Book Of Shadows

All food contains energies that you can work with to bring love into your life. Here’s a recipe for a lemony love dessert.

The preparation of food, with a particular intention in mind, is old magic. Look at food as sacred, let the act of preparing, cooking and eating food be a sacred act. Your kitchen can be a place of powerful magic, work slowly and deliberately to hone your craft. Always stir clockwise, clockwise motion is thought to be in harmony with the apparent movement of the sun in the sky, and has been linked with life, health and success.

  • The recipe:

Combine 4 egg yolks, 4 cups milk, and lemon zest grated in large strips, 1/4 cup sugar, and 1/2 cup plain flour. Mix in a pan over heat and stir until thick. Tip into a deep platter, remove lemon zest, refrigerate for 2 hours then cover with raspberries and dollop cream on top. As you eat savor the flavors and think of love.

Source: Witches Lore

For this spell you will need to bake gingerbread cookies. The cookies are made the usual way, with the exception of one large cookie with a hole cut out of the middle (before baking). While rolling out and cutting the cookie shapes, spend time thinking about what it is that you are trying so hard to fill up with food. Is there an empty place inside you, a place of lack and hunger?

While the cookies are baking, find a red or gold ribbon long enough to tie around your wrist.

After the cookies are baked and cooled. Take the cookie with the hole in the middle, hold it gently in your hands and say the following charm:

There’s a large empty place
In me I can’t fill
I ask now the Goddess and God
If they will
When enough is enough
When more isn’t right
please fill me instead
with love laughter and light
Give me just what is needed
To move through the day
In the very most possible (magical, powerful, wonderful… etc) way.

Eat the cookie slowly, savor the flavor. Tie the ribbon around your wrist to help you remember the sweetness of the moment. Repeat the charm twice more. Say the words slowly and mean every word.

Now share the rest of the cookies with family, friends, and wildlife. When that empty feeling comes again, and it will, take hold of the ribbon, and repeat the charm, remembering the sweetness of cookies and the joy of sharing, opening yourself again to the Goddess and the God.

Spell by: Madame Fortuna

Use this method to empower water to remove excess weight from your body.

  • 1 ice tray
  • Water, to fill the ice tray
  • Yellow food coloring
  • Lemon wedges

Tint the water a pretty yellow and pour it into the ice tray. Drink water with a lemon wedge over this ice as part of your diet.

Each time you add ice, affirm, “As the ice melts away, so too does my excess weight. So mote it be!”

From: Elemental Witch

Best performed during the waning moon. Light a pink candle for self-love; anoint it with the oil of your choice. Next light a brown candle. Engrave the number of pounds you want to lose on it, then visualize banishing the excess weight. Runes can be carved on it if you wish. Incense can be burned; visualize the smoke carrying away the excess poundage. Adapt the spell to your own personal needs.

Source: Old Witchcraft

You need three things:

  • Jasmine essence, essential oil, or flowers
  • A quartz crystal.
  • Symbols of each of the four elements – earth, fire, air, and water

Jasmine is the flower of femininity. (I am supposing this magic to be directed to a woman — of course men do want to lose weight too. If this is the case, choose an essence such as Patchouli or Vanilla). It is the flower of senses, of pleasure, of physical attraction. The best suited therefore to bring you back in touch with the pleasure of being in your skin, of looking and feeling attractive, the feeling that exudes naturally from a healthy and balanced body. In fact all the responsibility for weight problems resides somewhere in the body’s loss of its ability to stay balanced.

Deficiencies on the emotional or mental plane are interfering with the body’s natural wisdom. When its balance is impaired its happiness is lost. Through jasmine you may magically evoke that lost sensuous joyfulness. With the crystal quartz you focus your energies on the issue at hand, and give staying power to the healing forces.

Begin the process during the day, when the moon is full. Cleanse and dress yourself and sit in your magic place. Place the jasmine flowers or essence and also the quartz crystal in front of you together with symbols of the four elements (earth, fire, air, and water).

As you call the powers an element will present itself to you, according to where the imbalance is in you. That will of course change the shape of the incantation.

If you are not sure how the elements might present themselves, here are some ideas:

  • Air = words and language, aromas and sounds, breathing, flying
  • Earth = substance and things, plants and herbs, gardening, drumming,
  • Water = emotions and feelings, liquids and water, swimming, cleansing,
  • Fire = action, passion, heat, creating, light and color,

In this example I will use the element air – on the basis of this example you can work out the different variations.

So air is in this case the element which speaks, the power which will help you with this magic. Words belong to air magic. Now inhale the scent of the jasmine and relax deeply to ask your subconscious to give you a word – the key word for this magic.

For a few minutes you are sitting with your eyes closed, thinking of nothing. When you sense your mind beginning to wander astray, touch the quartz — its magical powers will help immediately to focus your attention again. Soon the key word will form itself in your conscious mind: in this example it is “independence”. It does not matter that you understand why this particular word should be your key word. Certainly a reason is there, your unconscious has its own deep wisdom — but it is not important that you should be consciously aware of its motives.

Every night, from the full moon to the black moon, you will rub a few drops of jasmine oil on your naked body. While doing this, let the key word “independence” stay in your mind.

As you revel in the fragrance of the jasmine, relaxing, images will come to your mind, suggestions as to how to expand on the independence in your life. Maybe you will have a vision on yourself learning a foreign language.

Following these suggestions is an essential part of this magic; if you want it to work you will have to find a way. The quartz will help you with that. If you find yourself saying “I have too much to do, I cannot possibly fit this in, I never was good at languages anyway.” etc., touch the crystal and feel its energy for a few seconds. It will immediately give you clarity and firmness of purpose, and you will be able to see what you need to do, and have the determination to do it.

Every night, before going to sleep, rub the essence on your body, and experiment with your key word. Keep the crystal with you at all times for this period — to touch it whenever you feel that you need to do so.

Thanks to the magic of the flower, of the crystal, and of the key word given to you by the power air, a deep change will start in this period. A change which will enable you to regain your natural balance, and the grace and beauty that go with it.

Source: Old Witchcraft

  • Time: Sunset on a Waning Moon
  • Tools: yellow candle with holder, rose petals, lavender oil, small garnets, carnelian or turquoise stone, small jar with lid or plastic bag that seals, and a picture of yourself healthy.

Charge yellow candle with desired goal and place in holder . As you light the candle, visualize yourself passing on second helpings of food, putting only small portions on your plate and looking healthy and physically fit.

Charge rose petals, oil and stones. Sprinkle petals around candle, again visualize your goal. Place the charged garnet stones and a few drops of oil into the jar or bag. As you do this visualize again.

Then pick up the petals and place them into the jar or bag also. Seal the jar or bag and say:

“By this jar/bag of powered oil,
petals and stones,
it will bring me courage and help me
meet my goal to not eat or snack
as much and become healthier.”

Visualize yourself becoming healthier and moving the weight on the scale to the left. Carry this jar or bag with you and sniff charged items before eating.

Rub the charged carnelian or turquoise on the picture of yourself then rub onto your body while visualizing yourself become the you in the picture. Say:

“In no way will this spell cause me to suffer any adverse effects.
So mote it be!”

Carry the stone with you and rub it when you have the urge to snack or eat too much. Hang the picture up in your kitchen to view. Allow the candle to burn for another hour then snuff it out and put it away. Burn it whenever you need the moral support.

Source: Old Witchcraft

Items you’ll need:

  • Floating candles
  • A large bowl
  • Water
  • Matches
  • A pen

Create sacred space with candles, sage smudging, and setting up altars with powerful totems, or items of special significance.

If possible, stand or sit under the Moon. Allow yourself to feel a direct relationship to it, as a mover of the living waters of the Earth and within our own bodies.

Do a grounding exercise, to bring you out of the chatter of small talk and into ritual space. Feel the earth under your feet and shake out the tension in the body.

Place the large water-filled bowl in front of you, or in the middle of your gathering on a table.

Write what you are releasing on the candle that you will be floating. It’s not important that the writing shows up, just that the intention is there.

As you place the candle into the bowl, declare what you’re releasing.

Light the candle.

Allow yourself to feel the transfer of what you’re releasing to the candle. As a group focus on letting go into the water, holding hands if that feels right.

Celebrate this release by sharing a feast under the full Moon!

Allow the candle to keep burning in the bowl as a symbol of the letting go process. The flame is a purifier, and symbolizes the sparks of inspiration as well. If you blow out your floating candle, and your bowl is in your home, relighting it will remind you of your commitment. Place inspiring pictures and totems around it that remind you of who you’re becoming. Above all, give yourself kudos for honoring your own growth.

Source: Paganwiccan

This year (2018) is particularly unique in that January and March both contain two full moons while February has no full moon. This means that there are two Blue Moons.

The Blue Moon is an especially magickal time, think of it as a lunar bonus round, a chance to ask for special “once in a blue moon” favors, or to work with “once in a lifetime” spells.

Here are the 2018 dates:

  • Jan 31
  • March 31

The 2018 January Blue Moon is also a Supermoon, and a total Lunar Eclipse so this will be an especially powerful time for magickal workings.

Here’s a great spell to utilize the magical properties of the Blue Moon. You will need the following:

  • A square of blue cloth or sturdy blue christmas wrapping paper. Ideally, the cloth or paper will have moons and stars printed on it, alternatively you can decorate it yourself with glitter glue, stickers, etc.
  • 13 safety pins.
  • Paper and a pen.
  • Length of gold cord or ribbon.
  • Bottle of Champagne, a glass, and a corkscrew.

Get centered, and sit down with your pen and paper and make a list of all the things you would want but which seem impossible. This includes anything that you find yourself repeatedly asking for. Think of “once in a lifetime,” or “once in a blue moon,” or “that couldn’t possibly happen to me,” things. The longer the list is, the better.

Now, look at each thing on your list and really think about it. Is this something you really want? If it showed up at your front door tomorrow morning would you really accept it? Are you sure this is for you? Cross off any items that you can’t say YES to with enthusiasm.

Pick your top thirteen “geez I wish I could have that” items from your list. Cut your paper into thirteen moon shapes and write one wish on each one. Write it in a positive, affirmative way, such as: “I win millions of dollars in the lottery.” or “I get an all expenses paid month long vacation in Fiji with the person I love.”

Open up the square of cloth or paper, and pin the 13 wishes to it with safety pins. (The safety pins insure safety and security for you as your wishes unfold.). Now fold the cloth into a neat little bundle and tie it with the gold ribbon or cord.

Take the champagne, the glass, corkscrew, and your bundle outside under the full moon. Hold the bundle up and say the following:

Please grant me these wishes
With harm to none
And bring me a life filled
With love and with fun.

I give you permission
on this special night
To unbind whatever
I may have closed tight
to slip past the blocks
to move through whatever might
stop you from granting
these wishes tonight.

By the grace of the Goddess
By the grace of the God
As I say
It is done
So mote it be.

Now, uncork the champagne, and pour it into the glass. Hold up the glass of champagne and make a toast (say a heartfelt blessing) to the moon, and pour a small amount on the ground. Then make a toast to the Goddess and the God (a blessing and a thank-you), and pour a small amount on the ground. Then toast to yourself (something loving and kind), and drink the rest of the champagne in the glass.

Put the bundle in a place where things get worked on regularly, such as desk drawer, office cabinet, or tool box. On New Year’s Eve of the following year, make a list of all the wonderful and amazing things that happened since this spell, then toss the bundle (unopened) into a fire with thanks and gratitude.

~Madame Fortuna

On the darkest night of the year, gather together three dried leaves of holly and pulverize them into powder. On a clean, four-inch by four-inch piece of paper, write a single word in red ink that represents what quality you would like to be born within yourself along with the newborn Yule Sun.

Sprinkle the holly powder into the center of the paper, twist the whole thing closed with the holly powder inside. Light the wick of a red candle, and from this flame, light the holly- filled paper on fire. As it burns, see your wish fulfilled. The spell is done.

From: Earth Witchery

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Being A Witch

We should educate people that ‘Witch’ is not evil but ancient and positive. The first time I called myself a ‘Witch’ was the most magical moment of my life.

~Margot Adler

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