Protection Spells

If there’s one presence you’d want to have on your side in the courtroom, in a dark alley, or at any time you feel threatened, it’s the Archangel Michael. Michael’s celestial mission is to be humanity’s defender. He epitomizes justice. You can request that he come to your assistance.

Post his image, burn fragrant gum resins and use his invocation to call him:

Michael to the right of me,
Michael to the left of me
Michael above me
Michael below me
Michael within me
Michael all around me
Michael with your flaming sward of cobalt blue, protect me today!

From: Encyclopedia of 5,000 Spells

From an ancient Chaldean Magical Tablet we have this incantation against the entrance of Demons (and other bad spirits) into the house.


Talisman, talisman,
boundary that cannot be taken away,
boundary that the Gods cannot pass,
barrier immovable,
which is opposed to malevolence!
Whether it be a wicked Utuq,
a wicked Alal,
a wicked Gigim,
a wicked god,
a wicked Maskim,
a phantom, a spectre,
a vampire,
an incubus,
a succubus,
a nightmare,
may the barrier of the god Ea stop him!

Note: This spell can be enhanced if used in conjunction with protective herbs and/or salt spread across the threshold and window sills, and also if protective symbols (such as the one shown here) or runes are written or drawn on doors and windows.

knocking on wooden door

This is a hoodoo spell to keep bill collectors and police officers away. Here’s how it works:

Empty a black hen’s egg, crack up the shell, and toast it in your oven until it turns brown. Powder it, then put the powder under your front doorsteps. The collectors or officers may come around, but they will not be able to do anything to harm you.

From Hoodoo Herb and Root Magic


The ancients regarded turquoise as a powerful magickal aid to ward off misfortune, illness, and the evil eye. You can use turquoise to make your own amulet for protection.

To begin, during the waxing Moon take a piece of blue turquoise or an item of blue turquoise jewelry and hold it in your hand for a moment. In your mind’s eye, picture a blue light surrounding you. Hold the stone to your heart, and breathe on it to charge it with your power, saying:

Stone of blue, surround me with protective energy.
I am protected by your soothing blue light.

Carry your turquoise with you or wear it as often as you can. Handle it frequently to keep the spell active.

Found at: Khakani’s Mystic World


Pow-Wow strongly incorporates the use of spoken charms. This one is used to soothe a threatening dog and provide protection – excellent for those forced to walk past a snarling, snapping canine.

The charm must be repeated three times before you reach the dog (or the dog reaches you!)

Dog, hold thy nose to the ground!
God has made thee, me and hound.

Then form the sign of the cross three times.

From: Pow-Wows

seven hathors

This spell calls upon the Seven Hathors for protection. The Hathors are ancient birthroom spirits, but they also provide protection on certain days… and can grant gifts and wishes as well.

You will need the following:

  • 1 small cup of your favorite beverage,
  • 1 piece of your favorite fruit cut up into seven slices,
  • 1 long red ribbon cut into seven pieces.

Create an offering table to call the attention of the Hathors and spread out the cup filled with your beverage, the fruit slices, and the ribbons on the table. One for each Hathor.

Speak softly over the ribbons, explain your desires, your fears, and what you want. For example:

“Seven Hathors I speak to today,
come and dine at my table.
My gifts I give freely,
only two things I request.
Protect me from bad luck on Friday the 13th,
and send me some good luck that makes me smile.”

Remember, protection from bad luck is most important…don’t get greedy with your desires… they’ll send you a little good luck if you keep it reasonable.

Tie all seven ribbons together. Hang these ribbons prominently all day long… then bury them in your yard on Saturday. Should their help be needed again summon the seven Hathors with seven new ribbons.

Spell by Rose Ariadne


The Eurasian spirit Hecate guards the frontier between the realms of the living and the dead, negotiating the sometimes divergent needs of both parties. Although she may not banish ghosts entirely (you can ask, though!), she can enforce their good behavior. Hecate is traditionally depicted having one body but three faces, sometimes that of women but most typical that of a dog, a horse and a lion.

Each month, at the full moon:

  • Bring a three-headed image of Hecate to a three-way crossroads.
  • Place the image so that each face points toward a road (or as close as possible).
  • Place food on the ground including fish, honey and a round cake with candles.
  • Make an invocation to Hecate requesting that she make the ghosts behave.
  • Leave the meal at the crossroads for whoever takes it.

Source: Coven of Hecate


As you carve your pumpkin this year,
this blessing can add your magical intention:

“May the light of this lantern frighten away all evil spirits who wish to do as harm and light the way for all good spirits and ancestors who wish to visit us this night.”

Source: unknown

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We should educate people that ‘Witch’ is not evil but ancient and positive. The first time I called myself a ‘Witch’ was the most magical moment of my life.

~Margot Adler

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