Yearly Archives: 2018

If you have ever been in a situation where personal items disappear from your desk, your room, or your bathroom, then this spell for protection against mysterious disappearance or theft is for you.

When you are away from the place you wish to protect, shield it with an often-used sign of protection:

  • The eye.

On a piece of cardboard, either draw two eyes or paste two eyes cut out from a magazine. Draw the shape of a masquerade-ball mask around the eyes with a thick felt marker and cut it out. Make as many as necessary to place in drawers, in bags, or on your desk.

This spell uses that feeling of being watched that occurs when we are in a room or gallery with photographs or paintings that feature people with prominent eyes.

Source unknown

The Turkey Curse is a curse that is placed on those who seek to harm you; it is used to disorient as well as to frighten off potential predators. This curse is known to be the most beneficial when you are in a circumstance in which you have lost the power or control of the situation.

An example of this would be if you were to be randomly getting mugged on the street and you required immediate justice, you would use the Turkey Curse to debilitate your attackers.

How It Works:

The first thing that you would do in the event of an attack is to stop suddenly in your tracks, drop all of your stuff, and close your eyes. This confuses the attackers right away. But then begin to yell out loud over and over again while spinning three times in a circle:


Then spit at the feet of those you are cursing and while doing so, focus all of your intention on them becoming disoriented while all the while preparing yourself to make a fast exit.

The reason this is such an effective tool when trying to defend yourself is that typically, common criminals are more afraid of crazy people and disease then they are anything else. Therefore part of why this works is because you are technically scaring them. Doing so will at the very least distract them enough so that you can get away and at best you make them leave you alone.

An Electrical Variation:

The point of the turkey curse in this instance is also used to inflict disorientation into the minds of the attackers in regards to machinery, electricity or methods of communication. It has been said to be the curse that causes even a person’s toaster to be out to get them.

In this curse you would focus on any and all electrical objects around the attacker going wrong. Trying to shock them or cause them physical harm. Also this curse is said to last for 30 days as a result of this attacker’s bad ways.


If you were to try to use this curse on someone who didn’t deserve it, say for example just because you are just mad at them and are having a bad day, then it is said that the curse would reverse itself and you would instead be the person effected. Keep this in mind when participating with the Turkey Curse.

The energy behind this particular curse is chaotic and not something that can be controlled. It fights on your behalf for justice so that you can get to safety but it is not meant to be misused in any way.

The Discordian Method

On the more light and fluffy side of the world, the practitioners of Discordia, also known as Discordians (commonly known for their…unconventional methods) also use the Turkey Curse but in a modified way and for different reasons.

Discordians use the Turkey Curse as a way of neutralizing negative energy that is being emitted by a particularly crabby or cranky person to whom they refer as Greyfaces. Greyfaces are people who are stuck in their ways, unhappy, and generally not pleasant to be around.

Most times, Discordians will refer to the GrayFace as the government, or those who are stuck walking a monotonous and lifeless path. The Turkey Curse as designated by Discordia is designed to shake the person loose of their stalemate so that they can see life for the abundant and potentially prosperous place that it can be.

You can also do this to yourself, should you be experiencing a time where you are taking life too seriously and you are feeling a lackluster about the goodness in life; doing so, will help to raise your vibrations back up to more of a workable middle ground.

Discordians try not to take themselves or others, or even life for that matter too seriously, because life, to them, is just a random bunch of stuff that happens and it’s just not worth getting worked up over. The Turkey Curse is used to help those that are in need of a jovial ‘kick in the pants,’ spiritually speaking. And their version (according to the Principia Discordia) goes something like this:

The Turkey Curse, Discordian Style

“Take a foot stance as if you were John L. Sullivan preparing for fisticuffs. Face the particular greyface you wish to short-circuit, or towards the direction of the negative aneristic vibration that you wish to neutralize. Begin waving your arms in any elaborate manner and make motions with your hands as though you were Mandrake feeling up a sexy giantess.

Chant, loudly and clearly:


The results will be instantly apparent.”

As you can see, the technique utilized by the Discordians is a funnier way to go, but chances are you can use this exact same style to disorient potential attackers. However that does change the spirit in which the Discordians practice this curse. But, they would most likely shrug their shoulders and say, ‘To each his own.’

About These Curses:

The first curse is for self-preservation of the physical kind, and the second example is for self-preservation of the spiritual kind. Health and safety are your birthrights. Happiness and joy is like having a delicious desert. If you use the Turkey Curse wisely, you will find that you are a safer and happier person.

Found at: Aunty Flo

Kuan Yin of beauty and of grace,
Protectress of the avian race,
Shield (name of pet) from all hurt and harm
And keep him/her always safe and warm.
Watch over (name of pet) from day to day
And guide him/her home if he/she should stray.
And grant him/her much happiness
And a good life free of strife and stress.

By Dorothy Morrison
Source: Wiccan Magick

Baast of beauty and of grace,
Protectress of the feline race,
Shield (name of pet) from all hurt and harm
And keep him/her always safe and warm.
Watch over (name of pet) from day to day
And guide him/her home if he/she should stray.
And grant him/her much happiness
And a good life free of strife and stress.

By Dorothy Morrison
Source: Wiccan Magick

Diana, Goddess of the Wild,
Keeper of dogs both fierce and mild,
Hold (name of pet) safely in Your arms
And protect this creature from all harm.
And should the day come that he/she roams
Guide him/her to the path back home.
Bless (name of pet) with a joyful life
Free of hardship, stress, and strife.

By Dorothy Morrison
Source: Wiccan Magick

We are all born with different degrees of psychic abilities but for whatever reason, we have learned to ignore it. Through the years, our God given intuition gets dull and muted. Our inner voice is silenced as we lose touch with our spiritual self.

Relying on our intuition can help us in our every day. By listening to our gut, we can make better decisions in our life because our intuition always points us in direction that helps us.

The good news is that we all have the ability to develop and sharpen our psychic abilities. By practicing every day, you can get back to your God given intuition and develop powerful psychic abilities.

What Is Intuition?

Ever have that “funny feeling” that something bad is going to happen or just “know” what someone is about to say. This is Intuition.

Intuition goes by many names; gut feeling, sixth sense, innate wisdom, inner sense, instinct, inner voice, or spiritual guide. Whatever you call it, it’s the driving force of your spirit and is always accessible to you.

Some believe that intuition is knowledge stored in your subconscious mind. Others believe it is the spirit world helping guide you through your life journey.

In order to access this amazing ability, you have to continually practice and develop it. Through daily practice, you can sharpen your senses and uncover abilities you never knew you had!

Different Psychic Abilities

There are five “clairs” that are simply an extension of our five senses. We are all unique and therefore use our intuition differently. Most of us have at least one of these powers. Which one do you have?

  • Clairvoyance

Also called Psychic Seeing, this is the ability to clearly see non-physical things like auras, energies, visions and spirits. A clairvoyant person will pick up a though and see it. This person has the ability to transform a thought into a vision or symbol in their mind’s eye.

  • Clairaudience

Also called Psychic Hearing, this is the ability to hear beyond the physical hearing; such as voices, music and sounds.

  • Clairsensitive

Clairsensitive means clear feeling or clear knowing. It is defined by having intuition or a gut feeling, but at a heightened level. A clairsentient person often has precognitive thoughts, dreams or hunches and is often described as an empath.

  • Clairaroma

This ability gives a person the ability to smell an odor or aroma when nothing is present in the physical world. People have reported smelling flowers, perfume or cigars shortly after a loved one dies.

  • Claigustus

Claigustus is a taste in the mouth one gets. For example, a person might get a citrus fruit taste in their mouth when thinking of a deceased relative or when they are getting a sign from the other side.

Sharpening Your Psychic Powers

Whenever you develop your own intuitive powers, you are opening yourself up to different energies; both higher and lower level energies. It is important to always protect yourself from negative energies. Before starting any ritual, light a Spiritual Protection Candle and imagine a bright light entering the top of head. Allow the light to flow down and fill your entire body all the way down to your toes. Continue this visualization while reciting the following:

The Light of God fills and surrounds me.
The Love of God enfolds me.
The Power of God Protects me.
May all messages be from the Light
for the purposes of Healing and Love.

Note, you can substitute “The God” or “The Goddess” for God in the above recitation.

Exercise #1

Ask someone to bring a small object to you, like a piece of jewelry. Don’t look at it. Close your eyes and take a few deep breathes while rubbing your hands together to get the energy moving. Have this person place the object in your hand and continue to relax. Focus on feeling the energy in this object and notice if you get any impressions on the owner of the object. Do you feel anything? Get any impressions? If not, don’t worry! It takes time to develop these senses so don’t give up!

If you do feel something, write it down. Don’t filter anything. Relay any thing you wrote down to the person who brought you the item and ask for feedback. The more you do this, the more validation you will receive.

To increase your psychic ability, add Yerba Santa Leaves and Uva Ursi Leaves to your baths. You can also mix Anise Seed with Camphor and burn to help make you more clairvoyant or to improve your psychic abilities.

Exercise #2

Ask a friend to hide the object that has a lot of energy in it, like a wedding ring or an article of clothing, in your house. Then try to connect with this energy and find where it is hidden.

Light our Intensity Psychic Talents Candle next to a glass of water. Read Psalm 78 and concentrate on your own God given psychic abilities. Also Vanilla Incense can also improve psychic powers.

Exercise #3

Close your eyes, breathe deeply, and make sure you are comfortable. When you feel centered and calm, imagine yourself projected into the next day. Think about what is happening, whom you are with and what others are wearing. When you feel like you have enough information, write down your predictions for tomorrow. Keep practicing and you’ll notice that your predictions get more and more accurate.

Use Meditation Oil, Ambergris Oil, Lemongrass Oil or Lucky Prophet Oil on your candles or on your body to help develop your psychic abilities.

Developing your intuition is vital if you choose to live a spiritually aware life. If you practice daily, you will be surprised on how psychic you truly are!

If you feel psychically blocked:

If you are not able to tap into your psychic energies, then chances are, you are allowing things to block them. There are tons of different things that can cause these energies to become blocked and several are much more common than you might think.

If these things are happening/present in your life then changing them might really make a difference. You are capable of so much more than you realize. Through overcoming these obstacles you will uncover so much more strength than you could have ever imagined.

7 Things That Are Likely Blocking Your Psychic Energies:

  • Allowing stress to build within your life.

If you refuse to face the stress before you it will only continue to build up. Once it reaches a certain point it will begin having serious negative effects on you. This can really squash a lot of your positive energies, not just the psychic ones.

  • Bottling your emotions inside.

Bottling your emotions inside will cause a lot more damage than you think. While you might forget things for a bit they will come out sooner or later. This causes your energy to change as time passes and brings the psychic energies within to a halt.

  • Surrounding yourself with negative people.

If you are allowing toxic people a place in your life you need to stop. Cutting ties with these toxic individuals will help bring back the flow of your psychic energies. While it might not sound like much, the more you’re around toxic people the more toxic you become as well.

  • Forgetting to ground yourself.

If you do not ground yourself properly you are putting yourself and your energies at risk. When we are not grounded others can and will drain us. When someone is draining you of your energy, you are left with nothing.

  • Ignoring your well being (not taking care of your body).

You must take care of your body. Your well being matters, if you are the kind of person that does not exercise or eat right you need to make some changes. Your body needs to be taken care of.

  • Not striving for mindfulness.

Mindfulness is something a lot of people forget about. If you are not mindful then you are most likely either stuck in the past or obsessing over the future. Neither of those things will promote the flow of psychic energies.

  • Being ‘too busy’ to get outside.

If you are not spending any time in nature that needs to change. The more time you spend in nature the more your energies will grow. being in nature is one of the most amazing ways to promote positive energies.


This elaborate ritual, intended to force an errant husband’s return, pretty much tells the universe that you’re as good as dead if he doesn’t come home.

Here’s how it works:

The deserted spouse lies on the floor, stretched out like a corpse, with funerary candles at her head and feet. Stay in that position until the candles have burned out.

This spell is from Latin America and has a Roman Catholic orientation. It is suggested that the Christian Creed be repeated while waiting for the candles to burn down. Supplement with petitions. Substitute other prayers, petitions, and visualizations as appropriate.

Pay attention to your words as the candles burn out. Whatever you’re saying when they are actually extinguished must be repeated three times, while pounding on the floor with both fists.

Immediately call the spouse’s name and demand that spiritual authorities force his return:

Soul of Tulimeca, you who are in Rome
I need you to send me (name) child of (name),
repentant of all the grief he has caused me.
Humbled and full of love for me.

This ordeal must be repeated for three consecutive nights.

From: Element Encyclopedia of 5000 Spells

A Norwegian or Swedish peasant when he wishes to become a werewolf, kneels by the side of a lycanthropous stream at midnight, having chosen a night when the moon is in the full, chants these words:

“Tis night! Tis night!
And the moon shines white over pine and snow capped hill.
The shadows stray through burn and brae
and dance in the sparkling rill.”
Tis night! Tis night!
And the devils light casts glimmering beams around.
The maras dance, the nisses prance
on the flower enameled ground.”
Tis night! Tis night!
And the the werewolf’s might makes man and nature shiver.
Yet its fierce grey head and stealthy tread are nought to thee,
oh river!
River, River, River
Oh water strong, that swirls along I prithee a werewolf make me.
Of all things dear, my soul, I swear,
In death shall not forsake thee.”

The supplicant then strikes the banks of the river three times with his forehead; then dips his head into the river thrice, at each dip gulping down a mouthful of the water.

Concludes ceremony, he has become a werewolf, and twenty-four hours later will undergo the first metamorphosis.

What is Lycanthropus water?

Lycanthropous water is said, by those who dwell near to it, to differ from other water in subtle details only, detail that would, in all probability, escape the notice of all who were not connoisseurs of the superphysical.

A strange, faint odor, comparable with nothing, distinguishes lycanthropous water; there is a lurid sparkle in it, strongly suggestive of some peculiar, individual life; the noise it makes, as it rushes along, so closely resembles the muttering and whispering of human voices as to be often mistaken for them; whilst at night it sometimes utters piercing screams, and howls, and groans in such a manner as to terrify all who pass near it.

Dogs and horses, in particular, are susceptible to its influence and they exhibit the greatest signs of terror of the mere sound of it.

From: The Werewolf Page


This spell is dangerous on many levels. First, it calls for the use of herbs that are poisonous, and possibly illegal. Secondly, it calls for applying those dangerous herbs to the body, and who knows what kind of a health issue that may cause. Thirdly, it calls for going out in the middle of the night, alone, when the moon is dark to what could easily be a dangerous place, populated by wild and not very friendly animals. Finally, evil spirits are in and of themselves dangerous.

The Spell:

There are conditions of mind essential to those who would successfully practice these rites. It is necessary that the person desirous of acquiring the property of lycanthropy should be in earnest and a believer in those super-physical powers whose favor he is about to ask.

Such an individual must betake himself to a spot remote from the haunts of men. The powers to be petitioned are not to be found promiscuously anywhere. They favor only such waste and solitary places as the deserts, woods, and mountain tops. The locality chosen, the candidate must next select a night when the moon is new and strong.

He must then choose a perfectly level piece of ground, and on it at midnight, he must mark, either with chalk or string, a circle of not less than seven feet in radius, and within this, and from the same center, another circle of three feet in radius.

Then in the center of this inner circle he must kindle a fire, and over the fire place an iron tripod containing an iron vessel of water. As soon as the water begins to boil the would be lycanthropist must throw into it handfuls of any three of the following substances:

  • Hemlock (2 – 3 ounces),
  • Henbane (1 to 1 1/2 ounces),
  • Saffron (3 ounces),
  • Poppy seed (any amount),
  • Aloe (3 crachms),
  • Opium (1/4 ounce),
  • Asafoetida (2 ounces),
  • Solanum (2 to 3 drachms),
  • Parsley (any amount.)

While repeating the following incantation:

“Spirits from the deep, who never sleep, be kind to me.
Spirits from the grave, without a soul to save , be kind to me.
Spirits of the trees, that grow upon the leas, be kind to me.
Spirits of the air, foul and black, not fair, be kind to me.
Spirits of the dead, that glide with noiseless tread, be kind to me
Spirits of heat and fire, destruction in your ire, be kind to me.
Spirits of cold and ice, phantoms of crime and vice, be kind to me.
Wolves, Vampires, Satyrs, Ghosts!
Elect of all the devilish hosts!
I pray you send hither, send hither, send hither
The great grey shape that makes men shiver!
Shiver, shiver, shiver!
Come, come, come!”

The supplicant then takes off his vest and shirt and smears his body with the magic salve. Then he binds round his loins a girdle made of wolf’s skin, and kneeling down within the circumference of the first circle, waits for the advent of the Unknown.

When the fire burns blue and quickly dies out. The Unknown is about to manifest itself; if it does not actually appear it will make its presence felt. The spirit advent may be; a deep unnatural silence immediately proceeding it sometimes, sometimes crashes and bangs, groaning and shrieking, herald its approach. When it remains invisible its presence is indicated and accompanied by a sensation of abnormal cold and the most acute terror. It is sometimes visible in the guise of a huntsman sometimes in the form of a monstrosity, partly man and partly beast, and sometimes it is ill defined and only partially materialized.

To what order of spirits it belongs is, of course purely a matter of conjecture. It is some malevolent, super-physical, creative power, such as, participated largely in the creation of theirs and other planets. It is not the Devil. It is difficult to say to what extent. The Unknown is believed to be powerful by those who approach it for the purpose of acquiring the gift of lycanthropy; it is not ascribed to be any supreme power, but is regarded as merely a local spirit, the spirit of some particular wilderness or forest.

From: Werwolves by Elliott O’Donnell


This spell is dangerous on many levels. First, it calls for the use of herbs that are poisonous, and possibly illegal. Secondly, evil spirits are in and of themselves dangerous and are usually better left alone.

The Spell:

Make a magic circle on the ground, at twelve o’clock, on a night on a night when the moon is full (one of about seven feet in diameter is most appropriate) in the center of the circle, a wood fire, heating thereon an iron vessel containing one pint of clear spring water, and any seven of the following substances:

  • Hemlock (2 – 3 ounces),
  • Henbane (1 to 1 1/2 ounces),
  • Saffron (3 ounces),
  • Poppy seed (any amount),
  • Aloe (3 crachms),
  • Opium (1/4 ounce),
  • Asafoetida (2 ounces),
  • Solanum (2 to 3 drachms),
  • Parsley (any amount.).

Whilst the mixture is heating, the experimenter prostrates himself in front of the fire and prays to the Great Spirit of the Unknown to confer on him the property of metamorphosing, nocturnally, into a werewolf. His prayers take no one particular form, but are quite extempore; though he usually adds to them some such recognized incantation as:

“Come, spirit so powerful! come, spirit so dread.
From the home of the werewolf, the home of the dead.
Come, Give me thy blessing! come, lend me thine ear!
Oh spirit of darkness! oh spirit so drear!
Come, mighty phantom! come, great Unknown!
Come from thy dwelling so gloomy and lone.
Come, I beseech thee; depart from thy lair.
And body and soul shall be thine, I declare.
Haste, Haste, Haste, horrid spirit, Haste!
Speed, Speed, Speed, scaring spirit, speed!
Fast, Fast, Fast, fateful spirit, fast!”

He then makes the following formal declaration:

“I (insert name) offer to thee, Great spirit of the Unknown, this night of (insert date) my body and soul, on condition that thou grantest me, from this night to the hour of my death, the power of metamorphosing, nocturnally, into a wolf. I beg, I pray, I implore thee-Thee, unparalleled Phantom of Darkness, to make me a werewolf, a werewolf”!

And striking the ground three times with his forehead, he gets up. As soon as the concoction in the vessel is boiling, he dips a cup into it, and sprinkles the contents on the ground, repeating the action until he has sprinkled the whole interior of the circle. Then he kneels on the ground close to the fire, and in a loud voice cries out:

“Come, oh Come!”

And, if he is fortunate, a phantom manifests itself over the fire. Sometimes the phantom is indefinite – a cylindrical, luminous, pillar-like thing, about seven feet in height, having no discernible features: sometimes it assumes a definite shape, and appears either as a monstrous hooded figure with a death’s hood, or as a sub-human, sub-animal type of elemental.

Whatever form the Unknown adopts, it is invariably terrifying. It never speaks, but indicates its assent by stretching out an arm, or what serves as an arm, and then disappears. It never remains visible for more than half a minute. As soon as it vanishes, the supplicant, who is always half mad with terror, springs from the ground and rushes home, or anywhere to get again within the reach of human beings.

By the morning, however, all his fears have departed; and at sunset he creeps off into the forest, or into some equally secluded spot, to experience, for the first time, the extraordinary sensations of metamorphosing into a wolf, or, perhaps, a semi-wolf, i.e., a creature half man and half wolf; for the degree of metamorphosis varies according to locality. Though it is at sunset that the change most usually takes place the transmutation back to man generally occurring at dawn.

From: Werwolves by Elliott O’Donnell

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We should educate people that ‘Witch’ is not evil but ancient and positive. The first time I called myself a ‘Witch’ was the most magical moment of my life.

~Margot Adler

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