Protection Spells

This lovely little spell is great for Samhain.
It would also be appropriate if you celebrate The Day of the Dead.

It is simple but works wonders. It can also be used to protect and cast circles, for guidance, and most of all comfort. It gives me the warmth and guidance I seek WITHOUT fail!!


I call forth from space and time.
Ancestors of my blood line.
Gather around on this holy night.
Watch over me till morning light.

Blood of my blood,
I set you free,
Thanking you for coming,
Until next time,
blessed be!!

~Shalini Ahuja

our-dead-spiritsDuring the period of Samhain, the time when the world of the living is closest to the world of the dead, it is often a good idea to make offerings to the spirits to keep them from doing harm. Traditionally on Halloween night, gifts of milk and barley are left out beneath the stars to acquire the blessings of ghosts and prevent them from harming your household.

From Simple Magick

snowstormYou will need:

  • One peppercorn
  • A pinch of salt
  • Pinch of powdered ginger
  • Pinch of powdered cloves
  • A small pinch of red cotton cloth

Place the peppercorn in you bowl saying and visualizing:

I charge you with protection.

Place the salt in saying:

I charge you with stability.

Place the cayenne pepper in saying:

I charge you with warmth.

Place the ginger in saying:

I charge you with protection.

Place the cloves in saying:

I charge you with protection.

Mix the assembled spices and salt with your fingers, visualize yourself being safe, well guarded, and protected in every way. Now transfer the herbs to the center of the cloth squares. Fold in half and in half again and sew up the ends. Carry this with you.

Make a new charm every snowy season.

Source: Magic Spells


Take an old Christmas Tree ornament and remove the metal hanger top. Most of these ornaments are mass produced with cheap paint on the outside that soaks off in warm water, overnight( they are usually a silver color underneath) or use a silver colored ball.

Next, rinse out the ball with a salt water solution. Now, get yourself a spool of red thread and some patchouli oil. Cut the thread in 3″ strands.

Carefully insert the strands through the opening of the ball. Continue inserting strands until the ball is nearly full. Put in 3 or 4 drops of the patchouli oil and replace the metal hanger cap. Now hang the ball in your room, preferably as close to the door as possible. As you hang the ball, say:

“Symbol of the Moon,
Symbol of the Lady Divine,
Reject all negativity,
Defend this room,
me and mine.”

Source: Unknown


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We should educate people that ‘Witch’ is not evil but ancient and positive. The first time I called myself a ‘Witch’ was the most magical moment of my life.

~Margot Adler

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