Book Of Shadows


This exercise expands your experience beyond the realm of personal energy and into the feelings of Earth energy. Our ancestors slept on the Earth and exchanged energy with it every day. Most people barely touch the Earth now, with the ubiquity of shoes and floors. Earth walking helps us come back into balance with the energy field of the Earth. Earth walking is a simple meditative walk outside.

Start in some natural setting, on grass, in a field or park, on the beach, or in the woods, rather than on concrete or asphalt. If you feel comfortable enough to do this barefoot, so much the better, but with practice, you will feel this experience through your shoes. Walk slowly and meditatively. Be aware of the Earth below your feet. Be aware of your personal energy, the auric field around you, touching the land, where your energy mingles. As you inhale, imagine that you are not only breathing in through your mouth, but breathing in through your feet.

My yoga teacher tells me that a wise man breathes through the sole of his feet. I think that applies to a wise witch, too. Imagine drawing in life force, Earth energy, through your feet as you walk. This energy grounds and centers you. It bolsters your metabolism and energy level, creating health and joy in the moment. For now, don’t worry about doing anything special while exhaling. Breathe normally. The excess energy will be released naturally through your daily activity. We release energy all the time. Focus on the connection you make to the Earth.

When on these walks, look for a quiet place that could serve as a meditation spot for later exercises. When you feel you are done with this experience, walk and breathe normally and resume your day-to-day activities. If you feel too energized, too charged, get on your hands and knees, placing your palms on the ground. Imagine the excess energy flowing out of your palms and even pouring out of your head. You release only the excess energy to the Earth, grounding yourself. As you release this energy, you can place the intent that such energy be used for healing the planet. This is a basic method of grounding yourself if you are not releasing excess energy.

The greatest lesson to learn about working with these energies is that all energies and powers are fundamentally neutral, meaning they are not good or evil. At times we can pick up on the energy of a place or person and feel it is “bad” energy, but it is only energy being used for a less than good intention. Intention rules everything. Electricity is electricity; it can be used to power a light build, a life-support machine or an electric chair. The energy itself does not judge its use, so people who use the energy must take responsibility. Personal, Earth, Sky, and Divine energies can be used to heal or to harm, depending on the intention behind the action.

Source unknown

gypsydancer-johnarthurdotcomPower moves are movements that we make with our bodies that assist us in concentrating and directing the energy. Most martial art use power moves to one degree or another. When people dance from their hearts, they are doing power moves, allowing the power to speak through their bodies. Power moves are a dance of power. Tai Chi is an ancient example of power moves.

Whenever you handle energy, you receive it with your left hand and send it with your right hand. Your left hand acts as an antenna and your right hand broadcasts the energy you have received. If you are open to its direction, power will instruct you-it will “tell” you what to do. Flowing with that energy can be a powerful and centering experience. It can also be distressing when you fight it or cannot control it. This dance of power begins as you relax and become mentally centered.

Stand quietly with your legs shoulder-width apart. Mentally give the power permission to flow through you and ask it to guide you. Raise your hands and hold them in front of you. Let your hands and body move as you feel guided. Your movements will be smooth and rhythmic, almost like a ballet. Power moves are a form of moving meditation. They are relaxing and energizing. As you do them, you collect a great deal of power in your body. They are healing to both mind and body.

If it feels appropriate, you can play gentle music or light a candle. Relax and let the energy move your body. Notice how it feels as it flows through you. After you have relaxed into the energy, allow it to move you for about fifteen minutes and then stop. Gently sit down and close your eyes. Ask the universe how to use the energy you have collected. If you don’t get a specific answer, send the energy to Mother Earth so it can heal the planet, yourself, and the people you love.

Allow yourself to bathe in the joy of that energy. If you are having a difficult time feeling the guidance of the energy, start with your hands. Hold them in front of your face and move your right hand clockwise and your left hand counter- clockwise. Move them slowly and rhythmically in and out. Gently notice how it feels. Then while you are sitting in a chair, begin moving your legs in a circular motion, noticing how it feels.

After you are comfortable with those movements, stand up and again begin with your hands. First move one hand out and away from you and then step rhythmically out with one of your legs. Next do the same with the other hand and leg. Slowly begin moving around the room. Notice your body and let yourself enjoy its movements. Allow the process to be sensual and rhythmic.

Be gentle with yourself as you practice allowing your awareness to expand. Enjoy the process.


  1. Practice finding power spots wherever you go.
  2. Find your special power spot. We all have places on this earth that are sacred to us. Take time to find your sacred place. Once you find it, spend some time there. Let that place heal you and fill you with its love. Let your heart guide you to that place. It will call to you if you are willing to listen.
  3. Buy a packet of seeds and divide it in half. Do some power moves and then sit quietly with half of the seeds. Allow yourself to feel their life energy and then slowly begin channeling energy to them. Mentally see them growing big and strong. Plant each group of seeds in separate pots and give them equal care. Notice how much healthier the energized group is.

~source unknown


Just as humans have power points (if you are curious, you can read about them here), the earth also has areas where energy varies. These are called power spots. Places like Stonehenge, and the Valley of the Dead are examples of power spots. Just as human beings have areas where their energy is more concentrated, so does the earth.

Most of the older churches and temples were built on power spots, where it is much easier to connect with the spiritual realms. When you approach a sacred place, you can feel it’s power and the strength that lies there. These places can be used to intensify your personal power and to assist you in connecting more fully with your spiritual center.

Whenever you enter a room you automatically gravitate toward a place that feels comfortable. The place that you feel most comfortable in is often your personal power spot. It is the place that balances most closely with your own energy. As you stand or sit in this spot, your energy is magnified; it is like putting jumper cables on a car battery.

The ability to consciously find these power spots can greatly enhance your sensitivities to energy and your own process. Being able to find these allows you to know a little more about yourself than you did before.

I suggest you find your power spot in nature. In any given location, there is a place that fits you better energetically than any other location. There are also places that can drain your energy and make you feel and act less effectively. It is important to be able to tell the difference. One spot may energize you while another weakens you and can actually make you sick.

There are three major types of power spots. One type gives you energy and is healing. Another type of spot actually drains energy from anything within its boundaries. There are also power spots that are tricksters. They confuse people and trick them into giving up their power and sanity. It takes practice to be able to differentiate between them. The easiest way to tell between the types is by how you feel.

It is important to trust how you feel and what you sense as you explore the energy levels of the different types of power spots. These spots affect you whether you are consciously aware of them or not.

  • Begin by calling upon your protecting spirits or angels, and ask the universe for guidance.
  • Relax and focus on your breathing.
  • Slowly look around the area. Does one spot “look” brighter than the other?
  • See how each section feels as you stand in it. Feel from your heart. Do some feel lighter and some heavy?
  • Do you feel confused as you stand in some places?
  • Now slowly walk around the area. Take time to stand in any place that attracts you. compare how each one feels to you.
  • Notice the plants and grasses in the various areas. Do they look healthier in one place, greener and more alive?
  • Let your self look intuitively where your power place is.
  • Now sit down and begin to meditate.
  • How do you feel as you sit in that spot?
  • Does the energy feel loving and peaceful? If it feels rough or unsettling, move.

Soon it will become second nature; you will automatically sit in your power spot. Avoid listening to your mind during this process. Trust the inner knowing. Your inner knowing, your sacred self, will never lie to you.

~source unknown


Often, the items we truly need cannot ride home with us in a bag from the mall during the holiday season countdown. The day before Thanksgiving, take a trip to the tree nursery and find a small, potted evergreen. On your way home, purchase a few yards of red, green, and white ribbon.

During the Thanksgiving supper, introduce the tree to the family and the tribe to the tree. Each member of your clan should tie a ribbon on the tree to represent an intangible blessing they would like for the upcoming Yule season. Wishes could be for peace, enough rest, health, etc. Bless the tree and set it where it will have enough light.

When family and friends visit, explain the purpose of the wish tree to them and give them a ribbon to tie on the tree, too. The tree is for everyone. If you plan to use the tree in ritual, have everyone participating make a small ornament, empowered for strengths like self-esteem, goal planning, security, etc. and hang it on the tree while connecting with the divinity of their choice.

On the first day of February, remove all the ornaments and ribbons. Burn the ribbons and cast the ashes to the winds. Pack the ornaments away. Next year, when you open the box, you can de-magick the ornaments and return them to their owners, or hang them on your big tree in memory of last year’s prosperity. Continue to take good care of the tree over the remaining winter months. Don’t forget to give it water and plenty of love. In the spring, you can plant the tree outside on your property or on the property of a friend.

(The above “The Yule Wish Tree” by Silver RavenWolf is quoted directly from Llewellyn’s 1995 Magical Almanac, page 264, Llewellyn Worldwide Publications, 1994.)


Great Spirit,
We thank you for the gift of this food.
We send blessings of peace, love, and
release to all
whose bodies and energies went into
bringing us this nourishment.
We honor you in our enjoyment and
utilization of this meal.
May it bring us health and joy,
reminding us of our interconnections with
All That Is.
As we receive, so do we give back
And give thanks for this gift in the
Cycle of Life.

by Kristen Madden (Ofelas)


Upon awakening, turn your face to the rising Sun and breathe deeply, allowing a feeling of balance and happiness to fill you to overflowing. Repeat this exercise periodically throughout the day. Find something to be happy about all day. This may be a love or a success or it may be as simple as the Sun glinting on water or the feel of a gentle rain.

As night falls, cut openings large enough to hold taper candles in the top of two shiny autumn apples. Place two pink, or one gold and one silver, candles in the apple holders. As you light them, remember all the joys of the day and of your life. Rejoice in the joy you have brought to others and give thanks for these gifts.

~courtesy of Kristin Madden


The Eurasian spirit Hecate guards the frontier between the realms of the living and the dead, negotiating the sometimes divergent needs of both parties. Although she may not banish ghosts entirely (you can ask, though!), she can enforce their good behavior. Hecate is traditionally depicted having one body but three faces, sometimes that of women but most typical that of a dog, a horse and a lion.

Each month, at the full moon:

  • Bring a three-headed image of Hecate to a three-way crossroads.
  • Place the image so that each face points toward a road (or as close as possible).
  • Place food on the ground including fish, honey and a round cake with candles.
  • Make an invocation to Hecate requesting that she make the ghosts behave.
  • Leave the meal at the crossroads for whoever takes it.

Source: Coven of Hecate


Herbs are often worn or carried in order to tap their specific powers. Following are several traditional herbal amulets, some of which are questionable, some fanciful, but all fascinating and potentially useful.

  • To See Ghosts: Carry lavender and inhale its scent.
  • To Allay Fear: Carry a mixture of nettle and yarrow.
  • To Detect Witches: Carry a sachet of rue, maidenhair, agrimony, broom-straw, and ground ivy.
  • To Be Courageous: Wear a fresh borage flower, or carry mullein.
  • To Avoid Military Service: Wear a four-leaved clover if you wish to avoid duty.
  • To Ensure Safety And Protection On A Journey: Comfrey worn or carried will safeguard you.
  • To Prevent Storms And Wreckage While At Sea: Put a garlic clove in your purse or in your pocket. In the South Pacific or in Hawaii wear a garland of ti leaves.
  • To Guard Against Rape: Wear heather to avoid all acts of passion.
  • To Keep One From Dreaming: Hang a sprig of lemon verbena around the neck.
  • To Conceive: Wear mistletoe, cyclamen, or bistort.
  • To Prevent Weariness While Walking: Put mugwort in the shoe.
  • To Keep Venomous Beasts And Wild Animals Afar: Wear avens or mullein.
  • To Keep Others From Deceiving You: Wear pimpernel or snapdragon.
  • To Keep Disease Afar: Wear a sprig of rue around your neck.
  • To Enable a Soldier To Escape His Enemies: Wear vervain and you shall accomplish this.
  • To Avoid Being Sent To The Gallows: Wear or carry a carnation.
  • To Ensure Victory: Wear woodruff to win.
  • To Ensure That Friendly Words Are Spoken To You: Wear heliotrope.
  • To Enter The Underworld: Carry an apple, or the branch of an apple tree that bears buds, flowers and fully ripened fruit.
  • To Regain Lost Manhood: Carry an acorn or mandrake root.
  • To Remain Faithful: Carry an acorn.
  • To Prevent Drunkenness: Wear a chaplet of saffron, crocus, parsley, or rue to prolong your enjoyment.
  • To See Faeries: Gather wild thyme and carry it with you, or put it on the eyelids (with your eyes closed) and sleep on a faeri hill.
  • To Be A Successful Fisherman: Carry a bit of hawthorn.
  • To See A Unicorn: As this beast usually lives among ash trees, carry a bit of the wood or leaves and you may see one. Or lie down among ashes and place one of its leaves on your chest and wait for one to make itself known.

Source unknown

candle__converted_Items needed:

  • Piece of paper
  • Ink Pen
  • Candle

First light a candle of your choice, one that goes with your wish would be more appropriate. Then write your wish on a clean piece of paper. Fold the paper four times and then burn it in the candle. While the paper is burning, imagine that your wish is transforming into reality. Scatter the ashes in your back garden, and know that what you wish for is now on its way to you.

This spell is best done during a waxing or full moon.

From: Blessed Be Me


In the privacy of your bathroom, or if possible, in a large “kiddie pool” in your backyard under a full moon, draw a purification bath. Burn a white candle, or if outside, make a circle of white candles around the bath. Burn incense such as lavender or myrrh.

“By the power of my ancestors,
By the power of my descendants,
I let go of old troubles,
I let go of old life.
I am purified from fear,
I am purified from sorrow,
I am purified from my own mistakes.
I am purified like snow.
Blessed be!”

Found at: Witchy Women

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Being A Witch

We should educate people that ‘Witch’ is not evil but ancient and positive. The first time I called myself a ‘Witch’ was the most magical moment of my life.

~Margot Adler

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