This spell is best performed outside in nature, in a secluded private place free from interruption. It can also be done indoors if an outdoor area is not possible. You will need your ritual items and/or items to represent the four elements, a crystal, and also some food and wine.
Cleanse your self and space before you begin the ritual. This could include a ritual bath, smudging, or any other method of cleansing that is comfortable for you.
Stand facing east and say:
”I call to the forces of air to watch over my rite and to offer assistance and protection and to protect me from harm.
Hail and welcome”
Bow your head and turn to face the south, say again:
”I call to the forces of fire to watch over my rite and to offer assistance and protection and to protect me from harm.
Hail and welcome”
Again bow your head and turn to the west repeating:
”I call to the forces of water to watch over my rite and to offer assistance and protection and to protect me from harm.
Hail and welcome”
After bow in reverence to the element turn north and say:
”I call to the forces of earth to watch over my rite and to offer assistance and protection and to protect me from harm.
Hail and welcome.”
If you use ritual tools, place them in their cardinal points. The wand in the east quarter, the dagger in the south, the cup to the west and the pentacle to the north.
Note: If you do not use ritual tools, use representations of the four elements. These can be actual elements, such as a bowl of water to represent water, a potted plant to represent earth, etc – or something else that is meaningful to you.
Above the wand (element of earth) trace the invoking pentagram of earth and say:
”I invoke the power of earth,
I invoke the power of Gaia.”
See the pentagram of earth being burned into the air glowing with a pure brilliant white. Feel the power in you rise, when you can feel the pentagram there move on to the dagger and repeat. Also repeat this with the cup and the pentacle – or with each of the elemental objects you have placed in the four directions.
Go to the center and see the pentagrams flaming and glowing about you. Stretch you arms above your head and look to the heavens and in a strong, clear voice with passion say:
”I invoke the power of my eternal spirit.
Invoke the power of Gaia”
At this point visualize white beams of light coming from the pentagrams surrounding you and meeting at the crown of your head. Feel the power root you to the earth let it flow throughout your whole being.
After this face the direction of earth, the north, and say again with feeling and heart:
”I come here today to celebrate and invoke the power of Gaia as she is reborn into the maiden. With her she brings new life, love and change. The wheel of the year turns yet again. I invoke you Gaia.”
Turn to the east and pick up your wand. Hold it in front of you and say:
”I invoke the airy nature of earth free flowing but still solid and strong.
I invoke you Gaia”
Again feel your power rise. Place the wand down and turn to the south. Hold your dagger high and say:
”I invoke the fiery nature of earth volatile and destructive.
I invoke you Gaia.”
Place the dagger down and turn west. Hold aloft the cup and say:
”I invoke the watery nature of earth, subtle, in movement and of power.
I invoke you Gaia”
Place the cup down and turn to the north. Pick up your pentacle and say:
”I invoke the true nature of earth, solid, dense, grounding, powerful.
I invoke you Gaia”
Stay facing north go back to the center and stand beneath the point where the pentacles have met up. Look upwards and say:
”I invoke the earth aspect of of my spirit.
I invoke you Gaia”
Pick up the crystal and hold it in front of you and say:
”This crystal is part of me, it comes from the earth.
I invoke you Gaia”
Now for the last invocation. The energies around you will be chaotic and rushing all aspects of earth represented feel them and then stabilize them and when you feel that this has been done say in a strong, loud and clear voice:
”Gaia your child speaks to thee. I ask for your help, guidance, power, and protection.You are nature. You are Divine. I celebrate you in all your forms. Gaia I invoke you come into me. This is my will and my power so mote it be.”
Repeat the invocation until you feel an immense force come from beneath you and enter into your being. A feeling of change and manifestation will take over you. DO NOT FIGHT IT. Also Gaia will give you a word of power which you can use in rites and spells. Once this word is spoken the invocation is over and you shall return to your normal state. Approach the food and wine and say:
”Now to eat and drink in celebration of the Mighty Mother.”
Once you have finished. Thank the elements and Gaia and close the circle as you usually would or in whatever way feels right. With the power given to you from Gaia, you may wish to charge some a crystal, amulet or talisman in honor of her.
Found at Spells Of Magic
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