and think of everything that is NOT sacred to you.
  • Think about your biggest long term problems, things that irritate you, things that make you sad.
  • Nobody is perfect, think about your flaws as a person.
  • Think about anything that brings negative emotion into your heart.

Once you have brought them all into your mind, open your eyes and write them all down on the back of the same paper. All of these negative things will keep you from creating your sacred space. You will soon find out how to keep them out of your sacred space so that you will have a true place of power within you for spell work.

Fold up the paper and get ready for the next step:

  • You’ve now got your lists. On the front you have a list of things that are “sacred” to you.
  • On the back you have a list of all things that are NOT sacred (the things that bring negative emotions into your heart).
  • Now, you will need to gather a few tools to use to finish the building blocks of your Internal Sacred Space.

Gather the following items:

  • White candle in a holder
  • Matches, or a lighter
  • A glass (or ceramic) bowl
  • A glass of water

Set them all up in front of you:

  • When you are ready, light the candle.
  • Let it become your focus.
  • Feel the heat and energy coming from the candle.
  • Visualize it’s energy surrounding you, enveloping you in it’s light and warmth. Let it’s light fill the aura around your body.
  • See this light purifying your energy, filling your heart with it’s pure, white glow.
  • After you feel warm and pure from the light of the candle, take the paper and unfold it.
  • Slowly read the list of sacred things aloud. Allow yourself to pause between each one and think deeply on it. When you have gone through your entire list, say the following aloud, and with purpose:

“These Sacred things that I see
Make them all a part of me
Help me raise the energy!”

  • Now visualize each item from your list rising up off of the paper to brighten the white purifying light around you.
  • Next, fold the paper back up without even looking at the list of negative things.
  • Gently hold the folded paper into the fire on the candle (be very careful not to burn yourself or anything around you).
  • Once the paper catches fire, drop it immediately into the bowl.

Now say aloud:

“Cleanse the Space inside of me
And rid all negativity
I accept no less –
So Mote It Be”

  • Now watch the flames carefully as they burn the rest of the paper while you focus on feeling your positive sacred energy full of grand emotions.
  • Feel the energy again, surrounding you and cleansing your space with white purifying light, filled with all of your sacred things.
  • Pour some water into the bowl to put out the rest of the flames and as to “cleanse” all the negativity from your space.
  • Now snuff out the candle.

You have now set up your basic internal sacred space that you are going to build on in the future. When you first set up your sacred space in this way, do this once a week for 4 weeks to reinforce it and grow the power of your space. (you can write down different things, or the same things every time)

Going forward, you are going to want to do this once a month to keep your sacred space clean so that your Magick will work to it’s fullest and won’t be tainted with negativity.

Source: Rose Ariadne

guidanceThis nice little ritual helps you to set your magickal intentions for the year. It can be done on your birthday or an anniversary or holiday that is important to you, it can be done on New Years Eve or New Years Day. And of course, a ritual such as this can be done at any time – just remember that it is a commitment, and prepare to follow through.

Here’s how it works:

Get a new white candle, matches, a pieces of paper, a black pen, and some black thread. If you like incense or have any other objects that are special to you, like a crystal, stone bowl, or anything else, you can get them out, but they are not necessary.

Find a quiet spot to work, where others will not disturb you.

On a small piece of paper, write out your intentions for this work. Do you seek to be a witch, learn witchcraft, or just know more? If you are comfortable calling on the Goddess and God, do so. If not, you can address it to whatever divine force you are comfortable using, such as God, Great Spirit, the Tao, or the Universe. Here is an example:

“I,(state your name), ask in the name of the Goddess and God for aid in my studies of witchcraft. I intend to complete this work successfully within one year and become a witch if this is correct and for my highest good. I ask to be open to all experiences and understand all lessons given to me. So mote it be.” (“so mote it be” means “it is so”. It is a common affirmation in witchcraft.)

Hold the white candle. Think about spirituality. Think about divinity and the Goddess and God. Invite them into your life, or reaffirm your bond with them. If you have incense, light it now.

Spend a few moments reflecting on the definition, history, and qualities of the witch. Think about where witchcraft has been, and where you hope to go with it.

Read your intention slip out loud . Then roll it up like a scroll and tie it with the black thread, binding it together and sealing your intention.

Keep the paper someplace special, where you will not lose it. You will use this slip as part of your initiation ritual in a year. In a later chapter, you will build a meditation altar. You can then keep the candle and intention slip on the altar.

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If you would like some advice about what sort of magick is needed, simply enter a short explanation of your situation. Our resident witch will be happy to assist. Good Luck!!

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Being A Witch

We should educate people that ‘Witch’ is not evil but ancient and positive. The first time I called myself a ‘Witch’ was the most magical moment of my life.

~Margot Adler

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