I don’t often go in for channeled information, but this talk, or guided meditation, channeled through David Brown. can be a useful tool to reconnect with your inner parents. And there is a great explanation as to why this is important. So, here goes:
Greetings dear ones, for I AM KRYON of Magnetic Service.
Once again it is wonderful to be here on this warm summer night. There is much love in the air; the planets are shifting, creating the right circumstances for you to meet your soul mates, your twin flames. Love is the only way and you will find love within another person. True love can only really be expressed through another person or other people and joy is an emotion you will experience in your relationships with others and by being with others. As we have said in past channeling, love will always find a way. Like the tiny drop of water that falls from a cloud and makes its way back to the ocean. Remember, love and joy are intimately connected.
Many of you on the Spiritual path took a journey of the soul to disconnect from relationships and to work through your own issues on an individual basis. And now it’s time to reconnect. What this means is that within yourself you will reconnect your inner masculine and inner feminine, your inner father and your inner mother. It is very important on the inside that your inner mother and father relate to the child and also as husband and wife. You will find this husband and wife energy – the husband on the masculine or right side of the body and the wife on the feminine or left side. Sometimes, depending on your social conditioning, these energies can get mixed up.
So, for just a moment close your eyes, go inward and observe, in your own energy field, exactly where your inner mother and your inner father are within your bodies. Be patient and wait for the answers. What we want to do is place the inner father in the area of the crown chakra, the third eye and the throat chakra and the inner mother in the area of the solar plexus, the sacral chakra and the base chakra.
Ensure that your feminine energy is on the left and that your masculine energy is on the right. In this energy you will find it simple to readjust, for whilst your energy is in this shape processing is very easy. Unless of course your inner mother is unhappy that your inner father is at the head of your body or the inner mother is unhappy with the relationship of the mother and father. Then your inner father must receive enough energy to maintain his position there.
Remember, only the father can connect to Father Sky and only the mother can connect to Mother Earth. So, let this to happen and let your spirit guides and Kryon help you with this, you should be able to feel your energies instantly increase whilst this action happens. We suggest that every day you check that your energy is in this format within your bodies.
In months gone by, we have channelled a message about the fear of emotional stability – there are energies within each human being that feed off emotional instability, anger, hatred, heartache, pain, and negative energies. These energies continually keep you in a negative space and whilst your energy is in this format you can acknowledge and release them and let them go. So, get in touch with those energies that feed off negative emotion and perpetuate that energy. Be supported by Mother Earth and Father Sky and this Kryon energy that is here with us in this room tonight. Acknowledge these energies, release them and then let them go. Thank them for the lessons of the past and release them… with love.
Dear ones, there is much love in the air this night. You may also bring in your inner magician to help you with this, for there can be much fear in confronting such an energy. Step by step as you erode the fear you will become more magical within. You will become more excited about your own lives, about manifesting a life that you truly choose to be of your own.
Now, make a love connection with each member of this circle this night, a connection through your heart. Remember, where there is no connection, there is loneliness and disconnection from the Divine, from Mother Earth and from Father Sky. Permit your connection to be enhanced in this energy and invite support from your spirit guides, your angels and from the Kryon energy.
Be patient for this is a difficult energy to release and don’t sell yourself short. This energy has not only held you back but it has also held human-kind back for many thousands of years. Your inner magician can feed off this energy and as you release it, your magician becomes stronger. Let your inner magician heal this wound. In a way, your inner magician will become more charged and powerful by this energy thus the more magic you will make in your lifetime. Things will be easier to manifest.
There is also a paradox in the process of releasing fear – “What will I feel like without fear? I am afraid to release the fear.” So, hand that one over to Spirit, to Kryon and let go the fear of handing power over to your magician, the fear of giving more power to your magician, for you are your own magician. You are the one that will create a reality, you are the one with dreams and it is only fear that stands between your dreams and reality. As this energy is released, you will begin to feel your vibration change very rapidly and you will also maintain and sustain this shift of consciousness.
All of you in this room are healers. You have been in a contract with this energy to slow down your growth, to hold you in a space where you could not live your life as you would want to. This makes you strong and powerful. You have learned many lessons and know many secrets about the Universe. You also have a great understanding of how things should be. It is now time to put this understanding into practice by releasing the energy that feeds off the fear of emotional stability – that constantly keeps you agitated like the ocean waves. When you live a life with calm, peaceful and focused emotions then your life will become as you see and want it.
So, release these energies purely through intent whilst at the same time thanking God for the miracle to do this. Let love flow through your hearts and into the spaces that are left open as this energy releases. Let in more and more love and be aware of your vibrations as they soar higher and higher – higher than you have ever been lifted before. Maintain an earthly connection at the same time and seeing that your roots go firmly into the ground, connect with the heart of Mother Earth, then allow your vibrations to soar higher and higher until a very high vibration of love is reached… and on towards ecstasy. This will intimidate that energy and help you release more quickly.
To enter a state of high vibration whilst you are deeply connected to earth is a very unusual experience. Most of the teachings in meditation ask you to go higher and higher without a connection to earth. Tonight we will take you on a journey to meet your magical child. That part of yourself that will return to your physical body last of all – for the magical child has answers to everything. This magical child of a high vibration knows and understands you and your dreams. So, let your vibrations soar higher and higher and let your soul be guided by your magical child.
Once again stay connected – through your heart – to every member of the group as you let your energies soar higher. You will find yourself in a space where you meet your magical child. Be with this child who has much love in its heart for you. This child knows everything about the entire Universe and understands that you are on a journey. But so too is the child – a journey of separating and returning to wholeness. Be patient with the child. Listen as the child speaks to you. Let the love from the child flow into your heart and expand through your body pushing your heart and your vibration even higher. Permit this love to flow between yourselves, between your DNA. Allow for an expansion of your energies. Become loose and free inside so that this love can flow into the darkest of spaces.
Your energies will be free to allow you to release whatever there is to release and to let go. They will soar higher and higher and become more spacious on the inside. You will release those things that don’t work – that stop you living your dreams. Love will permeate those body cells and make them softer, more gentle, more caring and more receptive. And, just like the water always finds its way back to the ocean, love will find its way back to where it needs to be. So, let the love flow to where it needs to be, for tonight, the planets are so aligned that this can happen. You will be set free so that you can let love flow. Where there is disconnection between the masculine and the feminine or the inner husband and the inner wife, let the love dissolve this disconnection.
There’s a place in your body where the masculine and the feminine energies won’t mix or merge. Let love flow and dissolve that that prevents them mixing and merging – when you have a working relationship on the inside you can also have one on the outside. Be guided and, without force, let that magical child speak of the dreams and the relationship that it has for its mother and father. Let the child heal your inner mother and father so that they relate well to one another. Loss, hurt, and pain, are energies that harm the mother father relationship. These energies turn bad or sour. This is not the way it is meant to be. So, let your magical child speak of its dreams and how it wants its mother and father to be. Let the magical child speak of how it wishes to be nurtured and loved. Welcome this energy and let it flow into your body.
Beautiful, loving, caring relationships are not mass consciousness; they are the exception to the rule. This child will return when the inner mother and the inner father relate to the child’s dreams – they will relate as the sun and moon relates to the earth.
The Universe paints a picture for all those willing to understand, for those with a desire to love, to experience the energy of devotion towards another human being. The Universe speaks continually. Whatever questions you have will be answered, through observation and by listening to your inner voice. There is always an answer to what we seek. Some things are so great and so challenging that only a small piece of the answer is given. Everything on earth is in duality – either masculine or feminine and the way to manifest something on earth is to operate through the masculine. Masculine things happen in straight lines, step-by-step. Answers will come slowly but surely like the creation of the statue of David that Michael Angelo slowly hewed from a piece of rock. For each answer to a question, you take one step. Answer another question, take another step. Often it may seem you are being guided away from your dream, but you need to experience this in order to live your dream.
Remember that love is the answer, love is the way… and where there is darkness in your body, shine love which is light. You may be afraid, ashamed or feel guilty to look into those dark places but with courage and by shining the light of love you will receive many beautiful gifts. So, speak to your magical child. Talk of those dark places in your life, places where you would like light to shine… then wait for the answer. Your magical child scans the Universe – for each human being is a microcosm of the Universe itself – and will provide a loving answer.
In the Kryon channelling, the word ‘magic’ means Divine – the physical manifestation of Divine will. The Divine wants you to have a magical life with magical relationships. The Divine wants your hearts to be full of love and joy and ecstasy. In meeting your soul mate – your twin flame – you will feel your hearts merge. You will feel the vibration, so unusual but so exciting, of your twin flame. Only your heart can lead the way to a relationship like that… for your heart is the feminine. So, let your heart lead the way into the relationship of your dreams.
And now dear ones, this is Kryon signing out.
Go well, God Bless and take care.
Found at Kryon.org
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