Spring is finally arriving, and there’s a different sort of feeling in the air. The frigid cold of winter has been replaced by the promise of new life and growth, and a spring full moon is a magical time. It’s a season that offers a chance at fertility and abundance, rebirth and regrowth. Whether you’re celebrating March’s Crow Moon, the Wind Moon of April, or May’s Flower Moon, the focus in Spring’s lunar cycles is that of the element Water.

Along with the sun, water helps bring life back to the earth. It is the source of much of our existence, and helps to cleanse and purify us. It can both destroy us and heal us. In ancient times, the well or spring was often seen as a sacred and holy place — a place in which we could truly bathe in the touch of the Divine. To celebrate the arrival of Spring’s full moons, we acknowledge and honor the many aspects of Water.

Here’s How:

For this ritual, you’ll want to go ahead and set up your altar in a manner appropriate to the season — spring flowers, fresh cuttings from the garden, packets of seeds. You’ll also need a small bowl of water and a large empty bowl. Ask each participant to bring a cup or jar of water of their own, representing a place that is special to them. Finally, you’ll need a freshly cut flower (if you can’t find one, or if your flowers haven’t bloomed yet, a sprig of grass or a clipping from a newly blossomed shrub is a perfectly good substitute).

Although this rite is designed for a small group, it can easily be adapted for a solitary practitioner, or a larger group. It is best performed at night after the moon has risen.

When the moon is up, everyone has gathered, and you have assembled your supplies, take a moment to get centered, and then hold the small bowl of water to the sky, facing the moon, and say:

The moon is high above us, giving us light in the dark.
She illuminates our world, our souls, our minds.
Like the ever-moving tides, she is constant yet changing.
She moves the water with her cycles, and it nourishes us
and brings us life.
With the divine energy of this sacred element,
we create this sacred space.

Dip the cut flower in the water and walk clockwise around everyone, making a wide circle, sprinkling water on the ground with the petals of the flower. Once the circle is created, return to the altar and say:

Spring is here, and the earth is bursting with new life.
Mornings begin bright and sunny, and afternoon gives way
to blustery showers of wind and rain.
We welcome the water when it comes,
because it nourishes that which has yet to bloom.
We welcome the water from all around,
from places far and near.

Take the large empty bowl, and walk around the circle. As you approach each participant, pause so that they can pour their water into the bowl. As they do, invite them to share where the water has come from, and why it is special. For example:

This water is from the ocean, from my last trip to the beach
This is water from the creek behind my grandmother’s farm

When everyone has poured their water into the bowl, use the cut flower once more, stirring and blending the water with the stem of the flower. As you mix the water together, say:

Listen to the water, coming together,
the voice of the moon from up above.
Listen to the voices, growing with power,
feel the energy and light and love.

Now the entire group joins in, chanting the words over and over as the water is stirred. Keep the chant going until you feel a change in the energy, or for at least 12 times.

When the water is fully charged, take the blended bowl of water, and invite each participant to step forward. As they do, anoints the individual’s forehead with the blended water by drawing the symbol of the triple moon:


May the light and wisdom of the moon
guide you through the coming cycle.

Once each person has been anointed, invite each person to refill their cup or jar with the blended water.

Take a few moments to meditate on the magical power of water. Think about how it flows and ebbs, changing all in its path. Water can destroy, and it can bring life. Consider how our bodies and spirits ebb with the tide, and how we connect to the cycles of water and of the moon.

Remind everyone that we are all traveling in the river of life itself, and while we may have different backgrounds and beliefs and goals and dreams, we are all seeking the divine in ourselves and in those around us. By embracing the power and energy of water, we are able to welcome a pool of sacred space — ever constant, yet ever changing.

When everyone is ready, end the ritual, and release the circle. A nice chant to sing at the ending of any ritual is this:

May the circle be open but unbroken
May the peace of the Goddess be ever in your heart.
Merry meet and merry part.
And merry meet again.


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