
This is a spell to be done on the night of a full moon:


In a moment,
hold out your hands in front of you,
as though you were holding
a sphere
the size of a small melon.

Imagine that you are holding the moon.
The full moon.. is in your hands.. and you are holding it.
you can see it..
bright and shining in your hands
just like it is bright and shining in the sky.

Into this sphere,
I want you to pour all your troubles,
all your cares,
all your worries
and all those things that swirl around in the back of our minds
and make our thinking unclear
and our motivation murky.

Let them all pour into this amazing container –
thoughts, pictures, feelings, people, bills, the past, the future,
all of it.
It’s quick once it gets going.

When you have poured in all your current cares,
take the sphere in both hands,
lift it up high over your head and throw it behind you.
back up into the sky.

each day as the moon wanes..
your troubles are waning along with it..

Take a deep breath
and enjoy.

Source: Unknown

A total lunar eclipse took place on December 20/21, 2010. Called the Christmas lunar eclipse, it was visible after midnight Eastern Standard Time on December 21 in North and South America. This was a very rare event, and the following spell was very powerful at that particular time. This does not mean that this spell could not be used, with a few minor variations, during any lunar eclipse coming up in the future.


This combines the power of the full and new moon all at once. Any spell performed this night needs to be done carefully as you will be invoking the Triple Goddess in each of her forms. That it falls on Yule brings into play the birth of the Unconquered Sun, and invokes the full power of the God as well. Total lunar eclipses always involve the full moon, and as such, are the time of perfect union between the sun and the moon. Spells for fertility, new ventures, success, love, and miracles are greatly enhanced when worked during the eclipse.

Consider carefully what you wish and write it out before hand. I would strongly suggest writing your ritual on parchment in sacred ink using a “pen of art” or a sacred writing utensil. Remember, use only consecrated tools as this is a time not only of the full moon, but of the new.

Once you have your spell written (mine will be for happiness and wealth never being detrimental, but only to their and my benefit) and your candles ready (for happiness I have chosen yellow and pink. For wealth, I have chosen forest green and blue) and your altar set up, relax, and take a nice long bath in something heavy with Jasmine.

Drink a cup of Jasmine tea if possible. I can get dried Jasmine flowers from a local herb shop and so include them in my bath and on my altar. My altar for the full/new moon is dedicated to the Morrigan and Brigid, two Goddess whom I never choose.

Cast the circle and once cast, light the non-ritual candles. Meditate gently and allow your mind to go blank then focus on your spell. Now, light the candles related to your spell, using whatever chants you have chosen. Take the scroll of paper you wrote the spell on and pass it over each element. See the energy of that element weaving it’s own magic into the spell on the paper. Wave the parchment over each of the spell candles.

If you can, light the spell from each of the spell candles and allow it to burn in a safe place, visualizing the energies trapped in the paper of the spell being released to do their purpose. Allow the candles and all ritual items to burn themselves out. Do not reuse any candles, incense, salt or herbs that were used in this ceremony. Take all ashes, salt and whatever else “disposable” you used and wrap in a piece of cotton or silk. Treat this as you would the ashes of a sacred fire, using them to bless an area or keeping them as a talisman.

-Sources Phoenix Ravenmoon and Wicca Spells


Take an old Christmas Tree ornament and remove the metal hanger top. Most of these ornaments are mass produced with cheap paint on the outside that soaks off in warm water, overnight( they are usually a silver color underneath) or use a silver colored ball.

Next, rinse out the ball with a salt water solution. Now, get yourself a spool of red thread and some patchouli oil. Cut the thread in 3″ strands.

Carefully insert the strands through the opening of the ball. Continue inserting strands until the ball is nearly full. Put in 3 or 4 drops of the patchouli oil and replace the metal hanger cap. Now hang the ball in your room, preferably as close to the door as possible. As you hang the ball, say:

“Symbol of the Moon,
Symbol of the Lady Divine,
Reject all negativity,
Defend this room,
me and mine.”

Source: Unknown


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~Margot Adler

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