
This year (2018) is particularly unique in that January and March both contain two full moons while February has no full moon. This means that there are two Blue Moons.

The Blue Moon is an especially magickal time, think of it as a lunar bonus round, a chance to ask for special “once in a blue moon” favors, or to work with “once in a lifetime” spells.

Here are the 2018 dates:

  • Jan 31
  • March 31

The 2018 January Blue Moon is also a Supermoon, and a total Lunar Eclipse so this will be an especially powerful time for magickal workings.

Here’s a great spell to utilize the magical properties of the Blue Moon. You will need the following:

  • A square of blue cloth or sturdy blue christmas wrapping paper. Ideally, the cloth or paper will have moons and stars printed on it, alternatively you can decorate it yourself with glitter glue, stickers, etc.
  • 13 safety pins.
  • Paper and a pen.
  • Length of gold cord or ribbon.
  • Bottle of Champagne, a glass, and a corkscrew.

Get centered, and sit down with your pen and paper and make a list of all the things you would want but which seem impossible. This includes anything that you find yourself repeatedly asking for. Think of “once in a lifetime,” or “once in a blue moon,” or “that couldn’t possibly happen to me,” things. The longer the list is, the better.

Now, look at each thing on your list and really think about it. Is this something you really want? If it showed up at your front door tomorrow morning would you really accept it? Are you sure this is for you? Cross off any items that you can’t say YES to with enthusiasm.

Pick your top thirteen “geez I wish I could have that” items from your list. Cut your paper into thirteen moon shapes and write one wish on each one. Write it in a positive, affirmative way, such as: “I win millions of dollars in the lottery.” or “I get an all expenses paid month long vacation in Fiji with the person I love.”

Open up the square of cloth or paper, and pin the 13 wishes to it with safety pins. (The safety pins insure safety and security for you as your wishes unfold.). Now fold the cloth into a neat little bundle and tie it with the gold ribbon or cord.

Take the champagne, the glass, corkscrew, and your bundle outside under the full moon. Hold the bundle up and say the following:

Please grant me these wishes
With harm to none
And bring me a life filled
With love and with fun.

I give you permission
on this special night
To unbind whatever
I may have closed tight
to slip past the blocks
to move through whatever might
stop you from granting
these wishes tonight.

By the grace of the Goddess
By the grace of the God
As I say
It is done
So mote it be.

Now, uncork the champagne, and pour it into the glass. Hold up the glass of champagne and make a toast (say a heartfelt blessing) to the moon, and pour a small amount on the ground. Then make a toast to the Goddess and the God (a blessing and a thank-you), and pour a small amount on the ground. Then toast to yourself (something loving and kind), and drink the rest of the champagne in the glass.

Put the bundle in a place where things get worked on regularly, such as desk drawer, office cabinet, or tool box. On New Year’s Eve of the following year, make a list of all the wonderful and amazing things that happened since this spell, then toss the bundle (unopened) into a fire with thanks and gratitude.

~Madame Fortuna

To ensure safety before taking a long trip, get out a map of the area through which you are going to be traveling. Cast a circle, and then, using a green pen, trace the route you’re going to take. After you have done so, take a piece of white chalk and lightly color over the entire itinerary with a thin layer, visualizing the white chalk as a glowing light of protection along the route and say:

“Guard and Guide our trip, and all who venture on this road.
See us safely to our destination, see us safely home.
Blessed be.”

Visualize your self arriving safely. Fold the map, with the crystals inside, and tie it with a white ribbon. Keep it in your alter or in a safe place until you return.

Note: For this spell you will need an actual paper map. If you don’t have one on hand, you can download maps of just about anywhere from On The World Map.

Variations: I think this spell could be very useful if a person wanted to map out their route to success in any endeavor. It would require some creativity and some thought, and might be fun, useful, and interesting.

Source: Blessed Be Me

A Particular Performance by Which it is Caused that a Person will Always Obtain Right Before a Court of Justice.

Take the herb called suntull (skunk cabbage) gathered during the month of August, while the sun stands in the sign of the lion, wrap a little thereof in a bay leaf, add a dandelion to it, carry this talisman on your person, and you will have the best of everybody, and receive the greatest advantage from it.

From: Encyclopaedia of Superstitions, Folklore and The Occult Sciences

Take a horse shoe and put it around a red candle. Put the candle in a darkened room in the middle of a table. Write what it is you want on a piece of paper with a quill pen dipped in black ink.

Chant the following as you write:

What I want I write here
Please take my dream and bring it near
What I want Is What I should get
Let all my dreams Now be met

Now take the paper and fold it in a square of four creases. Hold it over the candle with a pair of tweezers and let it burn. Picture yourself with your wish fulfilled as you burn the paper send waves of love at the image you conjure of your self.

Source unknown

Here’s a magickal Feng Shui exercise designed to bring helpful people into your life. First you must determine where the Helpful People and Travel area is located in your home. Each room has it’s own Helpful People and Travel area as well, so if you need to limit this to one room, that will be fine too. Just treat the door to the room as the front entrance. Here’s a diagram:

First clear the area of clutter, and clean it. Once that is complete, you can further clear the energy by burning sage, or using an essential oil such as lavender to purify the space.

Now, set up three silver containers for three different tasks of attracting helpful people:

  1. One small silver box with a lid (real silver, silver-plated, or even a paper box painted silver).
  2. One silver envelope large enough to hold documents (can be painted, covered with a silver wrapping paper, or even made of aluminum foil).
  3. One larger container, like a large vase, paper grocery bag, purse, or box (spray-paint it silver if you like, or cover it with silver fabric, sequins, beads, etc…)

The small silver box is used for events that need help now (3 days to 3 weeks). Those little jewelry boxes with red velvet inside work great, as the red is an activating color. This box can hold up to three requests at any one time.

The silver envelope is used for things that last months (scripts, contracts, invitations). Remove the item when you’ve been adequately helped.

The large container is for things that stay around for a LONG time (your doctor, your business clients, your family). You can place the name of everyone you meet in this container if you wish. Because this container is for the long term, I would recommend that you invest time and/or money to make it beautiful.


On paper, write the names of people or projects you need help with, phrased in a positive way. For example:

  • The insurance adjuster is helpful to me.
  • I always have help when I need it.
  • Thanks to my helpful doctor, I am now completely healthy and pain free.
  • I have plenty of good help with my remodeling project.
  • My neighbors are helpful and kind.

From Move Your Stuff, Change Your Life
by Karen Rauch Carter

Here is a great idea for spell work involving beans. You will need three dried beans large enough to write on, and a fine point indelible marker. Write directly on each bean what it is that you want to grow, cultivate, and harvest in your life. This could be money, love, soul mate, happiness, peace, joy, confidence, etc. Each bean can have the same word (symbols are also fine) or you can write three different words on the same subject.

  • For example: money, $$$ (dollar signs), paychecks.

Now plant the beans in a pot filled with good soil. Make sure your magical beans receive lots of tender loving care, along with proper amounts of sunshine and water. Each day, as you take care of them, think about what you might also do to nurture and take care of whatever it is that you would like to create in your life.

For example, if you are growing magical beans to bring a lover into your life – it might be a good idea to lovingly prepare the bedroom. If you are working to bring happiness, think about small things that you could actually do that might put a smile on your face. As you care for your beans, ideas will come to you – act on them.

When your plants are sturdy, strong and have outgrown their pot, transfer them to a larger container, or transplant them outside where they can reach their full potential.

Very Important:

Don’t get discouraged if your bean plants don’t thrive. Simply do a little research as to what might have gone wrong, and try again. Eventually they will grow and thrive, as will you!


This post was written by Shirley Twofeathers, you may repost and share it only if you give me credit and a link back to The Book of Shadows. Blessed be.

Creative visualization is a powerful magickal tool. Here’s a nice technique for using creative visualization when working magick.

When you want to magically achieve something, first picture it clearly in your mind. The more definite and specific your idea of what it is the better. Picture yourself having it or doing it. Visualize it as vividly and as intensely as you can and hold it in your thoughts for a few moments. Concentrate on it intensely (it may help to hold your breath). Feel the energy of desire welling up inside you.

Then suddenly feel the image or desire released from your mind. Feel the energy filtering through the image and intensifying it, as if the image is a ‘stencil’. Imagine the energy exploding out from you into the macrocosm in all directions at once, and feel the universe ’tilt’ as it reacts to the force. (At the same time it may help to release your breath suddenly). Feel the energy draining from you.

Finally, believe that your purpose has been accomplished; that it HAS HAPPENED, perhaps saying something such as “so mote it be”, or “it is done”. And then, forget about it. You must let go of it in order for it to come to fruition.

By Phil Hansford

Items Needed:

  • Purple (votive) candle
  • Pen and paper
  • Vegetable oil
  • Fireproof dish
  • Cayenne pepper

Inscribe the candle with your name, then draw the infinity symbol (a horizontal figure 8), both above and below your name. Anoint the candle with vegetable oil and roll it in cayenne pepper. (If you hold the candle by the wick, you can avoid getting oil and cayenne pepper all over your fingers.)

Write a brief description of the situation on the paper and place it under the candle holder. Light the candle and say:

Wax and herb, now bring me power
That grows with every passing hour.
Bring control back unto me.
As I will, so mote it be!

 Let the candle completely burn down, then burn the paper in the fireproof dish. Flush the ashes down the toilet, or bury them under a tree.

Here is a great spell to get energy moving and good things happening in any area of your life that feels “stuck”.

You will need:

  • Soft butter (margarine will do, but real butter is better)
  • Powdered ginger
  • Nutmeg
  • Sugar
  • A bowl you often use when cooking
  • Wooden spoon
  • Paper
  • Red pen, pencil, or marker

Take some time to think about what it is that feels stuck in your life. Do some journaling if it is helpful. This is a very powerful spell, and it is important to be really clear about what it is that you really want.

Now, write a sentence that defines what you want the “stuck” area of your life to be like. For example, if you feel that your are stuck in a bad relationship, your sentence might read. “I am enjoying a loving, committed, and healthy relationship with a really nice person.”

Using the soft butter and your finger, write your sentence on the inside of the bowl. The butter will smooth the way, so be liberal.

Now, on separate and small pieces of paper write down all the attributes, qualities, possibilites, and potentialities associated with your goal. They might look like this: “I am happy.” “My relationship is solid.” “I have a great relationship.” “Love is in my life.” “I am loved.” “My lover is kind.” “We have a healthy relationship.” “My lover respects me.”

Write these smaller affirmations in as many different ways as possible. Be specific, be creative, be inventive. Put them into the bowl. No need to fold them up, but you can if you want to.

When you have all of your affirmations written and added to the bowl, add a pinch of ginger, a generous dash of nutmeg, and a teaspoon of sugar.

Now take your wooden spoon and mix it up. As you mix, say the following spell three times:

Ice into water
The winds bring change
Wood becomes fire
Nothing stays the same

All is well
All is well
All is well

Every day for 7 days, mix up your affirmations and repeat the spell. At the end of 7 days, burn the affirmations in a fire. As you do this, say thank you to the invisible world for the changes that have already begun.

This spell courtesy of Madam Fortuna

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If you would like some advice about what sort of magick is needed, simply enter a short explanation of your situation. Our resident witch will be happy to assist. Good Luck!!

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We should educate people that ‘Witch’ is not evil but ancient and positive. The first time I called myself a ‘Witch’ was the most magical moment of my life.

~Margot Adler

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