Book Of Shadows

Petition the Goddess Hecate to break your block through the use of her sacred emblems. Hecate’s attributes include:

  • Key
  • Broom
  • Torch
  • Cauldron
  • Dragons
  • Dogs

Collect charms representing these images to place on a charm bracelet. This is a spell in progress. Each time you locate a charm, consecrate it to Hecate and request that she unblock your roads. Wear the bracelet or carry it in a conjure bag, especially when free access is needed.

Other symbols associated with Hecate, and which could be included are:

Crossroads, New Moon, Number 3, Dagger, Serpent, Polecat, Owl, Willow, Star

source: Coven Of Hecate

Here is a simple ritual to invoke the power of Hekate to unlock doors which until now have been closed to you, to create openings in the impenetrable areas of your life, or to open and unblock areas in your self that have been locked away:

You will need the following:

  • A three way crossroads in your area that offers some privacy.
  • Bake or buy a small cheesecake – this will be left as an offering
  • 13 small black candles
  • A black candle large enough to burn through the night.
  • Wine, honey, or milk (or a mixture of the three) to offer as a libation at the crossroads.
  • Three keys – also to be left at the crossroads.

Spend some time thinking about what it is that you would like Hekate to unlock for you in your life while gathering your supplies. When you have everything gathered together, light the larger black candle and begin chanting:

Dark Mother
Dark Mother
You walk with me
Like no other
Dark Mother

Continue chanting as you leave your house and go to the crossroads. Once there, spend a few moments in silence allowing the Dark Mother, Hekate to make herself known. You might hear dogs barking, you might see shadows in the trees, you might hear horses, or the wind might speak.

When you feel that She is there, explain that you are leaving the cake as an offering, ask for Her help in unlocking whatever it is that you need help with. Use your own words, speak out loud and with confidence.

Place the cheesecake on the ground, light the candles, and then pour a libation. If it is inappropriate or a fire hazard to leave the candles burning, pour the libation over the lit candles and the cake, if not, pour the libation in a circle around the cake.

Now, explain that you are leaving three keys as a demonstration of your willingness to allow the Goddess to work in your life. Place one key at each corner of the crossroads. As you place the key, make a statement of thanks.

As soon as that is done immediately leave the area without looking back. When you get back to your home, spend some time in silence sitting with the candle you lit before leaving the house. Allow it to burn completely down.


The following items can be substituted in a pinch:

If you do not have access to a crossroads, an image of a crossroads, such as a photograph, or drawing will be fine. If you have a private place outdoors, take the image with you and complete the ritual as if the image is the crossroads, leaving everything behind just as you would if you had gone to a crossroads. The next day (if the items cannot remain as is) you can collect everything that was left outside – these items should then be buried nearby or burned.

If you don’t have a place outdoors, the ritual can be done indoors. When it is complete, take the cake, the wine, and the keys outside where they should stay overnight. You can then collect what’s left of them in the morning and bury them nearby or burn them.

Red, white, and yellow are colors sacred to Hekate and can be substituted for the black candles.

If you don’t have keys, you can make them either by forming aluminum foil into “key” shapes, cutting key shapes from cardstock, or finding a pictures of keys in a magazine or newspaper and cutting those out. Alternatively, an old credit card can be cut into 3 pieces.

Spell by Madame Fortuna

There are many, many good reasons that have nothing to do with theft for why one would need to open a locked door to which one does not have a key. Of course, should one possess the right to enter, summoning a locksmith might be easier. Just in case, however, you find yourself outside a locked door without a key, without anyone willing to let you in, and without access to a locksmith, let’s hope that you’re carrying lotus root or moonwort, or (better still) chicory.

Lotus Root Door Unlocking Spell:

Place a lotus root beneath your tongue. Face a locked door and say “Sign Argis.” Allegedly the door should open.

Moonwort Door Unlocking Spell:

Place a bit of moonwort into a keyhole to loosen the lock.

Magical key Spell to Open Locked Doors:

Chicory allegedly removes obstacles. If gathered correctly, it may open locks. Silently gather chicory on Midsummer’s Eve at midnight, or on Midsummer’s Day at twelve noon, using a golden knife. Dry the plant. Allegedly this will serve as a key to open locks if it is held against them.

A very old spell to open a door:

A Greek text from Egypt, apparently copied about 350 GC, describes a spell for opening doors:

Taking the navel of a male crocodile and the egg of a scarab and a heart of a baboon, put these into a blue-green faience vessel. And when you wish to open a door, bring the navel to the door, saying,

{I call on you} who have power in the deep, for myself,
that there may now be a way open for me, for I say to you,

From: Encyclopedia of 5000 Spells and other sources

Here is a great spell to get energy moving and good things happening in any area of your life that feels “stuck”.

You will need:

  • Soft butter (margarine will do, but real butter is better)
  • Powdered ginger
  • Nutmeg
  • Sugar
  • A bowl you often use when cooking
  • Wooden spoon
  • Paper
  • Red pen, pencil, or marker

Take some time to think about what it is that feels stuck in your life. Do some journaling if it is helpful. This is a very powerful spell, and it is important to be really clear about what it is that you really want.

Now, write a sentence that defines what you want the “stuck” area of your life to be like. For example, if you feel that your are stuck in a bad relationship, your sentence might read. “I am enjoying a loving, committed, and healthy relationship with a really nice person.”

Using the soft butter and your finger, write your sentence on the inside of the bowl. The butter will smooth the way, so be liberal.

Now, on separate and small pieces of paper write down all the attributes, qualities, possibilites, and potentialities associated with your goal. They might look like this: “I am happy.” “My relationship is solid.” “I have a great relationship.” “Love is in my life.” “I am loved.” “My lover is kind.” “We have a healthy relationship.” “My lover respects me.”

Write these smaller affirmations in as many different ways as possible. Be specific, be creative, be inventive. Put them into the bowl. No need to fold them up, but you can if you want to.

When you have all of your affirmations written and added to the bowl, add a pinch of ginger, a generous dash of nutmeg, and a teaspoon of sugar.

Now take your wooden spoon and mix it up. As you mix, say the following spell three times:

Ice into water
The winds bring change
Wood becomes fire
Nothing stays the same

All is well
All is well
All is well

Every day for 7 days, mix up your affirmations and repeat the spell. At the end of 7 days, burn the affirmations in a fire. As you do this, say thank you to the invisible world for the changes that have already begun.

This spell courtesy of Madam Fortuna

Sometimes magick goes awry. Your spell doesn’t work the when or how you expected it to, or maybe it works too well and you have the experience of “be careful what you ask for you just might get it.” Maybe nothing seems to happen, or worse yet, the opposite of what you did the spell work for is your result. Here’s an informative article about what might be happening when your magick doesn’t work like you wanted it to, or thought it should.

Side Effects:

Often as not a ritual may produce side-effects, usually something similar to, though not exactly the desired goal. If the true goal is delayed (as sometimes happens) we may see the side effects first. And if for some reason the goal is not achieved at all (‘missing the target’) the side effects may be pronounced.

For example: You use magick ritual to hurry shipment of an anticipated package in the mail. Side effect – the next day an unexpected package (the wrong one) arrives instead.

Here’s another example: You use magick to cause a certain person to phone you. Side effect – for several days all sorts of people phone you.

When Nothing Happens:

We may say with certainty that “something always happens” when we perform a magick ritual. But like everything else, magick follows the ‘law of results’. This means that results often require effort of some kind. And if you don’t put any effort at all into the desired goal, you may not get any results. And, of course you can help your magical results by working on the physical level toward your goals. Don’t expect them to fall into your lap by themselves.

Difficult goals have greater resistance (magical inertia) to overcome. If the ritual doesn’t produce the desired results there is a good chance that the reason for the failure is within ourselves. It is important to be certain there is no contradiction between your inner model and your magical goals. Sometimes self doubt and mental contradictions (wanting and not wanting at the same time) may interfere. If this is the case, you may want to rethink your goals or do some inner work before recasting the spell.

Time Displacement:

A peculiar quality of magick is time displacement. Results of a ritual are not usually instantaneous. There is often a delay of 12 hours or more. Difficult tasks or weakly performed ritual are more likely to be delayed. In most cases a slight delay is alright, and it gives us time to get used to the coming changes. And sometimes the effects of a ritual appear to extend to before the ritual was performed!

When Magick Backfires:

Because of the way magick works, a ritual may create an emphasis in what is sought, and a de-emphasis in everything else. Balance is therefore important here. Once the magical result is achieved it may be ‘bound’ to you and difficult to get rid of should you later decide to do so.

For Example: You use a magick to help you find and buy a new house. Years later when you decide to sell it, you are unable to do so.

Consider your magical goals wisely so you don’t get stuck with something you don’t really want. Note that theory says you can always unbind through ritual what was bound to you…theory says.

The Opposite Occurs:

Sometimes the environment appears to react against the magick after the results are achieved. This is particularly noticeable in using magick to affect the weather.

For example: Your performance of a ritual to produce a sunny day produces a sunny day. The next day is sunny, alright, but the rest of the month is cold and overcast.

Here the weather seems to react to the magick in the opposite way to re-establish its natural balance. It is something like pushing a pendulum to one side and releasing it — the pendulum swings to the other side.

This effect can also occur if you have a belief system in the “no pain no gain” theory of life, or that to “win some” you have to “lose some.” To quote Emerson – “For everything you gain you lose something…” This does not have to be true in magick, however, it is a scientific truth that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. So be cautious when effecting magick for large changes and remember the importance of balance.

That being said, it might also be true that circumstances in your life have to change before the desired magical goal can take effect. A house cleaning of sorts is required, it’s out with the old before the new and greater good can come in.

For example: You do a ritual for harmony in the home and the next day your husband (or wife) asks you for a divorce.

Weird Experiences:

Finally, magick ritual (or any magick or occultism) is very dangerous for the mentally unstable. If you should somehow ‘get out too far’, eat ‘heavy foods’ such as red meat and cheese, ground yourself by connecting with the earth and nature, and use your religious background or old belief system for support. But remember too, that weird experiences are not necessarily bad experiences.

By Phil Hansford

\Many spells demand discretion, if that’s a concern for you, you’ll never be able to cast this Russian gambler’s spell. It can only be accomplished at church on Easter Sunday. If, however, you don’t mind making a bit of a commotion – it just might work for you.

Here’s how it goes:

Go to church on Easter Sunday morning. Be alert and pay attention. When the priest (or whoever is leading the service) announces, “Christ is risen.” Immediately shout out loud something like, “I’ve got an ace!” or “I have a full house.” or whatever it is that you need. Allegedly whatever you call out will be yours for the year.

Presumably this will work for anything you might shout out, including: “I am awesome.” “I have an A on my exams.” “I have the winning ticket!” or “Everybody loves me!” etc

From: The Element Encyclopedia of 5000 Spells

Spring is finally arriving, and there’s a different sort of feeling in the air. The frigid cold of winter has been replaced by the promise of new life and growth, and a spring full moon is a magical time. It’s a season that offers a chance at fertility and abundance, rebirth and regrowth. Whether you’re celebrating March’s Crow Moon, the Wind Moon of April, or May’s Flower Moon, the focus in Spring’s lunar cycles is that of the element Water.

Along with the sun, water helps bring life back to the earth. It is the source of much of our existence, and helps to cleanse and purify us. It can both destroy us and heal us. In ancient times, the well or spring was often seen as a sacred and holy place — a place in which we could truly bathe in the touch of the Divine. To celebrate the arrival of Spring’s full moons, we acknowledge and honor the many aspects of Water.

Here’s How:

For this ritual, you’ll want to go ahead and set up your altar in a manner appropriate to the season — spring flowers, fresh cuttings from the garden, packets of seeds. You’ll also need a small bowl of water and a large empty bowl. Ask each participant to bring a cup or jar of water of their own, representing a place that is special to them. Finally, you’ll need a freshly cut flower (if you can’t find one, or if your flowers haven’t bloomed yet, a sprig of grass or a clipping from a newly blossomed shrub is a perfectly good substitute).

Although this rite is designed for a small group, it can easily be adapted for a solitary practitioner, or a larger group. It is best performed at night after the moon has risen.

When the moon is up, everyone has gathered, and you have assembled your supplies, take a moment to get centered, and then hold the small bowl of water to the sky, facing the moon, and say:

The moon is high above us, giving us light in the dark.
She illuminates our world, our souls, our minds.
Like the ever-moving tides, she is constant yet changing.
She moves the water with her cycles, and it nourishes us
and brings us life.
With the divine energy of this sacred element,
we create this sacred space.

Dip the cut flower in the water and walk clockwise around everyone, making a wide circle, sprinkling water on the ground with the petals of the flower. Once the circle is created, return to the altar and say:

Spring is here, and the earth is bursting with new life.
Mornings begin bright and sunny, and afternoon gives way
to blustery showers of wind and rain.
We welcome the water when it comes,
because it nourishes that which has yet to bloom.
We welcome the water from all around,
from places far and near.

Take the large empty bowl, and walk around the circle. As you approach each participant, pause so that they can pour their water into the bowl. As they do, invite them to share where the water has come from, and why it is special. For example:

This water is from the ocean, from my last trip to the beach
This is water from the creek behind my grandmother’s farm

When everyone has poured their water into the bowl, use the cut flower once more, stirring and blending the water with the stem of the flower. As you mix the water together, say:

Listen to the water, coming together,
the voice of the moon from up above.
Listen to the voices, growing with power,
feel the energy and light and love.

Now the entire group joins in, chanting the words over and over as the water is stirred. Keep the chant going until you feel a change in the energy, or for at least 12 times.

When the water is fully charged, take the blended bowl of water, and invite each participant to step forward. As they do, anoints the individual’s forehead with the blended water by drawing the symbol of the triple moon:


May the light and wisdom of the moon
guide you through the coming cycle.

Once each person has been anointed, invite each person to refill their cup or jar with the blended water.

Take a few moments to meditate on the magical power of water. Think about how it flows and ebbs, changing all in its path. Water can destroy, and it can bring life. Consider how our bodies and spirits ebb with the tide, and how we connect to the cycles of water and of the moon.

Remind everyone that we are all traveling in the river of life itself, and while we may have different backgrounds and beliefs and goals and dreams, we are all seeking the divine in ourselves and in those around us. By embracing the power and energy of water, we are able to welcome a pool of sacred space — ever constant, yet ever changing.

When everyone is ready, end the ritual, and release the circle. A nice chant to sing at the ending of any ritual is this:

May the circle be open but unbroken
May the peace of the Goddess be ever in your heart.
Merry meet and merry part.
And merry meet again.


This is a easy spell for peace, it helps relax and calm your soul.

Items you will need

  • White candle
  • Needle
  • Full moon

Casting Instructions

  1. Take your needle and write peace in the side of the candle.
  2. Take the needle again and prick your finger.
  3. Rub your blood all over the candle.

Absorb energy into your breath and breathe it into the candle.

Then light your candle and stick it in the ground, being sure that the area around the candle is free of anything that may catch fire. Leave the candle overnight allowing it to burn completely down. As you sleep think of the peace coming to you in the night. Then it shall be.

By Darkbarron

This is a very simple spell. You will need two candles, a white one for you and a blue one for friends and family. As the full moon is rising, light the candles and say:

“I light these candles for luck for me,
and for my friends and family,
So they will burn by day and night,
and bring us joy by their bright light.”

Allow the candles burn until they are done. If something happens and you must put them out, pinch each flame out and say the following:

Little flame wait for me
I’ll be back and bright you’ll be.

Don’t blow them out it will stop the spell. Be sure to relight the candles later when you can allow them to burn completely down.

Source unknown

The arrow was sacred to Artemis (Diana), and was considered to carry special powers and blessings. This is a very old spell, which incorporates symbols which are placed along the shaft of an arrow. Traditionally this was performed on the shore of a lake, or other calm body of water (such as a Bay). It was necessary to be able to see the “path of the Moon” in the water. This “path” is the reflection of the moon, stretched along the surface of the water.


For this spell you will need a bow and arrow. Take a new arrow and draw symbols of your wish/desire along its shaft. Meaningful words or phrases may also be added. On a night when the Moon is full, go to the shore, and face the water. Fix the arrow into your bow and gaze out upon the path of light (which leads to the Moon). Draw your arrow back, and speak the following words of enchantment:

“Where path of Light,
to Moon I see,
the powers of the Queen shall be!
Shaft of wood,
as shaft of light,
earth to moon,
does now give flight!”

Release the arrow. The arrow can either be shot out into the path on the water, or upward towards the Moon.

Source: White Magic

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We should educate people that ‘Witch’ is not evil but ancient and positive. The first time I called myself a ‘Witch’ was the most magical moment of my life.

~Margot Adler

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