
On the night of the full moon, go into your garden, pour a libation of fresh spring water, and say:

Plants of wonder plants of power
Increase in potency by minute and hour
I conjure you now, I charge you with strength
I give you life of infinite length
And boundless magical energy
As I will it, plants, charged you be.

Don’t forget to bless your garden spirits as well. Leave some fragrant herbs strewn in the garden, or string some silver bells, and say the following:

All members of the Sprite and Fey
I offer myself to you this day
For spiritual harvest and your work here below
So that I may flower and blossom and grow
And learn of myself and that up ahead
While working or playing or dreaming in bed
And in return, there is nothing I ask
But that within your magic spirit can bask

Author unknown

Spring is finally arriving, and there’s a different sort of feeling in the air. The frigid cold of winter has been replaced by the promise of new life and growth, and a spring full moon is a magical time. It’s a season that offers a chance at fertility and abundance, rebirth and regrowth. Whether you’re celebrating March’s Crow Moon, the Wind Moon of April, or May’s Flower Moon, the focus in Spring’s lunar cycles is that of the element Water.

Along with the sun, water helps bring life back to the earth. It is the source of much of our existence, and helps to cleanse and purify us. It can both destroy us and heal us. In ancient times, the well or spring was often seen as a sacred and holy place — a place in which we could truly bathe in the touch of the Divine. To celebrate the arrival of Spring’s full moons, we acknowledge and honor the many aspects of Water.

Here’s How:

For this ritual, you’ll want to go ahead and set up your altar in a manner appropriate to the season — spring flowers, fresh cuttings from the garden, packets of seeds. You’ll also need a small bowl of water and a large empty bowl. Ask each participant to bring a cup or jar of water of their own, representing a place that is special to them. Finally, you’ll need a freshly cut flower (if you can’t find one, or if your flowers haven’t bloomed yet, a sprig of grass or a clipping from a newly blossomed shrub is a perfectly good substitute).

Although this rite is designed for a small group, it can easily be adapted for a solitary practitioner, or a larger group. It is best performed at night after the moon has risen.

When the moon is up, everyone has gathered, and you have assembled your supplies, take a moment to get centered, and then hold the small bowl of water to the sky, facing the moon, and say:

The moon is high above us, giving us light in the dark.
She illuminates our world, our souls, our minds.
Like the ever-moving tides, she is constant yet changing.
She moves the water with her cycles, and it nourishes us
and brings us life.
With the divine energy of this sacred element,
we create this sacred space.

Dip the cut flower in the water and walk clockwise around everyone, making a wide circle, sprinkling water on the ground with the petals of the flower. Once the circle is created, return to the altar and say:

Spring is here, and the earth is bursting with new life.
Mornings begin bright and sunny, and afternoon gives way
to blustery showers of wind and rain.
We welcome the water when it comes,
because it nourishes that which has yet to bloom.
We welcome the water from all around,
from places far and near.

Take the large empty bowl, and walk around the circle. As you approach each participant, pause so that they can pour their water into the bowl. As they do, invite them to share where the water has come from, and why it is special. For example:

This water is from the ocean, from my last trip to the beach
This is water from the creek behind my grandmother’s farm

When everyone has poured their water into the bowl, use the cut flower once more, stirring and blending the water with the stem of the flower. As you mix the water together, say:

Listen to the water, coming together,
the voice of the moon from up above.
Listen to the voices, growing with power,
feel the energy and light and love.

Now the entire group joins in, chanting the words over and over as the water is stirred. Keep the chant going until you feel a change in the energy, or for at least 12 times.

When the water is fully charged, take the blended bowl of water, and invite each participant to step forward. As they do, anoints the individual’s forehead with the blended water by drawing the symbol of the triple moon:


May the light and wisdom of the moon
guide you through the coming cycle.

Once each person has been anointed, invite each person to refill their cup or jar with the blended water.

Take a few moments to meditate on the magical power of water. Think about how it flows and ebbs, changing all in its path. Water can destroy, and it can bring life. Consider how our bodies and spirits ebb with the tide, and how we connect to the cycles of water and of the moon.

Remind everyone that we are all traveling in the river of life itself, and while we may have different backgrounds and beliefs and goals and dreams, we are all seeking the divine in ourselves and in those around us. By embracing the power and energy of water, we are able to welcome a pool of sacred space — ever constant, yet ever changing.

When everyone is ready, end the ritual, and release the circle. A nice chant to sing at the ending of any ritual is this:

May the circle be open but unbroken
May the peace of the Goddess be ever in your heart.
Merry meet and merry part.
And merry meet again.


This is a very simple spell. You will need two candles, a white one for you and a blue one for friends and family. As the full moon is rising, light the candles and say:

“I light these candles for luck for me,
and for my friends and family,
So they will burn by day and night,
and bring us joy by their bright light.”

Allow the candles burn until they are done. If something happens and you must put them out, pinch each flame out and say the following:

Little flame wait for me
I’ll be back and bright you’ll be.

Don’t blow them out it will stop the spell. Be sure to relight the candles later when you can allow them to burn completely down.

Source unknown

The arrow was sacred to Artemis (Diana), and was considered to carry special powers and blessings. This is a very old spell, which incorporates symbols which are placed along the shaft of an arrow. Traditionally this was performed on the shore of a lake, or other calm body of water (such as a Bay). It was necessary to be able to see the “path of the Moon” in the water. This “path” is the reflection of the moon, stretched along the surface of the water.


For this spell you will need a bow and arrow. Take a new arrow and draw symbols of your wish/desire along its shaft. Meaningful words or phrases may also be added. On a night when the Moon is full, go to the shore, and face the water. Fix the arrow into your bow and gaze out upon the path of light (which leads to the Moon). Draw your arrow back, and speak the following words of enchantment:

“Where path of Light,
to Moon I see,
the powers of the Queen shall be!
Shaft of wood,
as shaft of light,
earth to moon,
does now give flight!”

Release the arrow. The arrow can either be shot out into the path on the water, or upward towards the Moon.

Source: White Magic

You will need a cup, bowl, or chalice of silver. Glass is the best substitute. On the night of a full moon, set the chalice outside or in a window to absorb the moon’s lunar rays and energy. Leave it there for a few hours before the ritual.

Place the chalice with water in it, in your non-dominant hand and place your other hand over the top of it. To empower the water, say:

“By the silver light of Lady Moon,
By my hand and will so sure,
By all that is Blessed, true and strong,
I bid you, Cleanse me Pure.”

Now, take a moon bath.

For a longer ritual, you might want to first anoint yourself with the blessed water.

Anoint your feet:

“Silver Mother of the Night,
Bless my feet that they may always walk securely
Upon your sacred path.”

Anoint the forehead:

“Mother of all Life,
Be in my spirit, my magick, and my visualizations.
Fill me with your creative energy,
And cleanse me from thoughts unworthy of your child.”

For the moon bath, say:

“By the Silver light of Lady Moon,
By my hand and will so sure,
By all that is Blessed, true and strong,
I bid you, Cleanse me Pure.
May both my hands the good works do,
My feet walk firm the path,
My head and heart stay free from harm,
As I take this sacred bath.”

Now is the time to meditate on your goals. Allow the water to drain before you leave the bath. As it is draining, imagine all the negativity being sucked away.

“I am free from all unworthy influences,
Fit to meet, greet, and be the Goddess.
As I was in the beginning of time,
I am now, and will always be.
So mote it be!”

Found at: Witchy Women

The Moon’s energy is most intense when she reaches abundant fullness. Any magical effort, especially difficult ones, can benefit greatly from the potency of this phase. Use the full Moon to amplify magical intent and to give spellworkings additional power. To seal spells performed during the full Moon, use one of these chants or choose one of your own.

From Everyday Magic:

Abundant Mother, Moon so bright
Hear my plea upon this night.
Your fertile power lend this spell
Make it potent, strong, and well

From Rhiannon’s Book of Spells:

Hear me, O Goddess of the moon,
Hear me, and grant me success
In the ways of Magick.
Send to my spell
Thy powers of enchantment.
Assist me in all my endeavors.
Hear me, for I am a child of the moon,
Grant me the ancient power.
For thou art the Great Goddess,
Mistress of Magick, I worship thee!


Even if you live in a part of the world where the Moon’s shadow doesn’t fall during this eclipse, you can still work magic for new opportunities and to bring change into your life. Light a white candle for the Sun god and a black one for the Moon goddess. Then repeat the verse:

As the Sun god and Moon goddess embrace today,
May new opportunities start to come my way,
During this eclipse, the Moon’s shadow is cast on the Earth,
Ushering in a time of balance, magic, and re-birth.

Allow the spell candles to burn out in a safe place.

By: Ellen Dugan


A solar eclipse occurs as the Sun casts the Moon’s shadow across the Earth. It unites the powers of Sun and Moon, light and darkness, logic and intuition. It is “a day without a night, a night without a day,” magically suspended from normal routines: a cosmic exception that proves the rule of Sun and Moon.

An eclipse is a perfect time for changing patterns. Use its power to break curses, bad habits, and so forth. Choose a small item representing what you want to dispel.

At the time of the eclipse, take the item far from your home. Hold it and concentrate on all that binds and limits you, symbolized by this object. Then say:

Eclipse, break
through the past
Smashing all
that held me fast.
Shadow come,
shadow go,
Take this nasty
thing I throw.

Throw the item as far away from you as possible. Quickly bury it where it falls, then say:

Hide it far, far away
Lost between the night and day.
Leave it there, let it be,
Never more to
trouble me!

Cover the site with fallen leaves or grass to obscure it. Then walk away without looking back.

– By: Elizabeth Barrette


Items needed:

  • Ink pen
  • Piece of paper
  • Three bay leaves

When the Moon is New, write your wish out on a piece of paper. Fold the paper into thirds and place the 3 bay leaves inside, visualizing your wish coming true. Now fold the paper into thirds once again and hide it away in a dark place. Keep visualizing your wish coming true as you do this.

Once the wish is granted, the paper (with the bay leaves inside) should be burned as a thank you. Never tell anyone your wish, as telling will negate the magick.

From: Blessed Be Me

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We should educate people that ‘Witch’ is not evil but ancient and positive. The first time I called myself a ‘Witch’ was the most magical moment of my life.

~Margot Adler

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