If you are trapped in a situation with another person and wish to sever the relationship with a minimum amount of hassle, wait until the dark moon. You will need:

  • A black candle
  • A fireproof bowl
  • A pair of scissors
  • A pencil or pen
  • Two small pieces of paper
  • String or thread

Light the black candle. Write your name on a small piece of paper and the other person’s name on the other piece. Tie the two papers together with a length of string or thread.

Lay the papers on your altar with the edges touching each other. Visualize things as they are now between the two of you. Slowly move the papers apart as far as the string will go. Visualize a peaceful separation with the two of you turning your backs and walking away. Now cut the string in the middle with the Scissors. Say:

I am free.
You are free.
We go our separate ways in peace.

Take the paper with the other person’s name on it, light it in the candle flame, and drop it in the bowl to burn up. Dispose of the ashes when they are cool.

From: Moon Magick

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